Monday, 2022-01-24

jungleboyjspotz:  Ok.  I am sorry I never got to that.  My real life job has been crazy the last year and not getting any better.17:15
jungleboyjShouldn't have taken on the task.17:30
spotzjungleboyj: No worries I knew the website changes were coming18:05
jungleboyjspotz:  Ok, so you weren't pushing me more anyway. :-)18:22
spotzjungleboyj: Nope. I even looked at the screenshots to update git and gerrit if we want it for Summit and I'd have to get fungi and clark to delete the new stacky user or create yet another new one18:24
jungleboyjspotz:  Doh!18:24
spotzyeah and I'm torn as I'm not sure we'll have OUI so we might need it18:25
jungleboyjOk.  So, the online content is likely to become more important.18:26

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