Tuesday, 2017-05-02

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openstackgerritfeng.shengqin proposed openstack/zun master: Add the docs for API Microversion  https://review.openstack.org/46085701:45
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hongbinkevinz: there?02:49
kevinzhongbin: Yeah02:49
kevinzhongbin: Good evening02:49
hongbinkevinz: good work for the streaming patch02:50
kevinzhongbin: My pleasure02:50
hongbinkevinz: it is working, although i am picky about the low level code02:50
hongbinkevinz: just wonder where you code the code in that file?02:50
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kevinzhongbin: Haha, I see your comments02:51
hongbinkevinz: copy the code02:51
kevinzhongbin: I've copyed from a project02:51
hongbinkevinz: i see02:52
kevinzwait a minutes, I will find for you02:52
hongbinkevinz: i just wonder why you are not considering websockify at the beginning, is there any difficulties of using that library?02:53
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kevinzhongbin: Yeah, websocketify is proxy from websocket to tcp port02:54
hongbinkevinz: it cannnot proxy to http?02:55
kevinzhongbin: And our case is proxy from websocket to websocket. so I drop it.02:55
kevinzhongbin: not very sure about that, I think I can investigate more about this.02:55
hongbinkevinz: i think docker attach supports http as an alternative of websocket?02:55
kevinzhongbin: If websocketify work, that will be easy02:56
hongbinkevinz: i see02:56
hongbinkevinz: the websocket endpoint of docker is: /containers/(id or name)/attach/ws02:57
hongbinkevinz: the http one is: POST /containers/(id or name)/attach02:57
kevinzhongbin: Cool, I will give a try02:58
hongbinkevinz: i am thinking a proxy from websocket to http , if using websockify02:58
hongbinkevinz: ok, thx02:58
kevinzhongbin: welcome :-)02:59
hongbinkevinz: btw, i am open to ws to ws proxy if there is a library for that02:59
hongbinall, team meeting is live at #openstack-meeting03:00
* hongbin go to #openstack-meeting channel03:00
kevinzhongbin: OK, I see03:00
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openstackgerritfeng.shengqin proposed openstack/zun master: Add tests for api microversion  https://review.openstack.org/46166007:34
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openstackgerritmiaohb proposed openstack/python-zunclient master: Revert file mode from 0755 to 0644  https://review.openstack.org/46167708:40
openstackgerritmiaohb proposed openstack/zun master: Revert file mode from 0755 to 0644  https://review.openstack.org/46168108:53
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openstackgerritShunli Zhou proposed openstack/zun master: Add CPUFilter for filter scheduler  https://review.openstack.org/46168809:10
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openstackgerritfeng.shengqin proposed openstack/zun master: image_search just finds images from docker hub  https://review.openstack.org/46175912:12
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openstackgerritHongbin Lu proposed openstack/zun master: [NOT_FOR_REVIEW] test gate  https://review.openstack.org/46186117:57
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lakerzhouHongbin, I deleted .tox directory, then rerun tox again, the import error is gone.20:05
hongbinlakerzhou: i see20:15
hongbinlakerzhou: an alternative approach will be tox -e XXX --recreate20:15
hongbinit will re-install all the dependency in tox environment20:15
lakerzhouHongbin, I have another question. I am testing my code after rebased to the latest. My previous passed test is failing now. Basically, I save a docker image to glance, and then create a new container using the glance image.20:18
lakerzhouHongbin, I saw the following logs20:19
hongbinlakerzhou: sorry 1 minute20:19
lakerzhouhonggin, Creating container with image 6f2ef9e9-865b-4c5c-9d32-751cbe846b31 name cirrosnimg20:19
