Friday, 2016-03-18

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kencjohnstongood morning14:47
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* sigmavirus24 has access to none of these boards kencjohnston15:02
kencjohnstonjohnthetubaguy is better15:02
kencjohnstonsigmavirus24 adding you15:02
snetikencjohnston, same with me..I don't have access to the cards15:04
kencjohnstonsneti what is your email?15:04
sigmavirus24Thanks kencjohnston15:04
sigmavirus24Thanks kencjohnston15:05
sarafrajkencjohnston: sarafraj.singh@intel.com15:05
kencjohnstonsneti you should be good to go15:05
pumaranikarkencjohnston, I also don't have access to cards15:06
snetikencjohnston, thank it15:06
kencjohnstonsarafraj you should be good to go15:06
kencjohnstonpumaranikar can you msg me your email?15:06
pumaranikarkencjohnston, pushkar.umaranikar@intel.com15:07
sarafrajkencjohnston: Thx15:07
kencjohnstonpumaranikar - you should be good now15:07
hemanthmkencjohnston: can you add me to the OSIC-compute board?15:09
kencjohnstonhemanthm done15:09
hemanthmkencjohnston: thanks!15:09
pumaranikarkencjohnston, thanks15:10
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jrollski1: /b 3715:14
kencjohnstonUser Story for Feature Classification -
kencjohnstonoops, not that one :)15:30
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stevellekencjohnston: : would you mind adding me to the docs and compute boards please?16:24
* kencjohnston goes to the boards16:24
kencjohnstonstevelle you were already on the Docs board16:25
kencjohnstonadded you to the compute one16:25
kencjohnstonHere is the docs/qa/security board -
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sigmavirus24kencjohnston: as an OpenStack Security Group core reviewer, could you add me to the security board too, please/16:49
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dolphm_botdstanek, sonus: Keystone standup!17:00
dolphm_botWhat are you working on today, and what do you need help with?17:00
dstaneki'm working on some Keystone/QA stuff to help move some of our testing initiatives forard17:03
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dolphm_botThank you, dstanek!17:15
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johnthetubaguytoan: rosmaita: I got this approved for newton now, so folks need to update patches for that:
kencjohnstonjohnthetubaguy thanks, I just updated the User Story with that link as well17:44
johnthetubaguykencjohnston: what the link to that story again?17:49
* kencjohnston searches17:49
johnthetubaguycool, thanks17:50
kencjohnstonsigmavirus24  - I added you as a reviewer on the centralized config user story17:50
kencjohnstonthe "official" PWG process is that after the story is merged I propose that we as a team submit it as a cross project spec.17:50
johnthetubaguykencjohnston: you say "generate one standard set of configuration defaults" what does that mean?17:51
kencjohnstonjohnthetubaguy I amended another part of the story to be less "single file" specific17:51
kencjohnstonoh wait, sorry remembering context17:51
kencjohnstonone part of the story is that the configs should be in a central location17:52
kencjohnstonanother part is that there should be a way to autogenerate a workable set of defaults17:52
johnthetubaguykencjohnston: yeah, I am a bit confused by that17:53
kencjohnstonsigmavirus24 So let me see if I can get it merged early next week.17:53
kencjohnstonjohnthetubaguy comments on the review? What am I missing?17:53
johnthetubaguykencjohnston: yeah, I will add some17:54
johnthetubaguykencjohnston: so by default, all options generally have a default17:54
kencjohnstonright, but I thought I heard the auto-generated files aren't super simple/usable17:55
johnthetubaguykencjohnston: I guess what we want is the min set of things you need to change to make stuff work, like you need to specify your keystone URL17:55
johnthetubaguykencjohnston: so this is the nova one for master that gets generated on each commit (its *big*)
kencjohnstonjohnthetubaguy can we move this convo to the #openstack-product channel since it is about a review in that repo?17:58
johnthetubaguykencjohnston: yeah, I should join that channel17:58
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kencjohnstonosic'ers - Is there a shortcut git command for grabbing the latest patch on an open review?18:14
kencjohnstonSomethign that replaces - git fetch ssh:// refs/changes/06/291406/3 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD18:14
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sigmavirus24kencjohnston: will review18:34
kencjohnstonsigmavirus24 cool I'm writing you an email on the process right now, expect it soon18:34
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sigmavirus24kencjohnston: as for your question, if you have git-review installed, just doing `git review -d <change-id>` works18:36
