Wednesday, 2019-11-06

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lennybrishabhhpe: you can start services ( nodepool, zuul ) manually ( not as service ) and check why it fails. I used to do it with zuul2 and nodepool, since there are cases like bad credentials when service crashes without proper logging, and if you are not running it from the cli you cant understand what is the problem07:39
lennyball of those services can be run as stand alone to simplify debugging07:39
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rishabhhpei tried starting my nodepool service but it is not starting and exiting with below error17:00
rishabhhpenodepool@gerrit-zuul-new:~$ sudo systemctl status nodepool-launcher.service17:00
rishabhhpe● nodepool-launcher.service - Nodepool Launcher Service17:00
rishabhhpe   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/nodepool-launcher.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)17:00
rishabhhpe   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2019-11-06 16:59:11 UTC; 10s ago17:00
rishabhhpe  Process: 3529 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/nodepool-launcher (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)17:00
rishabhhpe Main PID: 3529 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)17:00
rishabhhpeNov 06 16:59:10 gerrit-zuul-new systemd[1]: Started Nodepool Launcher Service.17:00
rishabhhpeNov 06 16:59:11 gerrit-zuul-new systemd[1]: nodepool-launcher.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE17:00
rishabhhpeNov 06 16:59:11 gerrit-zuul-new systemd[1]: nodepool-launcher.service: Unit entered failed state.17:00
rishabhhpeNov 06 16:59:11 gerrit-zuul-new systemd[1]: nodepool-launcher.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.17:00
rishabhhpenodepool@gerrit-zuul-new:~$ nodepool --version17:00
rishabhhpeNodepool version: 3.9.1.dev617:00
rishabhhpecan anyone help me on this ?17:00
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