Tuesday, 2016-04-19

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jrollanush: I probably won't make compute standup tomorrow, my update: working on ironic gate problems, trying to prep all the etherpads and specs for design summit02:28
* jroll is pretty sure that's who I wanted to ping, apologies if it's not, I still haven't locked in names in my head yet02:28
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anushThanks for the update jroll12:59
jrollmorning \o13:00
anushGood morning13:01
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toangood morning13:47
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mmotianiGood Morning \o/14:25
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ankur-gupta-f1o/ \o14:30
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siva_krishnan_Good morning!14:45
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spotzmorning all15:09
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sigmavirus24morning spotz15:32
spotzmorning sigmavirus2415:33
sarafrajkencjohnston: Are we going to have any osic meetup during the summit?15:33
ankur-gupta-f1sarafraj: Kegger at your place right?15:36
sarafrajankur-gupta-f1: lol, We can do that on Friday15:37
ankur-gupta-f1sarafraj: as an Austin native. Recommended restaurants to hit?15:38
sarafrajTry trudy's mexican martini, hopdoddy burger and home slice pizza on congress15:43
sarafrajbbq joints on east 6th are awesome15:44
ankur-gupta-f1sarafraj: Cool. Hopdoddy is 100% worth the 45 minute wait standing in line. Need to try Trudys and home slice15:46
hockeynutankur-gupta-f1 I am the only one who does not like Hopdoddy15:47
ankur-gupta-f1hockeynut: why not?15:47
hockeynutStubbs is fun for BBQ15:47
ankur-gupta-f1Stubbs as in Stubbs BBQ sauce?15:47
hockeynutnot sure - I love burgers, been there three times and each time I was underwhelmed15:47
hockeynutyes same stubbs15:47
hockeynutif anyone has a free morning, go wait on line at Franklins BBQ :-)15:48
ankur-gupta-f1hockeynut: Yea is wasn't the best burger, I guess my inner pseudo-intellectual hipster side enjoyed it15:48
hockeynutTHAT is worth the wait15:48
hockeynutGuerro's taco bar (across street from home slice) is also awesome15:49
hockeynutTorchy's Tacos is HIGHLY recommended as well15:49
hockeynutdamn, y'all are making me hungry15:49
hockeynutankur-gupta-f1 is that "F1" for Formula 1?15:50
sarafrajankur-gupta-f1: If you like donuts try gourdough's15:50
ankur-gupta-f1hockeynut: its supposed to be "ankur-gupta-f" but the 1 is added cuz of a client running at home15:50
hockeynut:-(  I like my version better.  I'm a HUGE F1 fan15:51
jrollmmmmmmmmmmm torchy's.15:51
sarafrajtry queso @ torchy's.15:51
dasmhockeynut: probably ankur-gupta-f1's 'f1' is from hex. and means his age15:51
hockeynutyes Gourdoughs is fantastic.  Bring extra lipitor15:51
sarafrajI am hungry now15:51
ankur-gupta-f1getting a food coma just thinking bout all the food im gonna eat15:52
hockeynutwhere is everyone coming from?15:52
ankur-gupta-f1A whole bunch from Santonio, Portland & Santa Clara15:53
sarafrajkimchi fries @ chilantro15:53
ankur-gupta-f1Yes ^^15:53
ankur-gupta-f1also best name15:53
sarafrajman there is so much stuff in austin, you probably need another week15:54
stevellejust to stand in lines15:54
ankur-gupta-f1sarafraj: couple of us are arriving this saturday. then leaving the following Sunday15:54
sarafrajankur-gupta-f1: way to go15:56
spotzhockeynut: I'm now a Black's disciple16:05
hockeynutspotz I agree - they're awesome16:05
david-lyleis there an external link for the token tech talk?16:06
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manjeetsis there any config type option for keystone where you can say use v2 instead of v3 ?16:13
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david-lylemanjeets: config option is what?16:15
ediardoI can't join the room16:19
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ediardoor better, i don't how to16:19
turveyyeah, neither can Ron or I.  Seems like we need a link that hasn't been provided16:20
ediardoOR an account, I don't think we can get one for free, can we?16:21
turveyNo. From what I understood, accounts are for rackspace employees only.16:22
turveyvidyo is a tool internally developed by Rackspace16:22
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spotzI looked only the room owner can make the guest link:(16:28
rosmaitaspotz: what room?16:29
spotzthe tech talk room16:30
rosmaitaok, can't help you there ... sorry16:30
