Sunday, 2017-09-10

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mrhillsmani'm here15:22
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shamailhi everyone15:24
shamailHi mrhillsman, are you going to be at the PTG all week?15:24
mrhillsmanyes, except friday15:24
mrhillsmani leave early on friday iirc15:24
shamailSorry I couldn’t make it :(15:24
shamailThanks for reppin’ the UC15:25
mrhillsmanyou know it!15:26
mrhillsmanif you would like me to bring anything up during the PTG let me know15:26
shamailWill do, I am looking forward to feedback on the strategic workstreams to help form thoughts on PTG15:28
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shamailhi emagana15:35
emaganaHello There!15:35
emaganaI already mentioned to Melvin but extending it here, I won't be able to stay today.15:36
emaganaI am planing to attend the first hour.15:36
emaganaI felt that Lauren should pointed out that there are areas of improvement. The attendance of the Ops IRC meetings is decreasing drastically, we should share that15:37
emaganaOtherwise the board will think all is fine.15:37
emaganabased on the previous slide where Lauren mentioned that Ops Community was stronger15:37
shamailMakes sense emagana & mrhillsman…15:39
mrhillsmanmakes sense emagana but wondering if we want to not only share the decrease but provide solutions?15:40
mrhillsmani know we will have a successful midcycle for tokyo which is next year15:41
emaganamrhillsman: I think we should point it out as an area that we will focus.15:41
mrhillsmanlet me see if there is a good seque on the agenda, or i can bring it up during the time i have for feedback loop?15:41
mrhillsmani can add it to the deck15:42
shamailLooking at the agenda, I think that might be the best area to bring it up @mrhillsman… it’s either that or during the “(15:30) Clarifying and communicating where help is needed” section15:43
emaganaI second!15:44
mrhillsmani will discuss with thierry during the break15:44
shamailsounds good15:45
mrhillsmanissue: ops participation decrease in general and we are at inflection point where help is needed to not only stop the decrease but also generate increase15:47
mrhillsmanone ask of the ops meetup team is the foundation to handle logistics15:48
shamailmrhillsman: Good summary, one potential next step recommendation (that everyone can help with) is to bring to light common needs that everyone is hearing from openstack operators and then use that list as a guiding post to encourage ops involvement.15:49
mrhillsmanlooking at opendev, it is exactly what we have been talking of having the ops midcycle look like15:49
shamailI think one reason we have less engagement is that there is no documented need for their help15:49
mrhillsmani spoke with lauren friday about a new contributor page mike has been working on and it has a section for users15:51
mrhillsmanshe is going to try to attend our next meeting to discuss but if not we can talk further with her via email as she is asking for us to help populate and keep it updated15:51
shamailI think we all know there are challenges that new users are facing that experienced users might’ve already tackled.. it’s a matter of identifying “what pain points do we know about that ops has to overcome?” and then building tools or documentation around them15:52
shamailmrhillsman: +1 on working with Lauren, thanks for engaging her15:53
emaganaThanks folks for the good ideas, I wanted to be sure that we consider the Ops/User community turning yellow instead of being green!16:00
emaganaObviously not in red!16:01
mrhillsmangotcha, ty sir16:01
shamailemagana: +116:01
emagananow, I have to leave. Family is waiting for me..16:02
mrhillsmanthx emagana16:02
emaganaI could not take the day off folks...16:02
shamailSee ya emagana16:03
shamailThe “OpenStack-IaaS” category is misleading because there are sub-categories (workload provisioning, application lifecycle, etc.) that don’t fit that definition16:08
mrhillsmaninteresting point16:32
mrhillsmani see what you mean though16:32
shamailYeah, but it’s a great start16:33
shamailSomeone just raised the same point16:36
shamailI’ll be back at 11:30A… dropping off to switch locations (while stay on the phone)16:38
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shamail@mrhillsman: I emailed Jonathan but can you also let him know that I am interested in the new WG to discuss related projects and how we would move towards supporting them?17:32
mrhillsmanwill do17:53
shamailWould this be a good time to mention Feature Triage as well or defer that conversation?18:14
mrhillsmani think we can defer because i do not have any data, sorry18:22
mrhillsmanjust seeing this18:22
mrhillsmani would have hated to be asked questions i could not answer18:22
shamailI could’ve helped as well18:22
shamailIn general, this meeting is hard as a remote attendee since I can’t even unmute myself.18:23
shamailI have to drop off soon but I am sending the feedback to Lauren18:23
shamailNice work18:23
shamailCatch you later18:23
mrhillsmanok cool18:26
mrhillsmanthx shamail18:26
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mrhillsmani spoke with lauren as well about ops midcycle assistance18:26
mrhillsmanshe is totally onboard18:27
mrhillsmanwe are going to schedule a meeting for october18:27
zioprotohey there19:10
zioprotomrhillsman: is the in person meeting you have in Denver already happened ?19:11
zioprototomorrow in our UC meeting I will be in a airport waiting for a flight. I hope I get good Internet connectivity to attend. If you dont see me coming in, you know I am travelling19:12
mrhillsmanok no worries zioproto19:29
mrhillsmanthe meeting is about to start back up19:29
mrhillsmanwe are just finishing lunch19:29
mrhillsmando you have the information to join in?19:29
zioprotooh, is it like a videoconference ?19:32
zioprotoI am in a airport right now, boarding in about 1 hour. Then 90 minutes flying. Not sure my schedule is compatible tonight19:33
mrhillsmanah ok19:33
zioprotowhat UTC time exactly ?19:33
mrhillsmanno video, just screensharing and audio19:33
mrhillsmanand chat hehe19:33
mrhillsmanwe should have started back by now i want to say19:34
mrhillsman19:30 UTC19:34
mrhillsmanthey will probably start calling everyone to order in a few moments19:35
zioprotomrhillsman: give the details to join, I have no idea how to19:37
zioprotoI am in !19:40
zioprotonow I have audio19:41
zioprotomrhillsman: my microphone should be mute, is it ? do you heat chatting of airport people around me ?19:42
mrhillsmanyeah, it is muted19:47
mrhillsmani believe it is by default19:47
zioprotoyes I figured it out now. There is somebody talking about the strong relationship between openstack and ansible19:48
mrhillsmanyeah, the agenda is on the second link i sent19:51
zioprotois anyone really afraid Ansible is gonna die and we have a problem in openstack ?19:55
zioprotomrhillsman: who is this guy speaking now ?19:56
zioprotoit is hard to follow the audio19:56
mrhillsmansteven dake19:56
mrhillsmanhaha, i think i have to agree that no one may really be concerned about ansible dying19:56
mrhillsmani cannot remember his name but he is from AT&T19:57
zioprotomy flight is just 50 minutes late ! :O Looks like I can keep following :)20:02
zioprotothis guy making the question is the AT&T guy ?20:03
zioprotothis meeting is happening in Denver and you are there in person ?20:03
zioprotoI mean, it is at the same location of the PTG ??20:04
zioprotothis makes totally sense! coordination of Openstack and K8s20:05
mrhillsmani am in denver in person at the meeting20:06
mrhillsmandifferent location in terms of the hotel but "colocating" with the ptg20:06
zioprotoboarding soon, I am disconnecting20:29
zioprotociao ! :)20:29
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