Tuesday, 2016-04-12

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dasmjroll: good morning13:07
dasmand morning to everyone13:07
jrollhiya dasm :)13:07
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pumaranikargood morning13:28
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kencjohnstonmorning pumaranikar!14:04
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pumaranikarhello, kencjohnston :)14:06
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spotzmorning all14:25
dasmspotz: hey. you're in castle?14:26
spotzdasm yep, need something?14:26
dasmspotz: no. planning to grab couple plants for you. if you wanna14:26
spotzdasm sure that's be great:)14:27
dasm(i'm still in home because of team meeting)14:27
dasmspotz: ++14:27
spotzdasm oh and we've got 55 RSVPs so far for the session14:27
dasmspotz: oh man. you're scarying me.14:27
dasmit's a lot of people14:27
spotzdasm we've got I think 8 people who said they'd help14:28
dasmmhm. not bad14:28
spotzAnd I'm gonna reach out to folks and see if anyone needs help setting up ahead of time14:28
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castulogood morning. Question, when creating a new channel in IRC, let’s say osic-qa, what is the appropriate naming for it? #osic-qa or ##osic-qa?14:39
castuloI’ve seen channels using single and double ##, and I can’t find enough info to decide what is the most appropriate.14:39
dasmcastulo: there is already ##osic-qa14:40
dasmdouble means private14:40
macszi am getting kicked from vidyo as i join, what might be an issue? after few seconds after joining there is a pop up with "call ended"14:43
castulodasm: yes, one of the guys on the team created it, but we are deciding if we should abandon it and move to #osic-qa or stay in ##osic-qa14:46
macszno vidyo client for windows phones :(14:47
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dasmcastulo: ok, gotcha14:48
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sigmavirus24castulo: so, on Freenode the naming convention is this:15:11
sigmavirus24#(official) ##(non-official)15:12
sigmavirus24So technically #openstack-* is an official (and operated by) OpenStack Foundation channel15:12
sigmavirus24That means all sorts of things apply to it (logging, Code of Conduct, etc.)15:12
sigmavirus24#osic is something Intel and Rackspace probably sort of co-own so as long as it's an official osic effort, #osic-qa is probably fine. But really it doesn't matter15:13
sigmavirus24For example, the PyCQA is the only of it's name, but because it's not a PSF effort, we use ##python-code-quality15:13
sigmavirus24#python* are associated with and managed by the PSF15:13
dasmsigmavirus24: soo... does it mean (because *we're* osic) we should have #osic-qa or ##osic-qa (because it's not operated by openstack foundation)??15:16
sigmavirus24dasm: OSF doesn't own/manage OSIC15:16
sigmavirus24So do whatever you want15:16
sigmavirus24But Freenode's policy is single # is for "Official" things while ## is for semi-official things15:16
dasmsigmavirus24: yeah, probably. but you know: https://memegenerator.net/instance/5790691015:17
castulosigmavirus24: thanks. So I guess we get to decide then if we want to use #osic-qa or ##osic-qa :P15:21
JayFI mean, if *we* are forming an osic channel, #osic-qa makes sense15:21
JayFif you were making a channel about delicious lunches, it would be ##cheeseburgers (because there is no official cheeseburger, and if there is; we aren't it)15:21
sigmavirus24JayF: right, we can pick whatever15:21
sigmavirus24JayF: I resemble that comment15:21
dasmSocial Club for Lunch attendees15:23
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anushgood morning from sunny arizona15:48
clacocc me into the original thread and I will reply15:48
clacoalways w/ the wrong channel15:49
anushlol claco15:49
* jroll cc's claco into a random flamewar15:49
clacooh I have plenty of other of those15:49
anushjroll and JayF good to see you guys in compute standup15:50
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jrollone more can't hurt15:50
jrollanush: :)15:50
clacomoar standups!15:50
anushI need to understand ironic at some point.. may be when you guys are back from summit15:50
anushday in the life of a OSIC programmer15:51
JayFI mean, I just think of it this way:15:51
JayFNova talks to a xenapi to spin up xen vms (for instance)15:51
JayFironic just goes in place of xenapi to spin up bare metal machines15:51
JayFnow how it does that behind the curtain is a little more to grab on to, but if you understand the other moving parts getting the basics of ironic isn't too bad15:52
anushthanks for the 1 minute primer JayF15:52
jrollbehind the scenes isn't terribly complex either: pxe boot a thing that can provision an operating system, do that, then boot to said operating system15:56
jrollwith a million options and configs to tweak that process because openstack15:56
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anushthanks jroll clear as mud16:11
anushjk :-)16:12
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dasmspotz: where can i find you in castle? i have "stuff" with me16:43
spotzdasm You know the crystal printer?16:44
dasmspotz: i think i know where it is16:44
spotzit's the little hall near your seat dasm, go through there and look for the blue flag that says Conch Republic16:45
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anushhello MikeA2116:54
MikeA21MikeA21 has entered IRC...  finally16:54
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dasmMikeA21: I know what MikeA means. But what's with "21"?16:55
dasm21 is number of failed attempts?16:55
mwturveyHe can buy beer16:56
dasmmwturvey: so.. it's the age.. mhm16:56
MikeA21my favorite bday...  and yeah it took that many tries16:57
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jrollMikeA21: welcome to the party \o/17:00
kencjohnstonwelcome MikeA21!17:00
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hockeynutwoot woot! MikeA2117:12
hockeynutFYI: ##osic-qa is going away EOD today, replaced by #osic-qa17:13
MikeA21thanks for the welcome :)17:13
kencjohnstonhockeynut what is the difference between #osic-qa and #openstack-qa?17:17
hockeynutosic version discusses issues that are unique to osic qa team and not applicable to the larger qa community17:17
kencjohnstonhockeynut OK, just wondering if in the spirit of transparency we should either have the convo in openstack-qa or osic since both are recorded.17:18
hockeynutno reason we can't record osic-qa as well.  I don't want to clog up the general qa channel with items that most folks won't care about.17:19
kencjohnstonI'm not sure each team should have their own unlogged osic-XXX channel17:19
kencjohnstoncan you just clog this channel?17:19
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hockeynutI suppose we could.  I've been known to clog a few things now and then :-o17:20
JayFI mean, I'm very OK with QA chat being in this channel as well17:21
JayFit's been mostly quiet in here generally, and chat enduces chat17:21
hockeynutI'm good with just using #osic for all of the qa things.  Anyone think that's a BAD idea?17:23
ankur-gupta-fman the office is so much fun with no manager around all week17:24
kencjohnstonankur-gupta-f is that a reference to MikeA21? You'll notice he's on IRC now...17:26
ankur-gupta-fHas anyone looked at/into Tesora?17:27
kencjohnstonankur-gupta-f you mean Trove? :)17:28
ankur-gupta-fI got an email today from some guy trying to find an Intel contact to talk/show off Tesora. I guess they want to stay away from the tarnished Trove name.17:29
ankur-gupta-fkencjohnston: ^^17:29
kencjohnstonankur-gupta-f gotcha. What I know of Tesora is that their main product/service is a managed database as a service offering based on Trove.17:32
ankur-gupta-fsounds about right. from what I have dug into. I forwarded the mail onwards and upwards.17:33
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ediardoankur-gupta-f: I have several emails from these guys, even a voicemail!!19:41
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kencjohnstonpdardeau you joining the swift meeting?21:05
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