Monday, 2016-05-09

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openstackgerritKurt Taylor proposed openstack/third-party-ci-tools: Initial commit of MoltenIron
mmedvedekrtaylor: there is still quite a bit of pep8 left to fix in ^17:27
krtaylormmedvede, not by my tool, did you upgrade the pep8 checker?17:34
krtaylorthe old version is more strict on a few things17:35
krtaylorpep install --update pep817:35
mmedvedeI'll try to update mine. I see things like unused imports, and print function not using parenthesis17:36
mmedvedekrtaylor: I think the issues I am seeing are not the ones that pep8 shows, but flake817:39
krtaylormmedvede, ah, yes, that would catch py3 and others17:44
krtaylormmedvede, thanks, I'll go ahead and flake8 check it and push a new patchset today17:51
mmedvedekrtaylor: thanks. sorry for false accusations :), was not pep817:52
krtaylormmedvede, no worries, I appreciate it!17:52
openstackgerritMark Hamzy proposed openstack/third-party-ci-tools: Initial commit of MoltenIron
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