Wednesday, 2015-09-23

flwanganyway, it's still under thinking. and I'm putting the horizon demo on my top priority00:00
flwangdid you sync with cpallares?00:04
vkmccouldn't catch her00:05
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vkmcwe should certainly talk more about scaling in the design session00:05
flwanggood you know you're interested in this topic00:05
flwangit would be nice if you can investigate it a bit either, and then we can sync to brainstorm a demo/topic, anything00:06
flwangand get some feedbacks from flaper87, therve, ryansb00:07
vkmcwill do!00:08
flwangi did some work several months ago about auto scaling, but recently i haven't touched it yet00:08
flwangvkmc: awesome00:08
vkmcis flaper87 going to chair the next weekly meetings? dunno if you chatted with him about it00:08
vkmcso we can start organizing ourselves for the design sessions00:08
flwangyou will be awarded a big chocolate00:09
* vkmc likes00:09
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flwangvkmc: it's a good question, i haven't talk him about this00:09
flwangi think i should host the meeting since next week00:10
vkmcyeah I think so too00:10
vkmcbut Monday was at 15UTC00:10
vkmcpretty late for you00:10
flwanganyhow, design session will be the main topic for that00:10
vkmcso I guess we should alternate chairs as well00:10
flwangnext week should be UTC 21:00, no?00:10
flwangvkmc: oh, yep, flaper87 mentioned that with me, he will help host the 15 UTC00:11
flwangi'm sorry for that, but pls blame the timezone :)00:11
vkmcso I'll take the ones at 21UTC until you come back00:11
vkmcits understandable :)00:12
vkmcwe all missed meetings this first mitaka week00:12
flwangvkmc: oh, yep, flaper87 had some issues to deal with00:12
flwangso he missed that one00:13
flwangbrb, lunch00:17
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flaper87flwang: vkmc hey :)06:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-zaqarclient: Fix functional test of get_many_messages
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flwang1therve: ping09:17
therveflwang1, yop09:18
flwang1therve: may i ask some questions about the websocket example?09:18
flwang1therve: when i run the html file on my local with firefox , i got an error like this "Cross-Origin  Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote  resource at This can be fixed by  moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS."09:19
flwang1so i changed the datatype with jsonp09:20
therveyou need to disable the security check09:21
flwang1does jsonp work?09:21
flwang1i asked because after use jsonp, seems the issue has gone, but i always get 401 for the auth09:21
therveI don't know what that is09:22
flwang1therve: never mind, what's the correct way to disable the sec check?09:23
therveI don't know in firefox, but there is a config in chrome09:23
flwang1therve: cool, i can use chrome either09:23
flwang1therve: i would like to document it in the example as a comment :)09:24
flwang1just tried, seems it doesn't work for me :(09:28
thervemaybe it's not the trick I used09:33
therveotherwise use a reverse proxy...09:33
flwang1therve: no worries, i just workaround it :)09:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/zaqar: Updated from global requirements
flwang1therve: i just copied the token from command line to skip the communication to keystone09:37
therveThat works too09:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack/zaqar: Open Mitaka development
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed openstack/zaqar: Switch to oslo_cache
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flwang1therve: another question about the websocket example
flwang1is that line trying to create a subscription for the queue?10:49
flwang1if so, where is the 'subsciber'?10:50
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flwang1flaper87: ping10:55
mdnadeem_qiming:vkmc: Hi Dear, I am too facing the problem with zaqar cli as reported in
openstackLaunchpad bug 1439568 in zaqar "instructions on README.rst are not working" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Qiming Teng (tengqim)11:04
mdnadeem_Please let me know if i can contribute to solve this bug: in any way11:05
openstackLaunchpad bug 1439568 in zaqar "instructions on README.rst are not working" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Qiming Teng (tengqim)11:05
mdnadeem_Dear Team : Please response for the same ^^11:06
flwang1mdnadeem_: the reasonable way is talking with current owner to make sure if he/she is still working on that11:10
