Monday, 2018-03-05

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VW_one sec, let me reconnect over VPN and I'll start the meeting if no one else has18:01
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spotzsounds good18:01
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VW_cool, looks like someone kicked off the meeting18:03
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VWwell then18:03
VW#startmeeting uc18:03
openstackMeeting started Mon Mar  5 18:03:30 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is VW. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:03
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'uc'18:03
leonghello all...18:03
VWlooks like we have most of the crew18:03
VW#topic Roll Call18:03
*** openstack changes topic to "Roll Call (Meeting topic: uc)"18:03
VW#chair leong spotz mrhillsman zioproto18:04
openstackCurrent chairs: VW leong mrhillsman spotz zioproto18:04
VWreminder that the agenda is here18:04
VWcool, we have a lot to cover and I'd like to give aprice a good chunk of time, so let's keep rolling18:05
VW#topic Election Results and welcome new members18:05
*** openstack changes topic to "Election Results and welcome new members (Meeting topic: uc)"18:05
mrhillsmanwelcome spotz and leong !18:06
VWso, some of this we covered because everyone was able to hop in the impromptu18:06
mrhillsmanelection results #link
leonglooking forward for another great year :)18:06
VWcongrats to you both - and to you for re-electon mrhillsman - looking forward to working with this team18:06
VWbut, with Edgar stepping down, we do need to elect a chair (and a vice chair it turns out - according to the documentation we reviewed last week)18:07
leongVW ++18:08
spotzLooking at the wiki it doesn't list our Vice Chair, did we not have one?18:08
mrhillsmanwe did not have one unfortunately18:08
VWdon't think we realized we were supposed to do that until just recently18:09
VWbut it makes sense18:09
spotzYeah as they would have moved up in this case18:09
VWmaybe - that's actually one thing that we need to probably define.  I don't know that there are terms assigned to the role18:10
VWso, in theory, we could do this process every 6 months - even if all the players stay the same18:10
mrhillsmanwe did this the election last feb18:10
VWwe did it again in August though18:11
VWwhen zioproto and i joined18:11
mrhillsmanyes, then too18:11
leongshould we mandate that process every cycle? if we do that, will be great to document it :-)18:11
spotzOk so I'll propose based on that everyy 6 months with the co stepping up if the chair has to drop out before the next vote?18:11
mrhillsmanchair is basically the same as members18:11
mrhillsmanexcept voted in18:12
VWwe'll put some future agenda items to refine all that spotz/leong18:12
mrhillsmanwe definitely need to ^18:12
jamesmcarthurVW: not to get into the weeds too much, but is there a definition behind hte duties of teh chair and vice chair?18:12
VWhave it nailed down before the next election18:12
mrhillsman12 minutes pass so we should probably vote on both and then we can fill gaps18:13
VWwas going to see if zioproto might appear before we did18:13
VWbut we should keep moving18:13
mrhillsmanjamesmcarthur: yes #link
mrhillsmansorry #link
leongfor references. this is a role define for TC #link TC Chair
mrhillsmanhowever i do think we need to at some point before the next election ensure we pin down better details for both chair and vice-chair18:15
VWyeah - because the public doc doesn't even bring up the vice18:15
VWthat must have been in the working docs we found18:15
VWOk lots to do18:15
leongboth looks about the same.... haha18:15
mrhillsmanwhich we mentioned in aug but never resolved18:15
VW#topic Election of UC chair18:15
*** openstack changes topic to "Election of UC chair (Meeting topic: uc)"18:15
leongany volunteers first?18:16
mrhillsmanwell, based on discussion i had with VW, i will volunteer18:16
leongfor chair?18:17
VWI am more than happy to, but personally thought that mrhillsman has the most tenure and made sense18:17
leongmrhillsman: i second that  :)18:17
spotz++ I'll thirs:)18:17
spotzthird even18:17
leongany competing ?18:17
mrhillsmanso we need vote :)18:17
spotzUnless zioproto comes or mrhillsman nominates someone I think it's unanimous18:18
leonglooks like no competition for mrhillsman as chair?18:18
VWwe still need to record it18:18
VWlet me recall how do do that real quick18:18
spotzvw I think it's #poll18:18
leongi have the cheatsheet :)18:18
leongi think is #  startvote <voting question>? <voting options>18:19
mrhillsmanlost dang connection for a moment18:19
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VWOk - standby18:20
leonghi emagana18:20
emaganaSorry I am super late!18:20
spotzemagana: Hey!18:20
