Wednesday, 2016-06-15

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reduxioGood morning. I'm having trouble setting up and testing a third party CI system. Can anyone help?05:43
reduxioIn essence, I think i performed all the necessary setups as described here:
reduxioand now i want to test that everything works..05:44
reduxiohowever - there's no 'ON' switch.05:44
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asselin_reduxio, there are steps in those instructions that state how to start the services. Are those started?13:07
reduxioasselin_: Yes, Zull is properly connecting to gerrit according to the logs. However I just found out that nodepool has an exception trying to launch a jenkins slave. following up on that. Thanks.14:29
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cbaderhello, I am trying to deploy new CI and get the following any clues on cause. Error: Unknown function load_module_metadata at /etc/puppet/modules/nodepool/manifests/mysql.pp:14 on node openstackci-2.rose.rdlabs.hpecorp.net19:44
cbaderreduxio, did you have any issue on first run of the puppet scripts. I am getting Error: Unknown function load_module_metadata at /etc/puppet/modules/nodepool/manifests/mysql.pp:14 on node19:57
cbadermmedvede, are you there19:57
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mmedvedecbader: here, but busy at the moment20:17
mmedvedecbader: It looks like maybe you have an older puppet ?20:18
mmedvedeor puppetlabs stdlib20:18
mmedvedeI do not remember where load_module_metadata function is supposed to come from20:18
cbadermmedvede, thank you for the response called away, I pull the latest repo, so don't know what happened.20:40
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asselinnot sure why it's not being found ^^21:06
asselinseems to be caused by
asselincbader, I refreshed your system-config repo, and forced a reclone of the modules using Seems to be working now.21:40
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