Monday, 2018-06-04

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VWmrhillsman, spotz, zioproto - did I miss a meeting this morning?14:21
spotzVW: my calendar said we had one, but it's not necessarily correct and you're the first peron to speak in the channel in a few days14:22
zioprotoI was just monitoring the channel because it is monday14:22
zioprototo see if there is a meeting happening :)14:22
spotzHey zioproto - missed you in Vancouver14:22
mrhillsmanit is the second week of the month so meeting is at 1800UTC apologies14:43
mrhillsmani figured everyone also may need a week or two to wind down and/or come back14:45
VWI have a conflict today at 1800 UTC - FYI - in case you guys actually meet15:58
spotzI'll be about just ping if we meet16:02
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apriceim around - didnt see anything on the agenda though?18:02
spotzaprice No I think we're just skipping18:04
apricesounds good!18:04
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