Tuesday, 2018-01-16

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fungiwe've gotten a flood of third-party ci system operators in #openstack-infra today asking zuul v3 questions. i tried to remind everyone in the third-party ci meeting this week that it's still a beta only in use by early adopters who are collaborating on its further development13:30
fungiremember evryone, it hasn't been released yet (it's not even being merged into master for a couple more days)13:31
fungithe current (latest) recommended release of zuul is still 2.6.013:35
fungithere will be widespread announcements when 3.0.0 is officially released, and hopefully at that time or at least shortly thereafter we'll have a migration guide for operators who want to upgrade their deployments from 2.x to 313:40
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rajinirfungi: thanks for the update15:32
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