Tuesday, 2018-10-02

*** sekharvajjula has joined #openstack-third-party-ci07:45
sekharvajjulaHi Guys. I am trying to setup a 3rd party CI for Nokia Hardware. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ThirdPartySystems/Nokia_Airframe_CI. I am facing some issues in setting up Jobs for only Ironic. Can some one help me in this setup.08:21
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TheJuliasekharvajjula: what sort of issues are you encountering?13:56
sekharvajjulaTheJulia: Ahh!! Great to hear from you13:57
sekharvajjulaTheJulia: During PTG summit Denver, you mentioned that we can just use the zuul jobs in ironic project by passing native configuration variables. I could not do it yet.13:58
TheJuliaso in theory yes13:59
TheJuliaalthough, we found out that importing the ironic repo in for job configuration was a bad idea13:59
TheJuliaspecifically because several of the jobs have huge dependencies which generates something like 300 errors in the zuul log14:00
sekharvajjulaYes exactly, I am facing the same challenge!14:00
TheJuliaWhat you could do though, is import some base config, and then duplicate one of the jobs in the ironic repo.14:00
sekharvajjulaOk. I will try this and get back to you tomorrow!14:01
TheJuliasekharvajjula: I think we should get you chatting with jaipei14:02
TheJuliaAlso, possibly loop in the zuul folks14:02
sekharvajjulaYes. I got in touch with him as well over mail. He is also facing exact issue with ironic at the moment14:05
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