Monday, 2018-07-09

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ianychoiildikov, hello :) sorry for my late initiating post survey on upstream training in Korea on last June 29. Is there a kind of standard questions to collect feedback or can I send an e-mail to participants to collect feedback and share with you?14:43
ildikovianychoi: we use the training etberpad for feedback and Kendall sent out a mail to the  students who gave their email already to remind them14:46
ildikovianychoi: if you have everyone's mail you could send out one more reminder14:46
ildikovianychoi: I think we're just looking for things what people liked and didn't like and if there's anything they would change/improve14:47
ianychoiildikov, yes! I have all e-mails who registered (including participants + non-partipants)14:48
ildikovianychoi: cool, sounds good14:48
ianychoiildikov, I will send an e-mail in English & Korean copying with you and Kendall :)14:49
ildikovianychoi: perfect, thank you!14:53
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