Friday, 2022-02-25

*** Guest229 is now known as diablo_rojo_phone14:01
spotzDo we have any updates on OUI? diablo_rojo_phone ildikov?20:44
ildikovspotz: we are still working out some details20:46
spotzWith the limited number of spaces if we're having it I'll keep the Git and Gerrit off our final list if needed as we have limited spots and I only submitted just in case20:48
ildikovspotz: we have been working on putting more structure around how we're supporting trainings like OUI20:48
spotzI should read before enter:)20:48
spotzOk just keep me in the loop20:48
ildikovspotz: of course!20:49
spotzOr we can always pull if needed but need to have a spare in mind20:49
spotzI of course am not voting on my sessions:)20:50
ildikovoh, if you're asking from track chair perspective then you should vote for what you think is best!20:51
ildikovand if Git and Gerrit is the best, I, for one, will not question or argue on that one!! :)20:52
spotzWell I won't vote on mine and if needed I'll pull it as we are limited on slots. The advantage of it running is that it's during Summit and not before but if the info is covered by OUI...20:56
ildikovI would not pull it in favor of OUI20:58
spotzMy Spring seems to be a lot of proposal reading:)20:58
spotzildikov: Ok good to know we'll see how it ends up then. I know it needs all new screen shots because the site changed even after I made the recording20:59
ildikovsince the Git and Gerrit is during the Summit it is an advantage to it under any circumstance21:00
ildikovand in that sence it should make it or not make it on its own merits21:00
ildikovyeah, I always wish they stopped changing the UI as I don't like the newer ones... :)21:01
ildikovand yeah, I'm on a different programming committee, so I'll get my fare share of reading as well :D21:01
spotzWe've been sending emails out for more information. Even my own I felt like I wrote a lot more then is there but it could be just differences between the small text box we filled in and the size we're getting to read21:05
ildikovhaha, yeah21:34
ildikovI wasn't brave enough yet to open the sheet with the abstracts! :)21:35
ildikovI know!! :D21:37
ildikovI choose to be one of those cute tiny ones ;)21:37
spotzI do like my chickens:)21:39
ildikovmy mom used to have some, but she can't take care of them anymore21:40
ildikovshe's been missing them ever since!21:40

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