lakerzhouhongbin, Error occurred while calling Docker create API: Docker internal error: 404 Client Error: Not Found ("No such image: 6f2ef9e9-865b-4c5c-9d32-751cbe846b31:latest").20:19
lakerzhouHongbin, do you have any hint for debugging the error?20:21
hongbinlakerzhou: how about searching the image by hand20:26
hongbinlakerzhou: i.e.  docker images 6f2ef9e9-865b-4c5c-9d32-751cbe846b31:latest20:26
lakerzhouhongbin, docker images show neither cirrosnimg:latest, or 6f2ef9e9-865b-4c5c-9d32-751cbe846b3120:27
hongbinlakerzhou: then, i am not sure20:28
hongbinlakerzhou: i need to check the code to figure out what is going on20:28
hongbinlakerzhou: maybe the question is why the image is not there if it is always snapshot20:29
hongbinlakerzhou: if you run docker commit by hand, does the image there?20:29
lakerzhouhongbin, is there a way to test any other glance images? "Container Commit" is done successfully. I am trying to pull the image from glance and confirm it is good.20:31
hongbinlakerzhou: there is a command to pull the image from glance20:32
hongbinlakerzhou: let me find it20:32
lakerzhouhongbin, for example, how to generate a docker format cirros image? I plan to upload it to glance, then do the same test20:32
hongbindocker pull busybox20:33
hongbindocker save busybox | openstack image create busybox --public --container-format docker --disk-format raw20:33
hongbinthis is an example to upload the image to glance20:33
lakerzhouhongbin, thanks, let me try20:33
hongbinfor downloading, I tried: glance image-download 72051dca-ec7d-445b-8d3e-a595735428d2 --file busybox.tar20:38
hongbinglance image-download 72051dca-ec7d-445b-8d3e-a595735428d2 --file busybox.tar20:38
hongbindocker load -i busybox.tar20:38
hongbinit will load the tarball20:38
lakerzhouI am using this command to create zun container 'zun create --name busyboximg --image-driver glance 53523200-884c-4033-90ff-86073cce9599'20:39
lakerzhouhongbin, where 53523200-884c-4033-90ff-86073cce9599 is the busybox image ID20:40
hongbinlakerzhou: i remembered it doesn't support id20:41
hongbinlakerzhou: i guess the command will fail?20:41
lakerzhouhongbin, I got the same 404 docker client error20:41
hongbinlakerzhou: if you pull the glance image name, it will work?20:42
lakerzhouhongbin, no, it doesn't work. I got glance error: ERROR: Image busyboximg could not be found20:43
hongbinlakerzhou: if you run glance image-list, do you see the image?20:44
lakerzhouHongbin, sure, that is how I got the image ID20:44
hongbinlakerzhou: ok, let me try it in my machinae20:45
lakerzhouHongbin, thanks for helps. I am also trying the instructions to manually download glance image to docker20:46
hongbinlakerzhou: this is the commands i tried20:48
hongbindocker pull busybox20:48
hongbindocker save busybox | openstack image create busybox --container-format docker --disk-format raw20:48
hongbinzun create --name busyboximg --image-driver glance busybox20:48
hongbinzun create --name busybox --image-driver glance f62529f0-77eb-4bcf-a8ba-29a41285d19320:49
hongbincreate from either image id or name is fine for me20:49
lakerzhouhongbin, manually pull the glance images to docker work for me. So I confirmed the glance image generated by "zun commit" is good. I guess my current environment causes some issues.20:54
hongbinlakerzhou: ok20:54
lakerzhouhongbin, thanks again for the help!20:54
hongbinlakerzhou: np, do you figure it out?20:54
lakerzhouhongbin, it is my glance issue. I cannot do glance image-show <name>20:55
hongbinlakerzhou: ok20:56
lakerzhouhongbin, glance image-show "id" works fine20:56
hongbinlakerzhou: yes, glance doesn't support show image by name20:57
hongbinlakerzhou: it is the same in my side20:57
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openstackgerritHongbin Lu proposed openstack/zun master: [NOT_FOR_REVIEW] test gate  https://review.openstack.org/46186121:26
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