Monday, 2017-05-01

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chatter29hey guys02:25
chatter29allah is doing02:26
chatter29sun is not doing allah is doing02:26
chatter29to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger02:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: Fix font-awesome URL on custom.css
ildikovkmARC: I quickly downloaded and started the image, it worked fine for me12:11
ildikovkmARC: so huge thanks!12:12
ildikovkmARC: do we want to get it uploaded to tarballs.o.o or I shall just send out the info to the students now pointing to your GitHub repo?12:12
ildikovkmARC: also I think we don't have a dedicated block for setting up the image in the agenda12:13
ildikovkmARC: what about having it right after the intro block?12:13
kmARCildikov: Unfortunately I don't have time right now to work with this. I guess for the time being the github repo is good (and free, I moved away from amazon S3, since the image is less tthan 2G)12:16
kmARCLet's create a block then for the intro12:16
kmARCand ofcoz I'm gonna be the speaker in that block ;-)12:16
ildikovkmARC: I can ask the infra guys, but as the download worked fine and you don't have extra cost with it we can fix that later12:17
ildikovkmARC: do you want slides or let's just have one that points to the download and you will share screen and guide them through like in Barcelona?12:17
ildikovkmARC: no one would take this block away from you :)12:18
kmARCNah, I don't need slides12:21
kmARCIt would be nice, but I guess that's so hands-on that people would just be bored watching slides :-D12:21
ildikovagreed, just wanted to double check it with you :)12:35
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ildikovkmARC: ok, I uploaded a patch to move the dev env setup after the introductions in the agenda13:54
ildikovkmARC: so plz don't hijack the intro part this time ;)13:54
kmARCoh yes, that happened already :-D13:56
openstackgerritIldiko Vancsa proposed openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] Add development environment slide
ildikovglad you remember it too :D14:06
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openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] Additions to Website
spotz_diablo_rojo: Can we use the term OpenStack academy?18:37
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ildikovspotz_: that's already used18:44
spotz_ildikov: Ok It's in that patch set, wanted to verify before voting18:45
spotz_Ahh so we can use it:)18:45
ildikovspotz_: ah right, I didn't see it as it's not changed :D18:46
ildikovspotz_: so that's the umbrella for all the training/workshop activities during the Summits18:46
ildikovspotz_: the OpenStack Upstream Institute is listed under it18:46
spotz_ildikov: Ok cool, I wasn't sure if that was what we weren't allowed to use or not18:46
ildikovspotz_: that was university18:47
ildikovspotz_: I mean as OpenStack University18:47
spotz_ildikov: I knew it was something just couldn't remember Academy/University18:48
ildikovspotz_: yeah, confusing... :/18:48
ildikovspotz_: thanks for double checking18:49
spotz_And half the time I can't remember what I had for lunch so... :)18:49
spotz_ildikov: Yep no problem18:49
ildikovyou're not the only one :)18:49
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jungleboyjspotz_:  At least you remember to eat lunch.  :-)19:09
spotz_jungleboyj: Yeah well it's about when the dogs start barking19:10
jungleboyjspotz_:  Nice of them to remind you19:11
ildikovspotz_: lol :)19:17
spotz_I'm being very daring today and doing recordings with them in the house, but with our meeting and the WoO meeing in 42 minutes I didn't feel like locking them up19:18
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trevormcildikov: Larry just confirmed he will be arriving Saturday but will probably be late.21:03
ildikovtrevormc: awesome, thank you!21:07
ildikovtrevormc: Sunday is more critical, Saturday is more about OpenStack in general, so we should be able to handle that easily21:08
ildikovtrevormc: can you add Larry to the mail thread I started with the trainers/mentors?21:08
trevormcildikov: yes i can21:08
ildikovtrevormc: great, thank you!21:09
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openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] Additions to Website

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