clacotry this:  https://vc.rackspace.com/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=ecIs80AqqiHqqHNOjwz5lta7IA16:30
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spotzclato you're the man seeing folks login:)16:31
spotzclaco too:)16:31
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clacoand it's over16:32
stevelleI can't actually hear with the echo in that room16:34
stevelleI sent a nice email asking for a direct line-in from the mic though. Maybe someday16:35
hockeynutthanks dolphm and lbragstad!16:36
spotzyeah dolphm and lbragstad!!!16:36
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ediardohey, where's the factory? never been there!16:37
clacoknow where the event center is/16:38
clacobehind that16:38
clacowhere the food trucks/garage doors are16:38
ediardoclaco: thanks, I woul've gone , netxt time16:39
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dolphmhockeynut: spotz: /salute18:06
lbragstadhockeynut spotz thanks!18:06
dolphmstevelle: hmm, audio was no good?18:07
hockeynutbut I still think Fernet is a kind of rodent18:07
stevelledolphm: it was terrible room acoustics . We need a mic line-in .18:07
dolphmstevelle: that *should* be possible ... wonder why they don't have that setup18:07
stevelledolphm: as I said, I sent a kind ask18:07
dolphmstevelle: especially because the mic base is right next to the presenter's laptop that's doing the screen sharing18:08
spotzdolphm they just started doing the vidyo they may not have had any feedback until now18:08
dolphmstevelle: CC me if you get a response?18:08
dolphmspotz: ++18:08
stevelledolphm: will do18:08
dolphmstevelle: i assume you emailed chuck or lisa?18:08
spotzdolphm I usually go down but vidyo'd in this time18:08
stevelleLisa, yes18:09
hockeynutthere was chatter in the vidyo about the audio - Chuck, I believe, is working on it18:09
stevellesounds like we might have it covered then18:10
thrawn01I've talked with chuck about it before, there are some... issues.18:11
thrawn01I don't think most ppl know chuck does this all by himself. no budget, just him and his spare time organizing and putting this togeather.18:13
stevellesadly, I didn't know that.18:13
thrawn01he brings in his own camera and equipment to do the vdyo and recording and uploading18:14
thrawn01perhaps we should start a go fund me for tech talk tuesdays18:14
thrawn01I'll ask him about it18:14
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hemanthmsneti-, pumaranikar, aunnam, macsz: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30797818:34
spotzthrawn01: I think it would be nice18:37
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* hockeynut has to make a run to Dr to get a rubber band re-installed in my kid's mouth19:32
* hockeynut is getting really sick of driving Round Rock <-> Lakeway19:33
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lbragstadnavidp ping21:51
lbragstadnavidp do you use Twitter?21:51
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sigmavirus24lbragstad: wait people still use twitter?22:01
JayFlots of people use twitter22:02
sigmavirus24I find that unbelievable ;)22:02
JayFat least until they flip the "show my timeline always in chronological order" setting again, lol22:02
lbragstadsigmavirus24 Twitter is pretty much the official communication tool of the OpenStack summits22:02
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navidplbragstad, no22:04
navidplbragstad, why?22:04
lbragstadnavidp if you end up signing up - let me know what your username is22:04
lbragstadnavidp it's usually the way we end up communicating at the summit22:05
navidplbragstad, i will sign up today and send you my username, thanks22:06
lbragstadnavidp thanks22:06
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* JayF is jayofdoom on twitter <-- personal, not Rackspace, so if you follow you'll get at least as much hockey as tech, lol22:07
lbragstadJayF who are you rooting for?22:11
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lbragstadrderose o/ keep me posted when you get signed up for Twitter22:12
JayFWell, I'm the unicorn of hockey fans; born and raised in NC and started liking hockey when the Hurricanes came to town22:12
JayFbut nowadays I'm in SF, and have been following the sharks for the last 4 years and will likely continue when I move22:12
JayF(at least, until/unless Seattle gets an NHL expansion team)22:12
* JayF is at game 4 in SJ tomrorow night22:13
lbragstadJayF well the sharks are up in their series22:15
