Monday, 2017-10-30

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zioprotojproulx: I have no idea. I always led K8s create a new Floating IP on the fly09:41
zioprotowe have the UC meeting today09:41
zioprotois it where and at what time ?09:41
zioprotoI got lost with my schedule09:41
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul has been restarted due to an unexpected issue. Please recheck any jobs that were in progress10:47
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zioprotomrhillsman: hello ?14:38
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zioprotoI am here17:51
zioprotomeeting in 8 minutes ?17:52
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zioprotois it here ??17:59
VWI believe so18:00
shamailim in two meetings so cant run it18:01
zioproto#startmeeting uc18:02
openstackMeeting started Mon Oct 30 18:02:03 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is zioproto. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:02
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: uc)"18:02
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'uc'18:02
zioprotoI did it right ?]18:02
mrhillsmansorry, thx zioproto18:02
zioproto#chair mrhillsman18:02
openstackCurrent chairs: mrhillsman zioproto18:02
mrhillsmansame boat as shamail, multiple things going on18:02
mrhillsman#chair shamail VW18:03
openstackCurrent chairs: VW mrhillsman shamail zioproto18:03
mrhillsmangood time to practice zioproto, your meeting good sir :)18:03
mrhillsmanmeh, i need to update the wiki, will do before i land in sydney :)18:04
mrhillsman#action mrhillsman update wiki; redirect to governance for wg/team information18:04
zioproto#topic roll call18:05
*** openstack changes topic to "roll call (Meeting topic: uc)"18:05
zioprotoso it is me mrhillsman shamail VW ... edgar is missing18:05
zioprotoright ?18:05
zioprotolets go on then18:06
zioproto#topic Review action items from previous meeting18:06
*** openstack changes topic to "Review action items from previous meeting (Meeting topic: uc)"18:06
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zioprotowe changed the meeting time right ?18:06
mrhillsmanhey emagana ;)18:06
emaganaYes, I was having some connectivity issues, my apologies.18:06
mrhillsmanjust emailed you hehe18:06
VWno worries - glad you are here18:06
emaganahave you started the meeting?18:06
emaganaawesome! keep going.. you are hosting it now  ;-)18:07
zioprotothere was a patch about the meeting change.. was it merged?18:08
emaganaYes, it was zioproto18:08
zioprotothere is any wiki or website to be manually updated with the new schedule ??18:09
emaganawe did already18:09
zioprotoI read just 18:00 UTC, isn't it like before ?18:10
mrhillsmani took action to update wiki18:10
zioprotoah ok !18:10
mrhillsmanapologies as i was supposed to do so some time ago18:10
zioprotono problem18:10
mrhillsmanwill make sure it gets done between now and my flight over the pacific18:11
zioprotoshould we go the agenda item number 3 ? I guess that is the most important today18:11
zioproto#topic Topics for Join meeting with Board and TC18:11
*** openstack changes topic to "Topics for Join meeting with Board and TC (Meeting topic: uc)"18:11
emaganaI added that one18:12
emaganaon Sunday before the summit, we will have the join meeting between Board, TC and UC.18:12
mrhillsmanso you, me, zioproto will be in sydney yes?18:12
emaganaAlan has asked us if we have some topics for the meeting. So, I wanted to know if anyone has anything to bring to the Board?18:12
shamailI will not be there :[18:12
mrhillsmanshamail no and VW?18:12
VWI will be there18:12
mrhillsmanok cool18:12
VWprobably at 11 - going to try and make mass beforehand18:13
emaganaDon't forget to RSVP for the meeting and dinner.18:13
VWI know we can sit in the earlier session if we would like18:13
mrhillsmanintroduction of newly elected members18:13
emaganaMy flight lands at 6:30am on that Sunday...18:13
zioprotoI will be there18:13
zioprotoI booked the eventbrite for the dinner18:13
VWI only got an invite for the dinner18:13
emaganamrhillsman: That is a good idea, we should do a intro for the new faces!18:14
VWwas there one for the meeting?18:14
zioprotothere another eventbrite for the day board dinner?18:14
zioprotoI mean day board meeting18:14
zioprotoI have the same question as VM18:14
emaganathe board meeting is open to everybody, just the executive session in private.18:14
emaganawhich normally is a lunch time18:14
mrhillsmanso the stewardship thing tc went through, doug took docs team through it18:15
mrhillsmanwondering if this would be something to bring up during this session18:15
mrhillsmanwe have not established any goals, so maybe that could be one, to actually go through that process relevant to being an opensource committee18:15
mrhillsmani know we have a forum session about goals too18:16
mrhillsmanjust throwing something out there18:16
mrhillsmanalso we discussed getting specific help from staff18:17
mrhillsmantom is "gone" so may be a good time to bring this up18:17
