Tuesday, 2020-06-30

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diablo_rojo_phongmann: mattoliverau tonyb[m] I don't think we need to meet today, do you?23:57
mattoliverauoh nope, I forgot anyway :P23:58
diablo_rojo_phonmattoliverau: you don't have it on your calendar? I'm hurt.23:58
* tonyb[m] has nothing to say but will read/listen/gasbag if y'all are around ;P23:58
tonyb[m]mattoliverau: some thoughtful people even provide an ICS you can import23:58
mattoliverauhmm, yeah, I did have it, but the old one, so it tells me every week or 223:59
tonyb[m]add that to you google ( or other calendar )23:59
tonyb[m]mattoliverau: and then you will no longer hurt diablo_rojo_phon23:59
mattoliverauso don't listen anymore.. cause I'm a bad man.23:59
mattoliverauthanks tonyb[m]!23:59

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