Wednesday, 2018-02-28

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VWhey aprice, lsell, mrhillsman - I just discovered there was a crossed wire somewhere that I didn't catch, so my flight home is actually scheduled for tomorrow - not Friday.  Seeing if there are any options, but there is a change I won't actually be around tomorrow12:58
VWok - all good.  Thanks to the snow, no change fees for United :)13:15
VWI'm on the flight I expected to be on now13:15
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mrhillsmandropping here for visibility14:22
mrhillsmanJust spoke with Adam Spiers - self-healing SIG - he has a small set of questions for operators he would like to get before Tokyo attendees14:23
mrhillsmanbasically their focus is heavily operator centric but they are needing more feedback14:24
VWlet's get some notes in their online doc14:24
mrhillsmanhe will draft etherpad summarizing ptg session and very simple 3/4 questions14:24
mrhillsmanyep, will add14:25
mrhillsmanI mentioned it would be good to make it usable at more than just the midcycle and he agreed14:27
mrhillsmani.e. OSD Nordic14:27
VWyeah - baby steps15:34
VWlet's make useful things happen next week and then build from there15:35
zioprotomeeting in 20 minutes ?15:43
spotzWait what snow?!!!15:49
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VWit's a bit of a winter wonderland in DUB, spotz15:56
spotz**sniffles** I'm missing snow too!!!!!15:57
spotz71 here15:57
* VW is missing those kinds of temperatures :)15:57
zioprotoit is -12 here :)15:58
zioprotomaybe I got confused16:00
zioprotois the quick meeting now ?16:00
VW#startmeeting uc16:01
openstackMeeting started Wed Feb 28 16:01:13 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is VW. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'uc'16:01
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VW#chair zioproto spotz leong mrhillsman16:01
openstackCurrent chairs: VW leong mrhillsman spotz zioproto16:01
zioprotowelcome to the UC spotz :)16:02
VWfyi - mrhillsman and I are in a room where another conversation is going on, so he may be focused on that16:02
spotzthanks zioproto:)16:02
VWyes - first off, congrats to leong and spotz16:02
leongmultitasking... mrhillsman16:02
leongthanks VW16:02
spotzThanks VW:)16:02
zioprotowelcome leong :)16:02
VWwe'll do more of the formal welcomes, chair elections, etc on Monday16:02
VWbut we did want to catch the whole team up on conversations to date16:03
leongVW: what's the agenda today?16:03
VWmy thought was we could walk through
VWat a high level of course16:04
VWpart of why we set up the meeting was to have a place holder if we needed any votes16:04
VWdoesn't look like we'll need that16:04
VWbut we'd love to pass on some key items coming out of the strategic planning sessions16:04
VWwhich reminds me...16:05
VW#topic Review UC PTG discussions16:05
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leongi did read through the etherpad.. looks good to me from a high-level perspective16:05
mrhillsmansorry i'm here :)16:05
leongjust a few nits when comes into detailed discussion16:06
VWso, I think one of the key summary items is that the UC needs to start channeling output from Ops and end users in to more tangible items in the dev process16:07
VWfor example - can we help get topics at the Ops Mid-cycle translated into forum submissions at the next summit16:07
leongi assume that we also need to review UC 2018 Goals in alignment with Boards' strategic focus areas16:07
VWbut there seems to be general agreement that the user space across all the SFA's is probably largely shared16:08
spotzCan OPs submit for forum sessions and if so do they know?16:08
VWso the UC as it is today probably needs to play a role across them all16:08
VWThey can16:08
VWsome do16:08
VWour hope is that we can help make it all more obvious and successful16:09
VWour realistic goals are looking to getting feedback from mid-cycles, OS days and regional meetups into Berlin as forum sessions16:09
leongspotz: VW: need to clarify with Foundation staff on how to structure the Ops and Forum session16:09
spotzMight be a good superuser article, A hey OPs did you know... and that could be one item16:09
VWnot sure I follow, leong16:10
leongit used to have a Ops "summit" alongside with the normal summit16:10