emaganaI think that is more for a UC session18:17
emaganaat least you mean the OpenStack goals?18:17
mrhillsmanat least introduce it and get it in folks minds for further discussion18:17
mrhillsmani'm just trying to spark some thoughts :)18:18
mrhillsmanremembering what we previously discussed18:18
emaganathose are welcome!18:18
zioprotoI think Tom did a great job from Openstack. Now that he is gone we sure need someone else. I think this is a good thing to bring up18:18
emaganaI like that part.. zioproto18:19
zioprotoIs it normal that Official minutes is a broken link here for the October 10th meeting ? #link
mrhillsmanwe may not get a definitive answer but we could set the stage18:19
emaganaI always have in mind to include one of the Foundation members in the UC like Terry in the TC18:19
apriceThere will be some Foundation folks at the UC sessions so we can make sure the close the loop with Tom's departure18:20
apriceincluding myself :)18:20
mrhillsmanagreed emagana18:20
mrhillsmani think it would be great for a uc member to be staff18:20
mrhillsmanwe can just see where things go from sydney18:21
apriceok - we can discuss those options in Sydney18:21
apriceWe have several staff members who will be more plugged in with the UC activities now.18:21
mrhillsmandefinitely a lot to consider/discuss around topic18:21
mrhillsmanawesome aprice!18:22
emaganawe have discussed that previously with the Foundation and the reaction was positive but they wanted to be sure that we really need a full time dedicated person.. The TC has a lot of work for the releases but the UC less..18:22
emaganaFor the most important work (the user survey) we have 100% dedication already18:22
emaganaThanks aprice!18:23
emaganaI think we could agree that the Foundation will provide support and resources as needed.18:23
emaganais that correct aprice?18:23
apriceyes, we will definitely continue to support as needed. Any insight into particular projects will be useful18:24
apriceI know we have helped with Forum programming, roadmap creation and user survey among other projects, but knowing where help is needed will be incredibly useful18:24
VWThat's how I'm understanding it too, emagana18:27
zioprotoI have an idea I want to share18:27
zioprotoI dont know if it the right place for this idea18:27
emaganaIn my opinion, the UC could have a bigger impact but sometimes is hard for us (UC members) to lead the projects because they require time than sometimes is hard to have from our day-to-day operations activities.18:27
emaganazioproto: go ahead!18:27
zioprotoI have been following Horizon issues lately. And I have been collecting feedback about Horizon rants.18:27
zioprotoThe dev team needs more help18:27
zioprotoAFAIK they are just two people18:28
zioprotothey dont accept BP if there is not someone willing to implement it18:28
zioprotothe situation is quite bad18:28
zioprotois this kind of stuff of interest of the board ?18:28
zioprotoof it is offtopic ?18:28
zioprotoare we supposed to bring user feedback ?18:28
zioprotoplease tell me if I am out of context18:29
emaganaIMHO you could bring to the TC18:29
zioprotobecause I am new here, and I feel a bit lost about what kind of topics/feedbacks we have to bring to the board meeting18:29
emaganaThis is a good example!18:29
emaganaWe should discuss with the Board what is our strategy to retain developers and to increase in the projects that are in need of them18:30
zioprotoSummary: general feeling of operators/users community is that Horizon is a second class citizen in the Openstack Ecosystem. Many deployments have proprietary web interfaces. How to support the development of Horizon so that it will not be the demo-web-interface but it becomes a production solid web interface ?18:31
emaganazioproto: Assign me the action item to bring this topic to the agenda of the meeting with Tc and board18:31
mrhillsmani think it is a good place to bring up in the meeting18:32
zioprotoaprice: now that it comes to my mind. It would be nice to collect data (if we dont do already) about deployments that use a proprietary web interface instead of Horizon18:32
VWwell, that touches on a larger subject that the UC should probably be involved in - what really is the core set of projects and what should be more of the ecosystem18:32
zioprotoaprice: in the next survey I mean18:32
zioproto#action emagana bring the Horizon support topic to the agenda of the meeting with the TC and board18:33
apricethanks zioproto18:33
mrhillsmanVW ++ which there are probably a number of larger subjects, which we could sit, discuss, and map out over cycles, i.e. goals18:33
zioprotoaprice: thanks to you !18:33
VWprobably so, mrhillsman18:33
mrhillsmanso that we have problem statement, possible solutions/steps, calls to action18:34
mrhillsmanwhich are good to bring up in these meetings18:34
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mrhillsmanvs open-ended items because it leaves the door open for them to be shot down more easily18:35
mrhillsmannot saying that is the aim but just the possibility18:35
