Thursday, 2018-05-10

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jamesmcarthurVW: mrhillsman: would y'all be interested in doing a version of your board presentation in the Lightning Talk theater?17:04
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spotzVW: You see Jimmy's question?18:24
VWprobably not18:26
VWI've been on and off line today with no bouncer for freenode at the moment18:26
VWplus I try to ignore jamesmca_ every now and then - just to keep him grounded ;)18:27
VWwhat's up?18:27
spotzvw that's why I was asking:)18:27
spotzVW: mrhillsman: would y'all be interested in doing a version of your board presentation in the Lightning Talk theater?18:27
VWI'm down18:27
spotzjamesmca_: ^18:28
VWsign me up for all things UC related18:28
VWI'm pretty much doing this summit as an "independent"18:28
jamesmca_ok - I'll give you guys a 20 minute slot if that works18:28
* VW should really start writing all these different things down :P18:29
spotzI'm doing UC, WoO, Diversity. If I can get to the OSA stuff I will + I'm doing one COA related talk18:29
jamesmca_I'll have your name on the schedule for this18:30
jamesmca_if you hav e  a proposed title/abstract, send it along :)18:30
spotzvw - yeah I tried to make my schedule with everything I'm tagged on but some things I'm not tagged or like speed mentoring is rsvp so you can't just add to the schedule18:31
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spotzAnd I synced with my google calendar so that should help some18:32
spotzAnd I'm hoping if I forget something enough people have my number to remind me I'm supposed to be somewhere:)18:33
jamesmca_Thanks VW: !
jamesmca_Happy to update that with whatever content y'all deem fit18:37
spotzjamesmca_: Anyway for that to come up along with the Breakfast or any other sessions? UC brings up alot of stuff:)18:53
jamesmca_spotz: sorry, can you clarify the question?19:14
spotzjamesmca_: So if you search for user committee you get the breakfast
jamesmca_oh, sorry19:17
jamesmca_yeah, can fix19:17
spotzIf you search for that lightening talk with UC you get
spotzUC is part of infrastructure:)19:18
jamesmca_thanks! done19:18
spotzThank you:) Just hoping folks will find and go to sessions:)19:19
spotzok vw - add 9-5 on sunday to your mental schedule for the board meeting:)19:35
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