mrhillsmanugh, i think i am still showing away18:20
leong#link irc cheatsheet:
spotzmrhillsman: I think you're ok unless the bot is showing you not here18:21
emaganaCongratulations! leong spotz mrhillsman18:21
leongthanks emagana18:21
spotzthanks emagana18:21
VW#startvote All in favor of mrhillsman as UC chair for at least the next 6 monhts Yes, No, Abstain18:21
openstackUnable to parse vote topic and options.18:21
VW#startvote All in favor of mrhillsman as UC chair for at least the next 6 months? Yes, No, Abstain18:22
openstackBegin voting on: All in favor of mrhillsman as UC chair for at least the next 6 months? Valid vote options are Yes, No, Abstain.18:22
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.18:22
spotz#vote yes18:22
leong#vote Yes18:22
VW#vote yes18:22
mrhillsman#vote Yes18:22
VWwell then...18:22
leongyou need to endvote to show result :-)18:22
openstackVoted on "All in favor of mrhillsman as UC chair for at least the next 6 months?" Results are18:22
openstackYes (4): mrhillsman, VW, leong, spotz18:22
mrhillsmani nominate VW as vice-chair :)18:22
mrhillsman#startvote All in favor of VW as UC vice-chair for at least the next 6 months? Yes, No, Abstain18:23
openstackBegin voting on: All in favor of VW as UC vice-chair for at least the next 6 months? Valid vote options are Yes, No, Abstain.18:23
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.18:23
mrhillsman#vote Yes18:23
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leong#vote Yes18:23
VW#vote yes18:23
spotz#vote yes18:23
openstackVoted on "All in favor of VW as UC vice-chair for at least the next 6 months?" Results are18:24
openstackYes (4): spotz, VW, leong, mrhillsman18:24
mrhillsmandone hehe18:24
spotzEasy Peasy!18:24
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leongthat was quick..18:24
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VW#action mrhillsman VW add details to UC charter for vice chair18:24
VWcool - housekeeping out of the way let's get some updates on the user survey18:24
mrhillsman#action mrhillsman report result of UC chair/vice-chair voting to board18:24
leongbtw mrhillsman , can we remove "undefined" and just leave blank for the rest? :)18:24
leongi mean on the goverannce page18:25
mrhillsmansure thing18:25
mrhillsmangot you18:25
VW#topic User Survey18:25
*** openstack changes topic to "User Survey (Meeting topic: uc)"18:25
apricehi everyone - I wanted to provide updates and gather input on the 2018 direction.18:25
VWwe will now turn floor over to the fabulous, but jet lagged aprice :)18:25
apricein Sydney, we introduced the idea of moving to an annual report for several reasons. We were not seeing much change in the 6 month versions, and it was also a large lift both from the Foundation staff as well as the UC. Now that we have the dashboard at, we proposed moving to a single report a year.18:26
apriceThe timeline we have discussed is a 12 month timeframe of mid August through mid August the following year (365 days). The report will then come out 6-8 weeks later, in September / October with help from the UC as well as a Survey team.18:27
leong#link OpenStack Survey Report
apriceSo, when we publish a report in September of 2018 it will cover data collected mid August 2017 to mid August 2018. We would then do heavy promotion at the end of the cycle, which in this case will be early April through mid August like we have done in previous years. This would allow us to leverage the OpenStack Summit (April or May) as well as June & July OpenStack Days as promotion opportunities while promoting18:28
apriceit year round at other events.18:28
apriceis there any feedback around the move to go to an annual report or the proposed timeline?18:29
leongaprice: is the "data collection" a year-round?18:29
apriceleong: yes18:29
leonggot it18:29
spotzaprice I think it sounds like a good plan, with the reminders/touchpoints to get folks to submit18:29
apriceand the dashboard at will update throughout the year18:29
apriceyeah and I really want to work closer with the UC and Board on communicating the importance of the survey as a feedback channel.18:30
apriceWe share a lot of the project specific feedback and adoption metrics with PTLs18:30
VWso, in theory one operator could update the survey multiple times if upgardes are done, new services leveraged, large growth, etc18:30
jamesmcarthurVW: correct18:31
apriceand we would communicate the cut off date for a particular period18:31
VWI could also see a point where - if we get really good at all the other stuff we talked about last week - we might even keep space for specific feedback on key themes the UC is driving towards forum sessions/software changes18:32
