Wednesday, 2018-05-09

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tusharhi All06:38
tusharafter the change in IP of gerrit server , third party ci stopped working06:40
tusharzuul is throwing error  -06:41
tusharTraceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/local/bin/zuul", line 10, in <module>     sys.exit(main())   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/zuul/cmd/", line 262, in main     client.main()   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/zuul/cmd/", line 102, in main     if self.args.func():   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/zuul/cmd/", line 112, in enqueue     chang06:41
tusharanybody faced similar error?06:41
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lennybtushar, are you using IP or DNS name in zuul.conf? We are using the following [gerrit] and do net see any issues09:04
lennybyou can also try running zuul 'manually', maybe it will provide more ifo09:05
tusharlennyb: we are using DNS name, same as yours10:16
tushartried to eneque the patch manually it didnt worked as well10:17
lennybtushar:what zuul version10:35
lennybwe use Zuul version: 2.1.1.dev15210:35
lennybcan you add prints into to get more information?10:36
tusharlennyb : we are using zuul 2.1.011:20
tusharyeh I will add print statement and try to find error11:21
lennybtushar, did you check  #sudo -u zuul /opt/zuul/zuul/cmd/ -d11:21
lennybsometimes it provide more useful info11:21
tusharit showing error as  -
lennybtushar can you check if gearman plugin works in jenkins?11:54
lennybsocket in use issues usually are solved by rebooting11:54
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