VWah yes - words are hard :)16:10
VWlet me try and explain a bit16:10
apriceJimmy is unable to join the meeting today, but I will pass along any notes from the meeting16:10
VWthanks aprice16:10
spotzThanks aprice16:10
VWand it is being recorded16:10
leonglet's put that an AR to follow up and clarify with Jimmy (they have been doing a great job!)16:11
VWanyway, beginning in Atlanta, we started having sessions co-located with the design summit for Operators16:11
VWhowever, the design summit, itself, changed to the forum in Boston16:12
leongVW: do you want to take that AR to follow up with Jimmy? :)16:12
leongor i can shoot an email now..:)16:12
VWsure - not sure what I'm following up on16:12
apriceyeah, im happy to follow up as well, but am confused about the action item16:13
spotzCriteria for submitting to the forum I think?16:13
VWah - let me finish the brief history lesson and I think it will make more sense :)16:13
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VWback in the design summit days, the primary summit sessions were very much about HOW things would be implemented in software.  The conversations in the room were very blueprint and code focused16:14
VWit was often hard to feel useful if you were an operator in the room that hadn't been involved in all the dev team work to that point16:14
VWwith the shift to the Forum model, the focus on the sessions is now more about WHAT the software should do - high level feature/function conversations that aren't too deep in the code16:15
VWthey should attract both dev and ops looking to discuss these items16:15
VWthe "HOW" bit now takes place at the PTG16:16
VWanyway, to leong's point, it's really more that the old design summits and Ops sessions merged (or got replaced) by the new forum sessions16:16
VWthere isn't a lot of risk of us driving submissions by Ops/Users colliding with other things16:17
VWdoes that make a little more sense?16:17
zioprotothe all story you described makes sense to me16:18
spotzVW I think it's more of a communication issue of what can be submitted for the Forum and when16:18
zioprotoit is a perfect summary of the current situation16:18
spotzAt least from the OSA side of things we're following what you've described and the few others I've seen prepping for Forums have as well16:20
VWwhat we are trying to do is leverage Ops/user gatherings for the "Brainstorming" portion16:20
leongmy assumption is that: anyone including ops can propose forum sessions. Today Forum sessions is focus around 3 areas: project-specific, cross-project, and strategic.16:21
leongand it is still more "dev-centric"16:21
VWand turning common issues, pain, concerns into forum submissions for fixes, features, functions16:21
leongi think there should have an area which is more "ops-centric"16:21
VWnot really16:21
spotzleong I think that's a result of OPs not submitting things which goes back to us helping to drive it16:21
VWwe aren't looking to make ops/distinctions here16:22
zioprotospotz: +116:22
VWwe are looking to take the concerns of the users and turn them in to change/action16:22
VWyeah - +1 spotz16:22
leongthat's what i am trying to say.. more forum sessions are driven by dev16:22
VWah - yes16:22
VWgot ya16:22
VWcool - so we all are in general agreement that anything we can do as a body to help get more session driven by Ops input, the better things will be16:23
leongwe need a focus where users can express their needs/requirements and get these into the development priority16:23
VWplenty of details to figure out :)16:23
leongVW: +116:23
spotzVW +116:23
zioprotoVW: +116:24
VWso, leong - that's where we want to really focus things like the mid-cycle and gatherings at the OS days and regional meetups16:24
VWthese are places where OPs/Users are already gathering16:24
leongVW: +116:24
VWand to date, the discussions there don't turn into much tangible action16:24
zioprotoVW: I would say that we tried to group in the same geo location PTG and Ops Mid-Cycle but Ops community refused the idea16:24
leongwe have been trying to collect those data from mid-cycle / os days or meetups.. but haven't been very effective16:25
spotzzioproto: What was the reason?16:25
VWagreed leong16:25
leongmrhillsman and I were driving the "etherpad digging and summarized action items"16:25
mrhillsmanpersonally i believe the process was too heavy16:26