spotzIf I rmember in Barcelona there was someone near registration encouraging/bribing folks to do the survey which is probably something tht should continue to be utilized18:32
VWbut that's just me thinking ahead a bit18:32
mrhillsmani was thinking the same18:32
apriceVW: ++18:32
jamesmcarthurVW: that's a good thought18:32
mrhillsmanin general with it being open for such an extended period of time, it does not feel like such a task twice a year18:33
apricespotz: we have done that in previous years and I think that's something we can definitely revisit18:33
mrhillsmanand the additional communication/touch points can help drive home the benefit; along with the other stuff as VW mentioned18:33
apricemrhillsman: exactly. we received a lot of feedback last year from very engaged users that they felt like they just took the survey and then we were asking them to take it again18:33
VWyeah - since Vacouver will be in that "hard push" window you talked about18:33
apriceand I think that if we communicate the benefit of taking it and making it an annual process, it will be easier to show them the value of taking it.18:34
leongaprice: instead of asking the question "do a survey again", we should as "what the differences compare to previous deployment last year"18:34
VWaprice - what makes more sense to you.  The communication of all this from yourself for via the UC?18:34
apriceleong: we typically segment the communication and if someone has an existing deployment, we just ask that they update it.18:35
apricebut that is often seem as time consuming and repetitive.18:35
apriceVW: we typically have the communication come from the Foundation, but I love the idea of having it come from you. We would still manage teh communications / promotion18:36
spotzaprice - is it possible for someone to bring up their last responses? I can't remember18:36
VWshould be18:36
apricebut I think that getting all of your names in front of the members - especially around this - would be a big win.18:36
jamesmcarthurspotz: yes, we pull in certain pieces of data from the previous survey and pre-populate18:36
VWyou should have a deployment/deployments assigned to you18:36
leongspotz: i remember it does18:36
jamesmcarthurdeployments are one of those things18:37
jamesmcarthurHowever, there is a tradeoff b/c people tend to not update if they don't have to18:37
VWagreed aprice - some sort of joint statement with the change in tempo, the reasoning and the dashboard makes sense18:37
apriceThe Foundation will continue to promote it, but I think that we could put the comms coming from you and ideally have the UC doing a joint session in Berlin around the results18:37
jamesmcarthurSo sometimes for critical pieces, we don't pre-populate it so they will fill it out with new data18:37
spotzok so cool, so  we just make it clear if you've done it before you can whip through and just update any changes18:37
spotzexcept critical:)18:37
mrhillsmani like the joint/UC comms because of the discussion around visibility and getting more involved18:37
leongi agree to aprice that UC can help to communicate with operators18:38
VWwhat's the target for getting an announcement out18:38
apriceso we are working through some proposed changes, but ideally, we would be opening it in early April, so in a month or so18:38
leongis there anything that we can do for this week Ops midcycle at Tokyo wrt to user survey?18:39
VWso, we probably need to keep this on the agenda the rest of the month18:39
apriceI can help draft a note, because I also think that some of the other changes are based on operator feedback / usage18:39
apriceleong: Anne Bertucio from the Foundation is doing a Foundation / UC update18:39
mrhillsmanleong i think we are ok since Anne ^18:39
apriceand she has included a slide about the proposed survey changes. p18:40
spotzaprice Did Anne make it?:)18:40
apricespotz: she is en route now18:40
jamesmcarthurleong: one message we're trying to convey to operators: get involved, sign up for mailing lists, take the user survey :)18:40
spotzaprice: Nice!18:40
apriceshe will land on the first day of the event, but it looks like she will make it :)18:40
apricejamesmcarthur: ++18:40
jamesmcarthuroperators and end-users18:40
mrhillsman++ :)18:40
VWwhich reminds me18:41
leongjamesmcarthur: let me know if you need helps to convey the message to regional areas especially PRC...18:41
spotzI'm hoping to make the meetup in Austin this week if anything needs to be communicated18:41
jamesmcarthurleong: thank you! we absolutely will18:41
VW#action VW email Tokyo organizers that Anne was delayed and they might want to have a plan B schedule18:41
leongjamesmcarthur: even you need translation :)18:41
apriceleong: that would be great18:41
jamesmcarthurspotz: let me know when the Austin meetup is. I might be able to make it as well.18:42
