Wednesday, 2016-12-21

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lsekiHey guys, I want to replace Jenkins with Ansible on my third party CI17:10
asselinlseki, i'm not sure anyone has done that yet. You should ask in #openstack-infra.17:11
asselinanyone --> 3rd party ci folks17:12
lsekioh I see17:12
lsekithanks asselin17:12
krtaylorlseki, I don't now how youd do that, one is a test job runner the other a deployment/configuration manager17:13
krtaylorseems like youd have to write a bunch of management tools that youd get for free with jenkins, any reason not to just use jenkins?17:14
asselinkrtaylor, zuulv3 uses ansible instead of jenkins17:14
krtayloroh, lseki did you mean using zuul?17:15
lsekikrtaylor: I'm currently using Jenkins to run CI tests17:17
lsekiJenkins listens to Zuul's gearman and runs the jobs17:18
krtayloryep, I kow that well :)17:19
lsekibut for some reason, Jenkins starts queuing the jobs on its own Build Queue17:19
krtaylorre: zuul/ansible mmedvede have you looked at that yet?17:21
lsekiand it seems that Jenkins assigns a specific nodepool node (e.g. d-p-c-local_01-25391) for the jobs in the queue17:21
* krtaylor guesses that mmedvede may be off this week17:22
mmedvedekrtaylor: I looked at it awhile back and decided to wait until zuulv3 dust settles17:22
lsekithis node may be deleted for some reason, before the job is run, and the queue gets stuck17:23
lsekiso I thought replacing jenkins w/ ansible would eliminate this issue17:24
krtaylorlseki, why would it be deleted?17:24
krtaylorlseki, as mmedvede said, you might be asking for more/different problems until it gets all the kinks worked out, but infra would have more info on its readiness17:25
mmedvedelseki: are you using puppet-openstackci module?
mmedvedelseki: if you do not deviate from what it does, it should mostly work17:26
lsekikrtaylor: power outage, network instability, and other bad things that happens in Brazil17:26
krtaylorhehheh, not just Brazil  :)17:26
lsekimmedvede: yes, I'm using single_node_ci.pp which deploys me the whole stuff17:29
lsekiincluding the problematic Jenkins :(17:30
mmedvedeit is hard to tell what is going on from what you're saying. nodepool should be registering VMs with jenkins. Jenkins (through geraman plugin) then gets a job that might contain specific label to run the job on17:31
mmedvedeor jenkins job itself can specify which label to run on17:32
mmedvedeone jenkins starts running a job, you should see the node marked as 'used' in nodepool list17:32
lsekimmedvede: yes, that usually works as expected17:33
mmedvedeand once a job is done, the node should be deleted by nodepool17:33
lsekithe jenkins build is configured to run on nodes labeled "d-p-c"17:34
lsekiand when it's working correctly, it happens as you described17:34
mmedvedelseki: you need to figure out who deletes your node17:36
mmedvedethere is nothing jenkins can do if VM is just gone. In theory, if it is outside jenkins, you'd see the same problem with ansible runners17:36
lsekiwhen a node is deleted, jenkins' build queue stops, and the next job  says "No slave labeled d-p-c-local_01-xxx was found"17:37
lsekieven if there are other nodes labeled d-p-c-local_01-yyy17:37
lsekiI think jenkins is assigning a node to the job too early17:38
mmedvedelseki: sanity check, did you deal with jenkins security-170?17:38
mmedvedeas described somewhere in puppet-openstackci, if you use newer jenkins and do not explicitly set certain option, jenkins would not accept zuul env variables17:39
lsekiand unfortunately, some of my nodepool nodes will accidentally be deleted, for sure :(17:40
lsekiyes, I configured Jenkins to accept env vars17:42
asselinlseki, it is true there are issues with jenkins, hense why zuulv3 switched to ansible (and for other reasons as well), but for 3rd party ci scale, it should work well enough17:42
mmedvedelseki: I do not have more ideas, did not experience what you're describing myself17:43
mmedvedeI assume you checked nodepool logs for any errors17:44
lsekihmm have you guys ever seen a Build Queue appearing in Jenkins?17:47
lsekiI'm not sure if it's something normal, since zuul has its own queue17:48
mmedvedelseki: I only see available workers and workers that are being used17:51
mmedvedenot sure how build queue even looks in jenkins17:51
lsekimmedvede: it's something like this
mmedvedeok, I have "Build Queue" panel in mine. It always has "No builds in the queue."17:54
lsekithe problem only occurs when 1) builds are inserted into Jenkins Build Queue AND 2) the node where the build was assigned is deleted before run17:55
lsekiI thought solving 1) by replacing jenkins w/ ansible, which won't try to manage a queue17:59
lsekibut maybe this queue shouldn't be populated at all18:00
mmedvedeI am fairly certain you should not see anything in the queue18:01
mmedvedemaybe it is worth going through just in case18:04
lsekimmedvede: I'll read it, thanks!18:16
lsekithanks guys, I'll investigate why the build queue is being populated... it seems very wrong18:17
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