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kencjohnstonsigmavirus24 perfect, thanks18:36
kencjohnstonso I use dolphm's git ready tool. And my workflow is then now - git ready; git review -d XXXX; make changes; git add .; git commit -a --amend; git review; git ready ... ?18:41
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toanjohnthetubaguy: thanks!18:51
toankencjohnston: you're missing one step: git down-and-dirty18:52
kencjohnstontoan ha!18:52
kencjohnstonit's an assumed command :)18:53
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* sigmavirus24 has never seen dolphm's git-ready19:05
* sigmavirus24 looks it up19:05
kencjohnstonsigmavirus24 -
sigmavirus24kencjohnston: thanks :)19:19
stevellethis git ready thing...19:21
stevellefeels funny, but I guess that means I should play with it19:22
kencjohnstonstevelle everything I learned about openstack workflow I learned from dolphm19:23
kencjohnstonbut then again I don't write code, just RST files.19:23
andymccrkencjohnston: we work on text files too... ansible is just a bunch of text files (or so the sales pitch went)19:24
kencjohnstonandymccr well the workflow I described above works pretty well for me.19:25
andymccrlooks good to me :)19:26
stevellemy only hesitation is having not looked at it, I use branches as named shortcuts to get to my reviews easily since I might have several unrelated reviews in flight at a time and may need to switch between them quickly. git review -d xxxx means looking up the xxxx and I'm lazy19:26
stevellebut I'm comfortable with avoiding the gold plating and other risks mentioned19:26
andymccrthis is true, branches can help esp if youre working on multiple19:26
stevellewhich are real19:27
kencjohnstonstevelle almost like you need a command that lists the commit message on your active reviews ....19:27
kencjohnstonhaving learned all of this from dolphm I was never accustomed to the gold plating pit falls he mentioned.19:28
stevellein my case git branch shows my my active reviews, but I have to expend effort in cleaning up when things merge19:29
kencjohnstonis there a git-review command to get a list of currently active reviews?19:29
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kencjohnstonI don't interact with gerrit in any way other than the webui19:30
stevelleI only use gerrit web for that19:30
stevelleoverall my system is more work than your workflow I suspect19:31
kencjohnstonright, you have made me realize that I do a lot of going to to remember what my review numbers are19:32
sigmavirus24stevelle: I think gertty + git-review could do a lot of heavy lifting for you19:34
sigmavirus24because gertty will checkout reviews locally for you19:34
sigmavirus24so you could have it check out your review locally so you can update it with git-review19:34
stevellelikely, but I had a bad time the first time I tried out gertty and never looked back19:35
sigmavirus24then you're done. and can update to head of master19:35
* sigmavirus24 needs to make the color pallette work now that they're configurable19:35
sigmavirus24also dashboards19:35
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* sigmavirus24 is used to gertty at this point and kind of likes it better than gerritweb19:35
stevellewell, new gerrit ui is less helpful but I haven't taken any time to revise my flow b/c of it19:36
kencjohnstonsigmavirus24 link for gerrty info?19:37
stevelleI'd make you sit and help me get started with gertty again, but it will have to wait for time/space19:37
kencjohnstonnm found it
sigmavirus24kencjohnston: that's the one19:42
sigmavirus24kencjohnston: dunno how much you like the terminal/command-line though19:42
kencjohnstonI mean I don't love it, but it is already part of my workflow19:43
jthornekencjohnston: one of us, one of us19:44
kencjohnstonjthorne :)19:44
jthornei miss karma bots19:45
jthornewe had one at Red Hat. it was glorious19:45
jthornei think perl had negative one million or something19:45
sigmavirus24jthorne: have you tried out perl 6 1.0?19:46
jthornenah. i think i've written one or two scripts my entire life in perl19:46
sigmavirus24kencjohnston: I'm reading some of the user stories19:50
sigmavirus24I have a question19:50
kencjohnstonsigmavirus24 sure, should we move to #openstack-product ?19:51
sigmavirus24Good call, didn't know that existed19:51
jthornekencjohnston: what's the link to those user stories?19:52
* kencjohnston finds the review links19:53
jthornethey might be useful for the "OSIC Exposed" document19:53
kencjohnstonthese two are under review and are high priority roadmap items19:53
jthornethanks. i thought they were something else19:54
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kencjohnstonjthorne ah, you were thinking stories of cluster "testers" or "participants"?20:05
kencjohnstonwe don't have any of those documented yet20:05
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