JayFAbsolutely, if they had won last night game 4 would've been a potential decider22:15
* JayF was so groggy in the OSIC standup this morning because hockey games that end at 10:30pm in OT + 7:45am meetings don't mix very well22:15
lbragstadJayF that's the sacrifice we have to make during the playoffs22:16
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JayFI would've been there last night but my wife is a teacher and she "needs to sleep" to "teach the kids", yada yada yada :P22:17
lbragstadJayF I thought the Kings were seated #1 but I was getting confused with the Ducks22:17
JayFKings/Sharks are the 2/3 in the pacific22:17
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JayFif nashville can beat anaheim (2-0 right nnow) and the sharks win, that means sharks would have home ice for round 222:18
lbragstadthat's turning out to be a good match up22:18
lbragstadJayF the predators/ducks series is blowing my mind right now22:18
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JayFI mean, all the games in round 1 this year are pretty compelling. North Stars vs Dallas Stars, Kings/Sharks, Blues/Hawks both longtime playoff rivalries.... really the only duds were PHI/WSH and NSH/ANA ... but Nashville is making a series of it which is very nice :)22:19
lbragstadlol North Stars, I wish22:19
lbragstadas long as the Blues keep winning - I'll be happy22:21
JayFah, you're in STL?22:22
lbragstadI'm only a stand-in Blues fan because I can't stand the chicago22:22
lbragstadJayF nope.. I'm in San Antonio but I migrated from Minnesota22:22
JayFlol, one of my close buddies is a Hawks fan, and spams FB about them all the time. So now my wife is anti-hawks just so he'll be shut up for the season, lol22:22
lbragstadmy hockey coach played for the Minnesota North Stars 88 - 90.22:23
lbragstadJayF hah - that's awesome22:23
JayFThat's perfect timing for you to be one of the original mighty ducks22:23
JayFdo I need to get your autograph at the summit? :P22:23
lbragstadJayF I know right22:23
lbragstadha - I didn't make it past high school ;)22:23
lbragstadJayF I couldn't believe the game minnesota had last night22:26
JayFI didn't watch anything but sharks last night22:27
lbragstadJayF first 5 minutes and minnesota was down 2 - 022:28
lbragstadcame back to win 5 - 322:28
lbragstad4 unanswered goals22:28
lbragstadcould have gone worse - that's for sure22:29
lbragstadDallas was playing solid the first two games22:30
lbragstadi wonder who hockeynut is pushing for?22:31
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rderoselbragstad will do, just going to set it up now :)22:59
hockeynuthockeynut is a Sabres fan but also works as an off-ice official for the AHL so he does work with the Texas and Dallas Stars.  Since my Sabres are bystanders this post-season I shall be rooting for Dallas23:02
JayFah congrats on making the AHL playoffs then23:02
JayFif both Texas and SJ advance, I think they'd play in the 2nd round23:02
hockeynutcould be interesting23:03
JayFnot that the barracuda are good enough to matter23:03
JayFand I'm a little sore over them taking a damn corporate logo as their crest :(23:03
hockeynutat least there is a team there.  Too many cities lost theirs23:04
JayFI mean, SJ is being greedy from that perspective. NHL/AHL in the same arena.23:04
hockeynutnot many do that23:05
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hockeynut(wondering if any do)23:05
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rderoselbragstad: @derosenet23:07
rderosedolphm: ^23:08
* hockeynut hears the dinner bell and rushes away faster than Hillary to a cash donation23:08
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JayFhockeynut: other cities with both NHL/AHL... chicago, toronto ... both have ahl teams playing in the other arena23:20
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lbragstadhockeynut JayF well - I hate to say it but if minnesota is eliminated first round then I too will be rooting for Dallas23:27
lbragstadrderose thanks!23:27
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JayFlbragstad: FLA is totally my adopted team this year. If Sharks can't go, I'd love to see Jagr win again, and I have a soft spot for non-traditional hockey markets23:28
rderoselbragstad: np, looking forward to hanging out at the summit :)23:28
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lbragstadJayF yeah - that would be cool, I'm not much of a washington fan so that would be fun to see23:30
lbragstadrderose ++23:30
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