Wednesday, 2019-02-27

mattoliverauOh either can I, Becs out so I'm a solo parent tonight. Making dinner and then getting the girls in bed is what I'll be doing during meeting06:55
mattoliverauSorry it was very last minute, but Bec getting to be an adult so I said she should go :)06:56
tonybmattoliverau: Good plan06:56
tonybmattoliverau: as it turns out I can so I guess diablo_rojo will just have to cope with only one 'aussie' ;P06:56
tonybgmann, cmurphy, diablo_rojo: ping?07:03
cmurphyi think gmann is already in canada? so might not be here07:04
diablo_rojoSorry. Starting the meeting now07:04
tonybcmurphy: Ahh okay I guess that was about now07:04
tonybdiablo_rojo: huzzah!07:04
tonybdiablo_rojo: you saved me from making a decision ;P07:04
csatariHei. Will we do an OUI in Denver?13:00
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ildikovcsatari: yep, we do:
gmanndiablo_rojo: tonyb cmurphy meeting time change in  april work fine for me. i can check meeting log till then.16:16
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