Friday, 2018-06-15

*** lbragstad is now known as elbragstad13:48
spotzaprice: It was noon right?17:04
apricespotz: yeah, try this link:
spotzaprice: My mic may not be working I tried to talk and I don't think it was heard. But also tripleO if they want to keep redhat17:29
apricespotz: I thought i heard someone speaking but it was very soft when Jonathan started talking, but I couldnt flag to him fast enough. The call is about to wrap, but I can include that in the follow up notes17:31
spotzAnd also OSA - it's what was used to build the OSIC clould17:31
spotzaprice weird about the mic, I was recording with it yesterday ok. But tripleO and OSA are definitely possibles for them17:43
apricespotz: ok, that's good to know17:44
apricewhat did yall think about being on calls like that? Do you think it's helpful? With our team traveling so much, I think it would be great to have the UC talk to more users and getting them more involved17:44
spotzA contact for them might be Jason at Adobe?17:45
spotzI think there's definitely value to it. We all have different touch points to the system17:45
mrhillsmani missed it :(17:46
mrhillsmanis there anything shareable from the call?17:47
mrhillsmanparticularly anything we have heard before that reaffirms something(s) we should pay attention to17:48
spotzmrhillsman: They said they were hitting a race condition on starting up VMs at a time but it doesnt sound like they were using cells which I think they might need to17:49
mrhillsmanusing heat?18:04
mrhillsmanmanual or some other automation?18:04
spotzmrhillsman: I think that was manual(scripted)19:24
mrhillsmanah, yeah, that can be questionable19:24

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