Friday, 2020-07-31

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ildikovspotz: the training never goes through CFP, we will check on it with Kendall to see what the options are, the event org is still in early stages06:43
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spotzildikov: Yeah I know but if we're not doing it I'll CFP Git and Gerrit15:13
ildikovSpotz: we had that as a luncheon already anyhow so I think that should work again either case15:15
ildikovWe don’t teach those two on OUI in that extent as a separate session15:15
ildikovEspecially with a virtual format if we get to do that somehow15:16
ildikovSo I would say propose it15:16
ildikovThe worst case scenario is that we merge them15:17
ildikovspotz: does it work15:21
ildikovfor you that way? ^^15:22
ildikovI will bring up the training topic with the team but I’m not sure I’ll have an answer before the CFP ends15:22
ildikovAlso wondering what the group thinks here we should do?15:22
gmannildikov: when we can discuss on Virtual training, i think that will be good to do. kubefest and other tokyo event had their upstream training virtually this year15:23
gmannildikov: cool.15:23
ildikovgmann: did you attend either of those?15:23
gmannildikov:  no, amotoki (neutron dev) did.15:24
ildikovI would be curious on do’s and don’t’s as we’ve never done this virtually15:24
gmannildikov: it will be good to ask over email as many of are  not in this channel.15:24
ildikovOk, we could setup a call with mentors and invite him to share experiences15:24
ildikovThat too15:25
gmannildikov: yeah, i can ask amotoki to share it15:25
ildikovgmann: awesome, thanks!15:27
spotzildikov: Yeah, we just hadn't been doing the Lunch n Learn the last few summits where there was no lunch which is why I thought I'd bring it back15:33
ildikovspotz: ah ok, I was only thinking about the occasions we had both and thought this event should be no different from those :)15:36
spotzildikov: Speed mentoring and the diversity lunch had sponsors so they were still held but Git and Gerrit didn't so folks had to go find food:)15:37
spotzSo let me know what y'all decide I just want to make sure we have some onboarding if we don't do OUI15:38
ildikovErin and team are still deciding on platform etc so won’t know for a while how it will look like15:39
ildikovspotz: so if you would like to have the git&gerrit session and it needs to go through the CFP propose it regardless15:39
ildikovI’m sure we will find a way to have OUI, but it will probably be very different from how the in person one looked like15:40
spotzildikov: I'll do it just in case, otherwise sometimes things get forgotten about15:40
ildikovWe could break it up to multiple sessions for instance around tools and community15:40
ildikovspotz: yeah, easier to merge than to find an extra slot15:41
spotzTell me about it we're trying to figure out how to do GHC this year. On the plus side mentors will get free tickets so we'll be blasting the discuss list to get some with the hopes of doing some peer programming15:41
gmannand some part can be skipped which are not much efficient or possible virtually15:41
ildikovgmann: +115:42
ildikovspotz: I hear ya15:42
spotzAnd without being able to give out stickers the chances of getting attendees to answer our questions is low15:42
gmannJust chatted with amotoki and there is summer vacation of full week in japan starting next week. so i asked him to share the training host/mentors feedback via email or so.15:43
ildikovI still have swags at home... :(15:43
ildikovSounds good, we still have some time to figure it out15:43
spotzGHC is scheduled for an almost 10 hour block. Told them they were insane yesterday:) So we'll be able to schedule our breaks and lunch within our indivdual projects15:44
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ildikovThat sounds loooong! :)16:17

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