mrhillsmanwe discussed very simple process during sessions16:26
VWlet's be careful.  co-locating the Ops-midcycle isn't the way to really push what I am describing above16:26
zioprotospotz: Ops felt their importance would be smaller merging their event into the PTG. Ops mid-cycle is a 2 days event. PTG is a full week. Putting the events together in the same place and the same week sounded scary to ops. They were afraid to be overwhelmed by the PTG16:26
VWthere may be reasons to co-locate in the future for budget/facility reasons16:26
VWBUT the forum sessions are the discussions where Ops and Dev in the same room provides the most value16:27
leongfor information: #link etherpad double-hashtag result:
leongVW: +1... co-locating is not  a solution16:27
VWbut it still might need to happen, but we'll table that discussion for now :D16:28
VWwe actually decided to do a little pilot test with the Tokyo meeting next week16:28
VWwe have two simple goals16:28
VW1.  can we get a list of 3 or 4 key issues that are common to most of the attendess16:29
spotzOk so we've got promoting OPs to submit forum sessions as an action everyone can agree on:)16:29
VWthe hope is that we, as the UC, can circulate that back to the regional meetups and such to get more feedback and channel to forum sessions by Berlin16:29
* leong unfortunately i won't be attending Tokyo Ops midcycle16:29
VW2.  Since there are some specific tracks in Tokyo (NFV for example), we are going see if we "might" be able to get 1 or 2 direct forum submissions out of the conversations there16:30
VW#2 is a long shot16:30
VWbut if the UC can show that kind of success, it would be a huge win16:31
VWnone of us will be there leong16:31
VWbut anne from the foundation is here and will be attending Tokyo16:31
VWjamesmcarthur, aprice, mrhillsman and myself have been working with her to try and do some of what I just described16:31
spotzVW if we can get the top 1-4 pain points, could the UC submit and drive the coversation?16:31
leongVW: i agree with the goal... the challenge is 'how' and 'who' to drive the 3-4 key issues (assuming that not all UC has the relevant domain knowledge in every issues)16:32
VWyes, spotz - exactly16:32
VWwell, leong - that ties in to another part of the etherpad16:32
VWbetter use of regional ambassadors, regional meetups, etc16:32
VWWe should get that top 4 things in their hands and get input from the users we may not hear from as often16:33
leongscratching the etherpad contents is a pain especially if you are not "in that" discussion16:33
VWbut if we can make the ambassadors or meetup leaders more active in the process...16:34
apricewe are also hoping that the organizers are going to send a summary as well so that digging through the etherpads are not as much of a pain16:34
VWmaybe they can translate the conversations into some specifics for us16:34
apriceAnne is going to try and help them do that16:34
aprice(ops meetup organizers)16:34
VWor OpenStack Days organizers16:34
VWor meetup organziers16:35
spotzI'll try to hit the next Austin meetup, the last one I went to wasn't very OpenStack related16:35
VWthat's fair16:35
VWbut what if we had that top 4 list for you to float and get feedback ;)16:35
leongaprice: VW: +1 i think we should *kind of* put some guidelines in place and encourage coordinator/organizer to send a summary *with action items*16:36
leongwhen is the next Austin meetup?16:36
VWbut yes - you guys are totally getting it16:36
VWand leong your question is exactly why we want to "test" some of the process with Tokyo16:37
leongVW: cool... let;s get that going and sync up with shintaro16:37
VWyeah - since he and Chris were online yesterday for the normal Ops Meetup team meeting, we did a preliminary dump of these ideas on them16:38
VWthey were open to it16:38
VWand Anne will help drive things there16:38
VWthere's a chance we got it all wrong, but we will just iterate on the process based on how things go16:39
spotzleong In the next week or 2 I think16:39
leongspotz: ok... got it.. you mean to regional meetup... i thought you refer to ops-midcycle :-)16:39
spotzleong: Oh no though it would be nice if there was one there:)16:40
VW#action spotz confirm next Austin regional meetup date16:40
spotzVM MArch 8:)16:40
VW#action VW add iterating on feedback loop via Austin meetup to agenda16:41
