Monday, 2019-10-28

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/training-guides master: Imported Translations from Zanata
openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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ildikovgmann: kmarc: csatari: OUI sync meeting is happening now:
csatariSorry I've missed it.14:29
jungleboyjUgh, I linked the etherpad in here even,  So I know I was in the right one and it just dropped all my changes.  :-(14:30
ildikovcsatari: no worries, you can catch up here:
ildikovcsatari: jungleboyj will look for a place close to the Lenovo office to grab lunch before the training starts14:33
openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack/contributor-guide master: Added missing release model
kmarcyeah sorry, I had an overtime meeting14:56
jungleboyjildikov: diablo_rojo I had a question I forgot in the meeting.14:57
ildikovjungleboyj: shoot14:57
diablo_rojojungleboyj, whats up?14:57
jungleboyjThe link in the trainee's guide for the VM image is still for denver:
jungleboyjWant me to submit a patch to update that?14:57
ildikovjungleboyj: sure, if you got a minute to fix we'll approve14:58
jungleboyjOk.  Will do.14:58
diablo_rojojungleboyj, that would be great if you've got a sec14:58
ildikovwe have that link at too many places...14:58
jungleboyj:-)  I didn't want to do if it was in flight somewhere.  I will fix it though.14:58
diablo_rojoWe should just make a universal link and change what it points to14:58
jungleboyjdiablo_rojo:  ++14:59
jungleboyjildikov: diablo_rojo  Do you guys have a recommended template for companies to use for their slides at the Summit?  For like a cross company presentation?15:16
diablo_rojojungleboyj, I don't think so.15:19
diablo_rojoI can ask though15:19
jungleboyjCool.  Thanks.15:20
jungleboyjDoing a presentation with Intel and wondered if there was something we could start from versus making our own company agnostic template.15:21
openstackgerritJay Bryant proposed openstack/training-guides master: Update VM Image Link in Trainees' Guide
openstackgerritMerged openstack/contributor-guide master: Added missing release model
openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: Update VM Image Link in Trainees' Guide
gmannildikov: very sorry, i missed it due to my unplanned dentist appointment.15:52
ildikovgmann: ouch, I hope everything is alright15:52
ildikovall the notes are here:
gmannyeah, paining teeth but better now.15:53
gmannok. i added my arriving info.15:53
gmannwhen we will meet there on 2nd ?15:53
ildikovhaven't decided yet15:54
ildikovwe have the training start time as 1pm and Jay will look up places close where we could meet15:54
ildikovso will decide based on how far is the one we pick15:54
gmannok. thanks15:58
diablo_rojojungleboyj, apparently we do have slides16:17
diablo_rojowhat email do you want me to send the template to?16:17
ildikovgmann csatari kmarc jungleboyj: diablo_rojo and I have duties at the board meeting Sunday morning so we are relying on you to do the quiz with the students and have things rolling till we get there16:19
ildikovlet us know if you have any concerns, etc :)16:19
jungleboyjdiablo_rojo: Awesome.  Thanks for checking.16:19
jungleboyjildikov:  No problem.  Think we can handle things.16:20
ildikovjungleboyj: awesome, thanks16:21
gmannildikov: i will also be in BoD meeting on Sunday full day (as venue is different).  I can attend OUI training on Saturday only16:21
gmanncsatari: kmarc jungleboyj diablo_rojo ^^16:21
ildikovgmann: noted, thanks for the update16:21
jungleboyjYikes, you want to trust kmarc gmann  and I ?  ;-)16:21
diablo_rojojungleboyj, slide template sent :)16:22
csatariildikov: Okay.16:22
csatariI hope you will tell us in high level how to run a quiz and where are the stickers what we need to throw around.16:23
jungleboyjYeah, if you could put a link out in the prep etherpad that would be appreciated.16:25
jungleboyjdiablo_rojo:  Did you send it?  Not seeing it yet.16:29
diablo_rojoI did.16:30
jungleboyjHmmm.  Ok.16:30
diablo_rojoPerhaps it went to spam cause it had the attachment?16:30
diablo_rojoSubject: OpenStack Slide Template16:30
diablo_rojo1.7MB attachment16:30
* jungleboyj will be more patient. Or can you send it to for good measure?16:31
ildikovcsatari: can give you stickers on Saturday and the link to the quiz as well16:32
ildikovthe latter is just a few questions as reminders to people about stuff that we go through on Saturday16:33
diablo_rojojungleboyj, forwarded16:33
jungleboyjThanks.  That one I got.  Weird.16:33
diablo_rojojungleboyj, maybe got held up by your company's filters16:33
jungleboyjThanks.  Sorry to be a pain.16:34
diablo_rojojungleboyj, no worries :) You are nowhere near my largest pain today.16:34
diablo_rojoNot even on the list.16:34
jungleboyjYay!  I know what you mean.16:35
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