VWin truth, I don't have much of an idea on topics to add because I'd like to get a feel for the larger discussions the Board, TC and UC are involved in so I can form an opinion18:38
emaganaVW: You can find the logs of the previous meetings here:18:39
VWyeah emagana - lots of reading to do on the plane :)18:39
zioprotoemagana: I tried to go through the logs ... you must be a superhero to get a feel for the larger discussions that are going on from there !18:40
zioprotoemagana: most of the links are empty documents18:41
zioprototry to get something out of the 10th october meeting18:41
zioprotoI could not :(18:41
zioprotothis links then to a empty etherpad18:41
zioprotothe only thing that is really documented is managing the new projects because there is a slide deck18:42
zioprotoVW: on the place you must have Internet connection to go through this material18:43
zioprotosorry, this wanted to be a feedback not a rant18:43
* VW is optimistic there will be wifi18:43
emaganazioproto: I will bring that feedback to Alan and the Board18:43
mrhillsmanzioproto that one was a phone call but yeah, empty etherpad should probably be removed :)18:44
zioprotolast 15 minutes18:46
zioprotodo we have more items ?18:46
zioprotodo we have logistic stuff to discuss for Sydney ?18:47
lsellthis is lauren...i wanted to comment on two things quickly that somewhat relate to sydney18:47
lsellsorry to join late18:47
zioprotolsell: go ahead18:47
lsellallison said that y'all were going to discuss the ops meetup potential event co-location in the meeting tomorrow, but i was wondering if we could hold off and discuss next steps in the sydney forum session18:47
lselli can't attend tomorrow, but i'm planning to be there in sydney and would really like to be part of the discussion18:48
VWwe can lsell18:48
VWI'm the moderator for said sessin18:48
VWand I can relay the same in IRC tomorrow18:48
lselli'm also planning to attend the UC goals session, and would like to talk about how we can work closer together next year18:49
mrhillsmanmaybe add items to the session18:49
lselldefinitely in regards to tom's departure, i'd like to fully document what he's been doing that's helpful for you, and what else we want to tackle next year18:49
emagana+2 thanks a lot lsell18:49
lsellanyway, both meetings are on my calendar, i've been working on my schedule today as i'm sure all of you have :)18:50
mrhillsmanyep, did mine today :)18:50
lselli jdidn't want the ops mid cycle discussion to go too far tomorrow before we could all get together18:50
VWtrying to get several SYD schedule things sorted myself18:51
VWI'll do my best to keep them reigned in tomorrow lsell18:52
lsellhaha thanks18:52
VWbut we'll definitely make that a big part of the conversation in the Ops Meetup planning session there18:53
emaganaVW: Just make sure Chris Morgan <mihalis> is aware of this.18:53
VWyep - will chat about it with him tomorrow18:53
zioprotoI will fire the last topic then... we have just 6 minutes to go18:53
zioproto#topic Sydney Summit - Preparation18:53
*** openstack changes topic to "Sydney Summit - Preparation (Meeting topic: uc)"18:53
zioprotoJust to recap important dates and times18:54
zioprotoSunday is the board meeting, starting in the morning, right ? at 9:0018:55
mrhillsmannothing more from me18:55
emaganacorrect zioproto18:55
zioprotoand we are busy with that the all day.. we have the board dinner then18:55
lsellYes, board meeting starts at 9 and the joint meeting starts at 11 on sunday18:55
lsellthere will be some board business in the morning, like a new member presentation, but everyone is welcome18:56
zioprotoare we supposed to be there at 9 or at 11 ?18:56
zioprotothe wednesday we have this session about UC Wednesday, November 8, 11:50am-12:30pm18:56
emaganait is up to you, you can join at 9am18:56
lsellyou're supposed to be there by 11, but you are welcome to attend at 9 if you'd like to hear the board meeting18:56
zioprotoUser Committee - Planning activities for next cycle18:57
zioprotosorry for pasting over your conversation... is because we are short with time18:57
zioprotook, so we have 1 thing Sunday and 1 thing Wednesday18:57
zioprotothere should be at least the operators forum session that is related to UC ?18:57
zioprotowhen is that18:57
mrhillsmanprobably two other important sessions18:59
zioprotothanks !18:59
mrhillsmanor at least ones to consider18:59
mrhillsmanhaving at least one uc person in18:59
emaganaciao ciao18:59
emaganaI need to join another call..18:59
zioprotosee you guys in Sydney !19:00
apriceSee you there!19:00
VWyeah - I am in another meeting too19:00
VWsee you all on Sunday19:00
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openstackMeeting ended Mon Oct 30 19:00:25 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)19:00
openstackMinutes (text):
mrhillsmanlsell have mark scout a wake boarding spot :)19:00
lsellhaha yes!19:00
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emaganasafe traveling to all19:00
mrhillsmansame to you buddy19:00
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