VWwe'll try and revisit that on Monday, spotz16:41
VWso, the last big thing I wanted to touch on from the PTG etherpad is we may be looking at further defining/expanding the AUC designation16:42
VWjamesmcarthur, aprice, lsell, mrhillsman and myself don't know exactly what that looks like yet, but we discussed the need to make improvements16:44
VWthat's likely to be a recurring topic in our regular meetings16:44
leongAUC needs to be reviewed and updated per cycle and published16:45
VWwe need to figure out to better catch ALL the right folks16:46
VWand do so as programmatically as possible16:46
zioprotosounds good16:46
VWso tl;dr - the work here has been good, and the UC has a pretty full plate for the next year16:47
VWbut the foundation is all about helping us be successful in all of the stuff above16:47
leongalso on how SIG to be included in AUC16:47
zioprotoagain, it looks like enough stuff to justify a Foundation person working in the UC, like there are already Foundation persons in the TC. This was also proposed in the past.16:48
VWso that is where jamesmcarthur comes in16:48
apricejamesmcarthur from the Foundation is going to be working very closely with the UC16:48
VWthe UC isn't the only thing he does16:48
zioprotogreat news ! :) thanks16:48
VWbut he has been doing a lot for us16:48
VWand will continue to16:48
zioprotobecause it takes a lot of time to finalize all this things, and all of us are doing UC out of our core business16:49
VWbut, zioproto - I can attest to the fact that a lot of the discussions that are in the etherpad included many many Foundation members16:49
VWand they are all very interested in helping us accomplish these things16:49
zioprotoVW: yes. But there are some steps that require a single person gathering the material, polish it, and perform an action step16:50
spotzI think SIGs and a lot of the ops/user/new folks facing groups should be included for UC. The trouble is weeding through to get the folks who are actually active16:50
VWright spotz16:50
VWwe'll talk about it though16:50
VWwe spent some time on SIGs, but there is still lots of confusion and very mixed opinions about what they are, should they exist, how they should be governed, etc16:51
zioprotoI mean that we can provide input with these meetings. We can do some actions, but we cannot work 20 or 30% of our time as community managers for the UC. This is why the help from jamesmcarthur  is very welcome16:51
VWmore stuff for us to spend time on :D16:51
zioprotoI think this is the same vision also Edgar had in the past16:51
VWtrue zioproto, but we should expect to have to spend some time out side of the meetings, etc working on things16:52
zioprototo run the UC it is not enough to work on it 3 or 4 hours per week16:52
zioprotothat is why it is important to have a person that can spend more time on this actions, finalizing the things, after we provide input and material to work on16:52
VWtime check - this was supposed to be a quick update and we've gone almost an hour16:52
VWanything else we need to discuss today?16:53
apricenot from me16:53
leongthanks VW16:53
zioprotothanks VW16:54
spotzI think we covered alot:)16:54
VWawesome - thank you all for taking the time16:54
VWwelcome again, leong and spotz16:54
VWwill see you all on Monday at 1800 UTC!!16:54
spotzThanks, take care all:)16:54
leonghave a good day!16:54
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Feb 28 16:55:05 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:55
openstackMinutes (text):
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mrhillsmanthx for driving the meeting VW!16:55
zioprotobye bye16:56
apricethanks everyone!16:57
apriceVW mrhillsman does 11am tomorrow work to discuss user survey & ops tagging?17:16
VWI am flexible.  Just need to pin a time down so I can let someone else know when I'm available for a call17:18
apricemrhillsman does that work for you?17:22
mrhillsmani think so :)17:39
apriceok perfect :) ill see what room we can get and keep yall posted17:39
mrhillsmani think lauren wants to lock down a time tomorrow to talk cicd stuff more17:39
mrhillsmanmy schedule is open17:40
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apriceok - ill ping her to get a time locked down17:42
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