Monday, 2022-02-21

jamespageanyone have some time to take a review of ?09:22
mrungejamespage, hey, good morning, thank you for the patch, I intended to look at it, but got distracted09:47
mrungethank you for the heads-up09:47
jamespagemrunge: good morning! no worries - I was scratching an itch and learning a bit more about gnocchi/aodh as the same time :)09:51
jamespageI believe that should resolve issues when assessing CPU load across multiple instances for alarming09:51
mrungeyes, indeed. 09:52
mrungedid you test this with "traditional" alarming, e.g without aggregating?09:52
mrungehmm, I should be looking for another coffee, and please ignore my last comment09:54
jamespageno worries - I think I need another one as well :)09:55

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