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exploreshaifaliflaper87, vkmc ryansb please can you help me in adding deprecation messages for command line commands11:19
therveflwang1, It's created by the websocket driver11:20
flaper87sup' folks?11:20
flaper87I'm happy to say that Mitaka is now open for Zaqar11:20
flaper87specs and new features can be discussed and worked on11:20
therveflwang1, See
flwang1flaper87: i noticed the flavor of cli doesn't work since the name conflicts11:21
flwang1and i'm talking with openstack client guys11:21
flaper87flwang1: cool11:21
flaper87As I said the other day, I think everything should be under `openstack messaging`11:21
flwang1flaper87: i'm good11:22
flaper87That would follow with the Service Catalogue guidelines11:22
flwang1flaper87: cool11:22
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flwang1therve: sorry, i didn't follow. the patch hasn't been merged, but this has been already there
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therveflwang1, Yeah11:28
thervemaster doesn't support subscriptions11:29
exploreshaifaliflwang1, I need pointers to add deprecation messages for cli, as now we decided to have all cli with "openstack messaging"11:30
exploreshaifalican you help in it?11:30
flwang1therve: so did you mean the subscribe in the example file doesn't really work, right?11:30
exploreshaifalitherve, can you help in ^^11:30
therveflwang1, Not in master no11:30
flwang1even based on your latest patch, i still don't understand how the 'subsciber' is set11:31
flwang1exploreshaifali: firstly, keep all the current command, and adding new commands11:33
flwang1exploreshaifali: as for how to deprecate, i think you just need to use self.log.warning()11:37
therveflwang1, The ws driver creates a url that maps to the connection11:38
therveIt probably needs some doc, but everything is in that patch for now11:38
flwang1therve: hmm.....11:38
exploreshaifaliflwang1, the idea is, we will keep all old command and provide a deprecation message to them and will add new command like "openstack messaging qeue list"11:38
exploreshaifaliso for all old commands as you said I will use "self.log.warning()"11:39
exploreshaifaliand will add new commands with same body without deprecation message?11:39
flwang1therve: so when user create a subscription with websocket, user can only use current server address as the subscriber?11:39
therveflwang1, Yeah11:40
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exploreshaifalior we have other way possible, that does not need to repeat/cpoy same code for new commands?11:40
flwang1therve: it doesn't match the wsgi behaviour i think11:40
therveflwang1, Well, not server address, websocket connection11:40
therveflwang1, Of course? WSGI is not a permanent connection11:41
flaper87exploreshaifali: flwang1 as far as the CLI goes, I'd recommend getting feedback from the osclient folks11:41
flaper87Or even just send an email to openstack-dev11:41
flwang1flaper87: i did, see
flwang1therve: so does that mean we can't create a subscription for an email with websocket?11:42
therveflwang1, Well you can't create a subscription at all for now :)11:43
therveIt'd be pretty easy to support that by changing the patch11:43
flwang1therve: yep, i know what you mean11:43
flwang1i'm reviewing the patch, that's why i asked11:43
exploreshaifaliflaper87, what feedback we need from osclient folks? that "openstack messaging <XXX command>"  is a good way to go for all zaqar commands or not?11:44
flwang1therve: my point is the request should contains 'subsciber' to match the wsgi driver11:44
flwang1unless i missed something11:44
therveflwang1, I understand. It's not really the interesting case I was trying to solve11:45
flwang1therve: if so, at least it should be mentioned in the commit message, otherwise, it's really confused11:46
flwang1therve: make sense? :)11:47
therveflwang1, It's literally an "if" in the code to put, so yeah I'll do it.11:47
flwang1therve: and it would be nice if you can update the example html accordingly11:48
flwang1therve: btw, i really love the patch11:49
therveflwang1, I don't think updating the example is super useful11:49
flwang1flaper87: hah, ok, up to you :)11:50
therveThe main usecase is to subscribe the connection, having a subscriber field would be superfluous11:50
flwang1therve: fair enough11:50
flaper87flwang1: what?11:51
flaper87sorry, I missed some messages11:51
flaper87network went down11:51
flwang1flaper87: see
* flaper87 clicks11:51
mdnadeem_Qiming_: I am too facing the problem with zaqar cli as reported in
openstackLaunchpad bug 1439568 in zaqar "instructions on README.rst are not working" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Qiming Teng (tengqim)11:55
