Tuesday, 2022-07-19

aneeeshp11  I am trying to set up Openstack third party CI using software factory version 3.7. Followed the steps from this guide https://softwarefactory-project.io/docs/guides/third_party_ci.html.22:30
aneeeshp11  After adding gerrit connection details for review.opendev.org, I am getting an error in the zuul scheduler logs:22:30
aneeeshp11  ./scheduler.log:2022-07-18 21:10:25,564 INFO zuul.GerritConnection: review.opendev.org: Gerrit Poller is disabled because no HTTP authentication is defined22:30
aneeeshp11  ./web.log:2022-07-18 21:10:23,948 ERROR zuul.BranchCache.review.opendev.org: Exception loading ZKObject <zuul.zk.branch_cache.BranchCacheZKObject object at 0x7efee2784190> at /zuul/cache/connection/review.opendev.org/branches/data22:30
aneeeshp11 The gerrit connection details entry in the sfconfig.yaml file is:22:30
aneeeshp11  gerrit_connections:  22:30
aneeeshp11    - name: review.opendev.org22:30
aneeeshp11      hostname: review.opendev.org22:30
aneeeshp11      port: 2941822:30
aneeeshp11      puburl: https://review.opendev.org22:30
aneeeshp11      username: username22:30
aneeeshp11      canonical_hostname: opendev.org22:30
aneeeshp11  The SSH key located at /var/lib/software-factory/bootstrap-data/ssh_keys/zuul_rsa.pub is added to the account in review.opendev.org22:30
aneeeshp11  Could anyone suggest if I am missing anything?22:30
aneeeshp11  Are there better alternatives than using a software factory? Any documentation available?22:30

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