apriceleong: we can move this offline, but one of the pieces we want to make sure we get right is the Net Promoter Score question for the PRC18:42
leongaprice: ok.. ping me offline18:42
apriceWe heard that there was confusion last time and want to make sure it is communicated correctly.18:42
spotzjamesmcarthur: I'll forward you the email, but Thursday night at Rackspace18:42
apriceas for the other changes in the survey18:42
apricewe are trying to make as small of changes as possible so that we can continue to do YoY analysis18:43
spotzGood plan18:43
apriceone of the things we are adding this year  is edge computing & CI/CD as they are gaining momentum as well as reflect the focus from the openstack foundation18:43
leongtime check 15 mins left18:44
apriceThe Foundation staff is reviewing some of the proposed changes but once I get signoff from them, I will circulate with you all.18:44
leongaprice: +++ for the addition of Edge and CI/CD18:44
apriceMy last point for the survey18:44
apriceI want to make sure that you all have the opportunity to weigh in along the way as we make progress with this cycle.18:45
apriceI like the idea of keeping it on the meeting agenda for the next few weeks.18:45
apricethe next big piece will be getting everyone's eyes on the survey ahead of launch18:45
apricewe will have a survey volunteer team again - spotz & mrhillsman are veterans :)18:46
apriceand then through the analysis as well. with it being only an annual report, we hope that it's easier on you all as well :)18:46
VWOk - making real time edits to the wiki18:46
VWuser survey is on the agenda for the next two weeks18:46
apriceVW: thanks!18:47
apricethat's all from me18:47
VW#topic Homework for PTG output18:47
*** openstack changes topic to "Homework for PTG output (Meeting topic: uc)"18:47
VWmrhillsman: you want to drive this one?18:47
mrhillsmanthis is the etherpad for ptg - surely you all have seen18:48
mrhillsmansince we are short on time18:48
mrhillsmani think it best we basically review the items there18:48
mrhillsmanand discuss the first next week18:48
mrhillsmanand start discussion next week in terms of voting18:49
mrhillsmanif anything needs to be voted on18:49
mrhillsmanbut we should start taking actions asap18:49
leongmrhillsman: i have provided a few comments over there... i agree to let team review and discuss further next weke18:49
VWdo we want to be realistic and try and have discussion and voting (if necessary) around official positions/actions each week for one of the major topics?18:50
VWversus trying to rush through the whole doc next week?18:51
jamesmcarthurthat seems sensible. If you can knock out more than one, great...18:51
VWif so, I can tweak the agendas18:51
mrhillsmanyep, i think that is good approach18:51
VWlet's see how long the first one takes18:51
VWif we get good, we can always increase the pace18:51
jamesmcarthurI do wonder if some of these topics wouldn't be better discussed on a recorded Zoom.18:52
mrhillsmanI also wondered if some face time would help18:52
mrhillsmanSo how about we start with - which one do we want to discuss next week18:53
mrhillsmanWe can start there and then maybe understand our pace and adjust accordingly?18:53
spotzYeah I think we can just comment on the ether and then in the meetings go as far as we can get18:54
mrhillsmanAlso we do not have to be limited to meetings; i think this will ultimately slow us down18:54
mrhillsmanI probably have more time than most since all I do is OpenStack all day18:54
mrhillsmanBut we should take advantage of this irc and email :)18:55
spotzmrhillsman: **PHHBBTTSS**18:55
mrhillsmandid you just cuss me18:55
spotzI'm usually about though you might have to ping to get me to look18:55
spotzpphhbtts are not cussing:)18:56
mrhillsmanSo we have 5 minutes, is one of those more pressing to anyone than the others?18:56
mrhillsmanthey are in no specific order18:56
VWOk - see if these changes account for all of the above -
mrhillsman++ since ops midcycle is this week18:56
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VWyeah - we are actually piloting some of the stuff we are intending to formalize next week18:57
VWbut that's OK18:57
mrhillsmanand ties into our "be more aggressive about feedback" theme18:57
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VWreal-time feedback and all...18:57
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spotzI think we definitely need to see where SIGs belong before we discuss AUC statuses18:58
mrhillsmanbah, we should have probably voted on the governance suggestion18:58
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mrhillsmancan we discuss shortly after time up here in a second?18:59
* leong_ was kicked out by ric18:59
VWyeah - and then if we need a formal vote, we'll add it to next week18:59