mdnadeem_Qiming_: Please let me know if i can contribute to solve this bug11:56
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Qiming_hi, mdnadeem_, I think It has been fixed?11:56
mdnadeem_Qiming_: I have just execute the curl command, it showed me the same error as you mentioned in bug description11:57
Qiming_TBH, I had never got the zaqar-bench run successfully, that has been a blocker for me11:59
mdnadeem_Qiming_: Thanks for response, let me check it once again12:01
flaper87flwang1: oh, I see12:02
flaper87flwang1: hey, as I mentioned the other day, I'd like to spend some time on zaqarclient12:02
flaper87Mostly the library12:02
flaper87I'll leave the CLI to you and shaifali for now12:02
flwang1flaper87: deal :)12:03
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openstackgerritNate Johnston proposed openstack/zaqar: Use decorator instead of request logging in responders
flwang1njohnston: TBH, based on my understanding, we don't need the topic/subtype12:14
flwang1njohnston: could you tell me why we need it?12:14
flwang1flaper87: and
flwang1and if you don't mind :)12:15
flaper87I don't mind at all!12:15
njohnstonfwlang1: Here is one of the log statements prior to this change:12:16
njohnston        LOG.debug(u'Claims collection POST - queue: %(queue)s, '12:16
njohnston                  u'project: %(project)s',12:16
njohnston                  {'queue': queue_name, 'project': project_id})12:16
njohnstonAll of the log messages follow this general pattern. I broke this into 4 pieces.12:16
flwang1but the queue is just one of the parameters, right?12:16
flwang1it's not a specific 'pattern'12:17
njohnstonOh, I see, so that is the start of the arguments.  All right, I didn't see that before when I was looking at the pattern.  I can remove the second argument.12:18
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flwang1njohnston: good to see we're on the same page now12:18
openstackgerritNate Johnston proposed openstack/zaqar: Use decorator instead of request logging in responders
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/zaqar: Rename get_group to get_pools_by_group
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/zaqar: Add note for unreliable in README.rst
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flaper87ryansb: any reason you +1'd instead of +2 ?13:46
ryansbbasically it's a big change and I haven't tested it locally13:49
vkmceyeballing +1, local testing +213:50
vkmcI usually try to do the same13:51
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flaper87ryansb: sounds good, I just wanted to know since there's no comment there :)14:27
flaper87vkmc: what about you download the patch, test it, adn +2 ?14:28
vkmcflaper87, actually I told dynarro several times I was going to review it14:28
vkmcits a good moment IMO14:29
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jasondotstarhow goes?16:51
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jasondotstarflaper87, flaper87, vkmc: qq - re: setting up launchpad for puppet-zaqar17:31
vkmcheyoooo jasondotstar17:31
vkmccould you start zaqar yesterday?17:31
vkmcdunno much about setting up launchpad, but... shoot17:31
jasondotstari didn't start it17:32
jasondotstarbut I'm still working on injecting variables atm17:32
jasondotstarstill have that WriteConcern issue :-(17:32
vkmc:( that's bad to hear17:32
vkmcdid you change the creds for mongodb?17:32
vkmcflaper87, did you read that, writeconcern trace when running zaqar with mongo?17:33
vkmcflaper87, maybe you saw that error before17:33
jasondotstarvkmc: that's the one thing I have yet to add17:36
jasondotstarright now there are no creds for my mongodb server17:36
jasondotstarbut.... looks like it requires auth of some kind17:36
jasondotstarso i should try adding them17:36
jasondotstarcouple other questions:17:36
jasondotstar1 - can't remember who it was but i thought i saw a 'DO NOT MERGE' commit recently.... what i want to do is put my work up17:37
jasondotstarbut mark it as 'not ready for review'17:37
jasondotstarjust so you guys can see what I'm doing17:37
jasondotstaris there a decent way to do that?17:37
jasondotstarand that 'do not merge' commit strategy... is that what that was for?17:38
jasondotstarand oh... the launchpad qn... i see that there seems to be a placeholder page for it....17:39
jasondotstarbut I'm not sure how we make sure it's integrated17:39
jasondotstarvkmc, flaper87, ^17:48
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openstackgerritNate Johnston proposed openstack/zaqar: Use decorator instead of request logging in responders
