Saturday, 2015-10-17

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/zaqar: Make websocket run in correct logging mode
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flwangvkmc: ping00:34
vkmcflwang, pong00:34
flwangsorry, I missed your email on 14 Oct00:35
flwangmy thounderbird is very slow00:36
flwangwould you mind summarizing it at here? :)00:36
vkmcsure thing00:37
vkmcso, the javascript client in the Horizon side is working as expected00:37
vkmcat least, it receives messages from the queue00:38
vkmcthe response to auth and subscription create at least00:38
vkmcin the Ceilometer side is like wise00:38
vkmcthe publisher starts, recovers all the events and sends them to the queue00:38
vkmcnow, when the messages reach horizon queue00:38
vkmcfor some reason Zaqar doesn't notify Horizon00:39
vkmcI'm suspecting of the subscription being created several times00:39
flwangit doesn't make sense00:39
vkmcI dunno how to show you... I could share my screen but its not a good idea if you have a slow connection00:40
flwangdid you debug it?00:40
vkmcyeah I was trying to00:40
vkmcI tried to create a subscription with another client (just curling to the api)00:40
flwangi think the key part is you need to make sure there is/are subscriptions for the queue00:40
vkmcbut I'm hitting errors that I believe are because I'm using it wrongly00:41
flwangand make sure when there is a msg posted to the queue, is called to check the subscriptions and iterate the loop00:41
flwangwhat's the errors?00:41
vkmc404 :|00:42
vkmcare the subscriptions linked to the pools or something like that?00:42
vkmcbecause I deactivated the pools00:43
vkmccurl -i -X GET http://localhost:8888/v2/subscription -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" <- is this ok to list the existing subscriptions?00:43
flwangnot subscription00:43
* vkmc tries again00:44
flwangvkmc: any luck?00:51
vkmcdevstack running00:52
vkmcvkmc@trusty:~$ curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN"00:58
vkmcHTTP/1.1 404 Not Found00:58
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vkmcand that is the uwsgi log01:00
flwangit's not correct01:01
vkmcnow... when subscription_create is issued in the javascript01:01
flwangthe url should be /v2/queues/{queue_name}/subscriptions01:01
vkmcit works01:02
vkmclet me try that01:02
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vkmcvkmc@trusty:~$ curl -i -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN"01:02
vkmcHTTP/1.1 200 OK01:02
vkmccontent-length: 10101:02
vkmccontent-type: application/json; charset=utf-801:02
flwangi'm going to have breakfast, leave msg at here01:03
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flwangany findings?01:20
vkmcso... authenticated, subscription created01:24
vkmclaunching and instance to see where it stops01:25
flwangcool, you can add break points at and webhook.py01:25
vkmcI just got a bunch of notifications01:28
vkmcmaybe my environment had something weird going on at the moment01:28
vkmcnow I have pooling enabled again01:28
flwangso it works?01:28
vkmcnot really01:33
vkmcI just suspended the instance and that happened01:34
vkmcI keep testing :)01:42
flwangyou said you can see notifications, at that moment, you didn't enable pooling, right?01:43
flwangand then you tried to enable pooling to see if the notifications works or not, is it?01:44
vkmc(more on the same
flwangeach time when your restart the horizon page, current demo code will create a new subscription01:48
vkmcI thought that might affect01:48
vkmcI was right?01:48
flwangand the 'subscriber' is using the protocol id01:48
flwangthat means01:48
flwangwhen you refresh the page, the old connection is gone01:49
flwangthat's why you are seeing the 'Connection aborted' in webhook's log01:49
vkmcso we should check if the subscription exist01:50
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flwangnot really01:50
flwangbased on current design of notification websocket01:50
flwangthe subscriber for each connection is different01:51
vkmcI see01:51
flwangso it's hard to verify if the subscription is existing01:51
vkmcI remember we discussed about this some time ago01:51
flwangit shouldn't impact the demo01:51
flwanglet me repeat the work flow to see if we missed anything01:52
flwang1. create a queue, like 'horizon'01:52
flwang2. open the instances page of horizon, which will create subscrption for the 'horizon' queue01:52
flwangat this moment, do not refresh the page01:53
flwangcheck if the subscription has been created successfully01:53
flwang3. suspend an instance01:53
flwang4. the publisher for zaqar should be able receive the msg and 'forward' it to the 'horizon' queue01:54
flwang5. zaqar gets the msg of suspend and trigger the notification01:54
vkmcyeah, the problem is that horizon forces a refresh when you perform an action01:55
flwang6. the javascript of horizon will be notified by the websocket01:55
flwangdo that with cli?01:55
vkmcI wonder if we could stop horizon to refresh01:55
vkmcbut that requires a lot more knowledge about it01:56
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flwangwhat do you mean 'more knowledge'?01:56
flwangjust run 'nova suspend <id>'01:57
flwangpls keep there is only one instance to make it easy01:57
vkmcoh I meant that if we wanted to change the refresh rate for Horizon we would need to know Horizon better01:59
vkmclet me try what happens if I perform a nova suspend01:59
vkmcok the token expired and spoiled me the test heh02:02
vkmcbut seems to work02:02
* vkmc updates the token02:02
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flwangvkmc: hmm... did you remove/comment the line 'horizon.table.update()'?02:06
vkmcI did yes02:06
flwangif so, horizon shouldn't refresh it automatically i think02:07
vkmchmm, that just affects the table02:07
vkmcI just ran the cli command with the token updated02:08
vkmcand it does the same02:08
flwangcan zaqar get the msg?02:09
flwangcan you see the subscription?02:09
vkmcso I should be able to remove the subscription02:10
vkmcand create a new one02:10
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flwangi would suggest to add a breakpoint/log when creating the subscription via websocket to know the subscriber/proto id02:13
flwangso that you can check if the subscription is created successfully or not02:14
vkmcso I added a breakpoint in the websocket side02:15
vkmcsorry, javascript side02:15
vkmcso it shows me when the subscription is created02:15
flwangthere are 2 checkpoints: 1. if zaqar get the message from ceilometer publisher  2. if the subscription is created with correct subscriber02:16
flwangif both checkpoints passed, the javascript of horizon should be able be notified02:16
vkmcthis is the request/response when the page is refreshed02:16
vkmcI don't see a proto id though02:18
vkmcit would be very useful to have this running on a public cloud so you can log in there :@02:19
flwangcan you see the subscription?02:21
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flwangthe proto id is the end string of subscriber02:21
vkmcseveral subscriptions02:23
flwangd25d636b-c004-47c0-b6b7-dc287895cc90 is the proto id02:26
flwangnow when you post a message to the queue, can you see the notification on the horizon javascript side?02:27
flwangor can zaqar get the message and trigger the notification?02:27
flwangno matter if it's a nova suspend msg02:29
flwangyou can add an alert() on the javascript side, so that you can see the msg when horizon get it02:30
vkmcyeah, until that point we are good02:30
vkmcmaybe I have to test things in a clean env02:31
vkmcright now its failing to get the subscription controller02:31
vkmcbbl, very late dinner02:31
vkmcI have some ideas to try later02:31
vkmcthanks for shed some light on the issue :D02:32
flwangvkmc: my pleasure02:32
flwangi can give it a try if you can let me know where is your code02:33
Eva-iHello. I noticed there was almost no activity in chat during previous weekend. Most of you rest from zaqar at weekends, right?02:36
flwangEva-i: yep? :)02:45
flwangEva-i: anything i can help?02:45
Eva-iflwang: yes02:47
flwangEva-i: do you have any question?02:50
Eva-iflwang: I had, but I just figured it out now02:51
flwangEva-i: cool02:51
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