Wednesday, 2021-12-08

spotzhere if we're meeting01:08
*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest790402:01
*** diablo_rojo__ is now known as diablo_rojo15:48
jungleboyjspotz:  Forgot to mention that I couldn't make the meeting yesterday because my kids had a band concert.  Looks like the meeting didn't happen, so not a big deal?21:13
spotzIt was just me21:42
jungleboyjspotz:  Ok.  I had guessed.  Sorry for not letting you know.21:43
spotzjungleboyj: It's ok I was staying up for the board meeting that was at 1121:44
jungleboyjGotcha.  How was that?  I wasn't able to make it.21:44
*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest802223:44

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