njohnstonYou can -1 your own change to indicate it isn't ready18:04
vkmcjasondotstar, you can setup the workflow flag to -118:05
vkmcthat is work in process18:05
jasondotstarthat makes a lot of sense18:14
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jasondotstarthis look right?18:27
jasondotstarvkmc, flaper87, flwang ^18:27
vkmcjasondotstar, perfect18:28
jasondotstarwe should have the gerritbot echo changes to that module here also, don't you think?18:28
vkmcwe should18:29
vkmcgerritbot is under project-config afaik18:29
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vkmcI can add that18:29
jasondotstarvkmc: +118:29
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akanksha_So I did download and configure mongo but the still says [ERROR] /opt/stack/zaqar/devstack/ Mongo DB did not start.18:30
vkmcakanksha_, is mongo running?18:31
jasondotstarat least now you guys can see the progress of the puppet module18:32
jasondotstarzigo: you around?18:32
akanksha_i do a sudo service mongodb start/restart but that makes not change to my mongodb.conf file which is supposed to show [init and listen]: listening on port xyz18:34
vkmcthat should be in the logs18:35
vkmc/var/log/mongodb I'd assume18:35
akanksha_Sorry I meant log file only.18:35
akanksha_It says that it was terminated due to signal 1518:35
akanksha_And since then any command does not make changes to the logfile18:36
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vkmccould you paste more information in http://paste.openstack.org18:45
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akanksha_^Thats partial output for mongod.log18:48
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jasondotstarvkmc: another qq - the example you gave me uses the 'management_store' and 'message_store' params in the conf file.18:59
jasondotstarhowever, the conf file that gets installed via the package has simply has a 'storage' parameter under the drivers section of the conf file18:59
vkmcthat means we need to update the package19:00
jasondotstarvkmc: yep that's what i was wondering19:00
ryansbfrom where, delorean?19:00
jasondotstarryansb: yes, delorean19:01
vkmcakanksha_, there should be another log19:04
vkmcunder /var/lib/mongodb19:06
* vkmc doesn't remember where mongo stores logs for ubuntu 19:06
ryansbI'll look at that packaging19:07
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jasondotstarryansb: ack19:13
jasondotstaryeah i was about to start writing up the variable injections for those params in the conf file, but noticed that there are some differences...19:14
* jasondotstar wonders if the deb pkgs are like that too19:14
ryansbyeah, so for now you can just use the config generated by oslo-config-generator19:14
ryansbthe debs probably are, but I have no idea where those packages live19:14
jasondotstarzigo knows19:15
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jasondotstarhmm oslo-config-generator19:15
* jasondotstar looks 19:16
ryansbyou can get it using "tox -egenconfig"19:19
ryansberr, run it I mean19:20
ryansbif you look in tox.ini you'll see the command it uses19:20
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jasondotstarryansb: thx19:59
zigojasondotstar: What do I know?20:22
zigoCan I help?20:23
jasondotstarohai zigo :-)20:23
jasondotstarwe talked the other day about the deb pkgs for zaqar20:23
jasondotstaryou mentioned where they were20:23
zigoFor Debian Jessie:20:23
zigodeb jessie-kilo-backports main20:24
zigodeb-src jessie-kilo-backports main20:24
zigodeb jessie-kilo-backports-nochange main20:24
zigodeb-src jessie-kilo-backports-nochange main20:24
zigoOtherwise, wait until it's FTP master approved.20:24
zigo(I uploaded to Experimental)20:24
zigoOr you can get it from git: git clone git://
jasondotstarI noticed that the config generated from installing the (RPM) pkg is different from the conf vkmc used20:24
jasondotstarsome of the params are different20:24
vkmchmm probably20:25
vkmcI used the configuration generated by devstack20:25
jasondotstarso I guess we can 2xcheck the debs20:25
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flwangvkmc-afk: i'm adding the horizon integration to here
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flwangvkmc: are you happy with fishbowl?23:38
vkmcflwang, I won't lie I'm a bit afraid23:43
vkmcbut I'll do it23:43
vkmcI should think about some questions that might arise23:43
vkmcabout that topic23:43
vkmcfeedback is welcome for that23:43
vkmcI'll grab flaper87 and use him as a shield23:44
flwangvkmc: haha, ok23:46
flwangno problem23:46
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