mrhillsmanok cool18:59
VWalthough it's crowded18:59
VWok - sounds like we are about out of time for this rodeo19:00
leong_or should we look at the Committee Doc and Goal first?19:00
*** openstack changes topic to "Open Discussion (Meeting topic: uc)"19:00
openstackMeeting ended Mon Mar  5 19:00:19 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)19:00
openstackMinutes (text):
VWok mrhillsman - what did we miss?19:00
mrhillsmanok cool19:00
mrhillsmanso basically we settled on the idea of having the tc and uc chair for now with the foundation being the point of escalation19:01
VWah yes - that19:02
mrhillsmanright now SIGs do not have a stringent governance model; but that is not say we want/should keep it that way19:02
VWnext week is getting pretty crowded, so we can re-arrage and put SIGs first19:02
mrhillsmansince thierry and me are the culprits who pushed for SIGs, we have been discussing how to address concerns re governance19:02
VWdo the vote at the top of that topic as the right next step19:03
VWand then kick off deeper discussion19:03
VWif you think this is time sensitive19:03
mrhillsmanso basically the idea is operate as you have been, if there are any issues - only two leads for a SIG and they disagree - bring to meta SIG (we think this should be renamed) and if UC and TC chair cannot resolve - escalate to Foundation19:04
mrhillsmanbetween now and Vancouver, maybe even Berlin, we need to figure out all the things so we can properly create resolutions under UC and TC governance repos/pages19:05
leong_that's cover one aspect in terms of issue resolution.. but haven't covered the governance?19:05
jamesmcarthurleong_ i would consider it joint review, but SIGs don't technically fall under governance of either19:06
leong_for references.. k8s sig governance:
jamesmcarthurthe idea being that it allows both devs and operators to work together without feeling like the group is controlled by one or the other19:07
mrhillsmanYeah, we are reading through that and #link
VWok - sounds like we'll move the SIG piece to the front of the line19:07
* VW makes wiki edits19:07
mrhillsmanso yeah, we need to figure out how much governance is needed, and more than likely it is going to change over time19:08
leong_last point in the k8s sig governance "Represent the SIG for the PM group - see PM SIG representatives." Are we addressing this?19:08
leong_and do we have a SIG creation procedure which is supported by both UC/TC?19:09
mrhillsmanit is not a 1:1 mapping unfortunately, we have to decide what we need19:09
mrhillsmanso two things19:10
mrhillsman1. for the time do we agree that UC and TC chair with Foundation as point of escalation is sufficient governance rather than no governance19:10
leong_agreed for the point of escalation19:11
mrhillsman2. thierry and i are reading through those items there and will create an etherpad for both tc and uc feedback towards official resolutions19:11
mrhillsmanwhich we should (tc/uc) address all concerns/confusion re SIGs19:12
mrhillsmanright now we have #link
spotzI think that's a good escalation path that doesn't lean towards dev or ops19:13
mrhillsmanand please, everyone is welcome to read through the k8s model and any other relevant stuff in the wild19:13
VWOk - updated
mrhillsmanty sir19:14
mrhillsmanso that is the gist19:14
mrhillsmanwe are 15 minutes over19:14
VWwe can make the above proposal an official position with a vote next week19:14
VWand go from there19:14
jamesmcarthurthanks all!!19:14
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mrhillsmanhehe, he left quick19:15
VWin the meantime, I think there is enough unofficial agreement here to give you latitude to cover any issues in the next week mrhillsman ;)19:15
spotzmrhillsman: He's dropped a few times:(19:15
mrhillsmanah ok19:15
mrhillsmansounds good VW19:15
mrhillsmani will confirm with thierry where we stand19:15
mrhillsmanand have the beginnings of something next week19:16
mrhillsmanthis was healthy :)19:16
mrhillsmanthanks everyone19:16
apricegreat meeting!19:16
mrhillsmani'll be in channel of course as usual if needed19:16
* mrhillsman needs to fix his away status19:16
spotzCool, thanks everyone!19:17
leong_have a good day19:17
VWtake care, all19:17
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apricethanks everyone!19:21
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openstackgerritMelvin Hillsman (mrhillsman) proposed openstack/governance-uc master: Update roles
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openstackgerritMelvin Hillsman (mrhillsman) proposed openstack/governance-uc master: Remove Initial Committee section
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance-uc master: Remove Initial Committee section
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