Wednesday, 2018-02-21

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mayur_indHi folks,15:43
mayur_indWe are facing some issue in our CI, no new jobs are triggering.15:44
mayur_indI restarted zuul services and getting following error
mayur_indIt is failing in following following command = client.connect(self.hostname, username=self.username, port=self.port, key_filename=self.keyfile)15:47
mmedvedemayur_ind: does manual connection to gerrit work? e.g.  ssh -i <path_to_keyfile> -p <gerrit_port> <gerrit_username>@<gerrit_hostname>17:17
mayur_indmmedvede:yes it works17:20
mmedvedemayur_ind: did you confirm  that your zuul instance uses the same values for host and port that were used in your manual test?17:24
mmedvedeif they are, I guess next step would be to step through python code with pdb17:24
mayur_indmmedvede : yes, it uses same values for host and port17:26
mmedvedeand for sanity, you ran manual ssh connection test on the same server where zuul runs, correct?17:26
mayur_indyah, thats right17:27
mayur_indIt is failing while trying this17:28
mayur_indclient.connect(self.hostname, username=self.username, port=self.port, key_filename=self.keyfile)17:28
mmedvedeand you printed the values of self.hostname etc?17:29
mmedvedeit is weird that it would fail with the same values used in manual test, not sure what else to do17:29
mayur_indmmedvede: np... thanks :-)17:37
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