Monday, 2017-10-23

zioprotohello ? anyone around ?12:02
zioprotomrhillsman: ping ?12:02
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mrhillsmanhey zioproto15:03
zioprotomrhillsman: hey, just wondering if there was a meeting and at what time16:16
zioprotoI just read the email there is no meeting :)16:16
mrhillsmanwaiting on the patch to merge for the earlier meeting time16:16
zioprotoalso, I wanted to chat about Sydney, who is coming, when ... what are the important agenda items for UC. There is something going on on Sunday ?16:16
mrhillsmanyeah, the joint meeting16:33
VWI get in Saturday, but probably won't make the joint meeting till the 11:00 session as I have to get to mass that morning16:42
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zioprotomrhillsman: that we can attend in person because we are in Sydney, right ?20:50
zioprotobut there is no indication of the address where to go20:51
zioprotowhat is the Sydney ICC ?20:51
mrhillsmaninternational convention center20:51
mrhillsmanwhere the summit is going to be held20:52
zioproto ?20:52
zioprotoso we just show up there at 9 am ?20:52
zioprotoor we have to register somewhere earlier ?20:53
mrhillsmanwhen meetings are held during summit time, they are in the same location as summit20:53
mrhillsmanjust show up, i will be around if you do not have anyone else you know there20:55
zioprotoOK great20:56
zioprotoI start to put items into my Sydney schedule20:56
zioprotoit is late here ... shutting down my PC. thanks and good night.20:57
mrhillsmangood night20:59
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