Monday, 2017-06-05

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notmynamemmedvede: patchbot is triggered on gerrit URLs and "patch number"16:30
notmynameeg patch 1234516:30
patchbot - neutron - Update with latest code from openstack-common (sta... (MERGED)16:30
patchbotpatch 12345 - neutron - Update with latest code from openstack-common (sta... (MERGED)16:30
notmynameta da16:30
patchbotta da!16:30
notmynameif you have any questions or problems, ping me16:31
notmynamecode for it is at
mmedvedenotmyname: thanks! Would it trigger on any number? I think that might be a problem in some cases for obvious reasons16:35
lennybmmedvede, where can I get some info regarding the cache params , that mordred talked about? what those numbers mean?16:35
notmynamepatch 9999999999999916:35
patchbotNo data found for patch 9999999999999916:35
notmynamepatch 116:35
patchbot - openstack-infra/system-config - Add puppet module for ssh that installs an sshd_co... (MERGED)16:35
notmynamepatch -132423516:35
mmedvedeok, you have 'patch nnnn' regex, makes sense16:36
notmynamep 1234416:36
patchbot - nova - fix pep8 bugs on utils,py (ABANDONED)16:36
notmynamep <num> or patch <num>. with our without #16:36
notmynamebuuuut looks like the negative number did something bad? checking16:36
notmynamepatch -123416:37
mmedvedelennyb: not sure exactly, but my intuition is that smaller number would mean more trips to openstack api16:37
notmynameoh, nm. nothing bad. just doesn't match the regex16:37
notmynameanyway, have fun with patchbot ;-)16:37
mmedvedenotmyname: \o/16:38
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lennybmmedvede, I am trying to realize how/if it can be related to the number of VMs in my cloud16:39
mmedvedeit can, because the more VMs you have, more things nodepool would need to keep up to date16:39
lennybI see that this code is only in #link  I am trying to understand how it works. maybe I set it in the wrong place16:41
mmedvedethe cache settings are used by shade,
lennybdo I need to do something else, except of putting those lines in  /home/nodepool/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml  of my nodepool running server?16:43
lennybmmedvede, restarting shade?16:44
lennybmmedvede, I did not set cache_class, so it will not work :)16:44
lennybmmedvede, or will it?16:45
mmedvedeshade is part of nodepool, so just restart nodepool16:49
mmedvedelennyb: I do not know if any extra settings for enabling cache are required16:55
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rajinirIs there a way to restart a service when using devstack gate?   I see no screen21:27
mmedvederajinir: devstack is now using systemd, so you restart a service using systemctl21:34
rajinir<mmedvede> will try21:39
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chatter29hey guys23:28
chatter29allah is doing23:28
chatter29sun is not doing allah is doing23:28
chatter29to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger23:28
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