Thursday, 2016-01-21

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zigopradk: <--- That's tooz in Python3, any idea why?02:10
mnaser3 hours later02:19
mnaserand i have packages *built* for trusty02:19
mnasernow will they install properly... find out on the next episode02:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ceilometer: add additional mitaka-2 release notes
zigomnaser: Please let me know if you encounter any problem.02:23
zigomnaser: I'll be happy to fix the Debian packages.02:23
mnaserzigo: thanks, i had to rebuild quite a few packages on trusty unrelated to gnocchi (but they're deps)02:23
zigoThat's to be expected.02:24
mnaserthe worst being python-pandas02:24
mnaserbut yeah, hopefully it works out well02:24
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mnaserzigo: i see that the puppet gnocchi module references or attempts to install "gnocchi-indexer-sqlalchemy"02:35
mnaseris that already included in the debian packages?02:35
* zigo checks02:38
zigomnaser: No, I don't have such a package, this must be something new.02:39
mnaserIt could just be really modularized redhat packaging?02:39
mnaserWhere they broke it down to much more smaller pieces, ex: package for indexer support with SQLAlchemy02:39
openstackgerritLianhao Lu proposed openstack/python-aodhclient: clean up docs
openstackgerritcaoyue proposed openstack/ceilometer: Replace library function os.popen() with subprocess
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-aodhclient: Clean flake8 ignore
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mnaserzigo: so far python-future has to be >0.15 -- -- "Add HTTPMessage to http.client, which is missing from httplib.__all__ on Python <= 2.7.10. This restores compatibility with the latest urllib3 package (issue #159, thanks to Waldemar Kornewald)" breaks keystone auth03:22
zigomnaser: Otherwise, it fails?03:22
zigoGood to know, thanks.03:23
mnaserit was a sneaky failure because keystone middleware is set to WARN, so only when bringing it up to DEBUG it made that error appear03:23
mnasergnocchi status works!03:24
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openstackgerritSam Morrison proposed openstack/gnocchi: Convert user and project IDs from UUIDs to Strings
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zigomnaser: Cool, I'm happy to know it works.04:17
zigoDid you deploy it with puppet?04:17
mnaserzigo: yes, had to remove that weird package i mentioned earlier and update a path, the wsgi file isnt shipped in the deb packages (would be nice if it was)04:17
mnaserbut that's only when you deploy it with apache2 + mod_wsgi04:18
zigomnaser: Can you explain more about this file? What file, and where should it go?04:18
mnaserzigo: this file -
mnaserthere is two ways of running gnocchi, directly as a server or by loading it with mod_wsgi in apache04:19
mnasermod_wsgi is the recommended high performance deployment method, but it requires that file to exist in order for apache to load the application04:19
mnaserkeystone as comparision ships that as /usr/bin/keystone-wsgi ... so maybe ship that file as /usr/bin/gnocchi-wsgi04:20
zigomnaser: Usually, this goes into /usr/share, not in /usr/bin, as you wouldn't execute it.04:23
zigoPushing it to /usr/bin is IMO wrong.04:23
mnaserzigo: .. i agree with you to be honest04:23
mnaserzigo: i think i put it in /usr/share/gnocchi-common/app.wsgi04:23
zigomnaser: Yup, that's what I'm about to do.04:24
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mnaserzigo: i just figured i'd let you know what the other openstack packages do (and maybe be good to voice that opinion over to the keystone folks)04:25
zigoI already push the keystone wsgi file somewhere in /usr/share, I believe.04:25
zigomnaser: What is this sqlalchemy package for?04:26
zigoWhat does it normally contain?04:27
zigoI asked upstream before doing the package, they never told me to write such a thing.04:27
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zigomnaser: I'm currently pushing version 1.3.3 to Debian Unstable.04:31
zigomnaser: You should try OpenStack in Debian one day! :)04:32
mnaseri can imagine it would be nice, the ubuntu cloud archive packages make it really nice for us right now to use (and they're well tested).. but i could try running our puppet stuff on a test env04:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ceilometer: Corrects typo "a other" -> "another"
openstackgerritMerged openstack/aodh: Test: make enforce_type=True in CONF.set_override
openstackgerritMerged openstack/aodh: Zaqar notifier for alarms
zigomnaser: Upstream puppet-openstack fully works on Debian too.04:37
zigomnaser: I do run tempest as well.04:38
mnaserzigo: im tempted, perhaps after this gnocchi + ceilometer + cloudkitty project04:38
zigoPlus most packaging is done by me even in Ubuntu (they only re-do the server packages).04:38
zigomnaser: How mature is cloudkitty? Enough to be packaged and uploaded to Debian?04:39
mnaserzigo: i can answer this for you once we get to it, we are 100% doing ceilometer+gnocchi, but the cloudkitty is still being evaluated04:39
mnaseri can let you know how the state of things are04:39
zigoI got a shitload of "oslo_config.cfg.DuplicateOptError: duplicate option: auth_section" with the latest gnocchi, so I guess I'll have to wait for a fix to push it to unstable.04:40
zigojd__: sileht: Please let me know what to do with that unit test error in Gnocchi 1.3.3 when you get up!04:41
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/ceilometer: Imported Translations from Zanata
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Add some resource types tests
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute int and float
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute bool
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute uuid
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Don't create Ceilometer resource types by default.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move legacy Ceilometer resource into indexer.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move resource type into their own sql table
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource type CRUD.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute string
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: homogenise resource type not found exceptions
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/aodh: Refactor Gnocchi and threshold evaluators
jd__zigo: do you have the right keystonemiddleware version?08:14
zigojd__: I'm up-to-date with all of Mitaka b2, so I got the latest one from the upper-bound file.08:15
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zigojd__: That's version 4.0.0 ...08:16
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silehtjd__, zigo this is needs to work with keystonemiddleware >= 4.0.0 :
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jd__sileht: zigo: yeah I09:23
jd__not sure we want to backport that09:24
jd__sileht: we should add <4.0.0 in stable/1.3 maybe?09:24
silehtjd__, that sucks it just a test issue ...09:24
jd__though it seemed the gate was happy09:24
silehtjd__, on  1.3 keystonemiddleware is 3.0.009:30
jd__right we already have <409:31
silehtjd__, I guess what zigo really is a mikata version of Gnocchi like 1.409:31
jd__maybe zigo didn't read the requirements09:32
silehtreally/really want09:32
jd__I don't know yeah09:32
sileht1.3.X in stamped liberty in gate09:32
jd__I wish they would be a way to support keystonemiddleware 2.3 3.0 and 4.0 at the same time09:32
jd__but they're not helping09:32
silehtjd__, just remove the test :p09:33
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openstackgerritLianhao Lu proposed openstack/ceilometer: Fix events rbac
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Add some resource types tests
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute int and float
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute bool
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute uuid
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Don't create Ceilometer resource types by default.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move legacy Ceilometer resource into indexer.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource type CRUD.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute string
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: homogenise resource type not found exceptions
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/gnocchi: Use overtest to setup InfluxDB
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/gnocchi: storage,rest: add support for granularity in aggregation
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/gnocchi: rest: fix timestamp parsing for aggregates
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cdentjd__: you rabble rouser11:17
* jd__ runs wordreference again11:17
jd__I can't help it :(11:18
cdentIt's a very good question11:19
jd__I'm expecting teams to dodge it, but well, that's the best I can do I guess11:19
jd__we don't need a stabilization cycle AFAIK11:20
* sileht thinks it should prepare popcorn before reading the ML today11:20
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* cdent adds a different flavor of salt to the thread11:23
silehtThat remembers me when I was trying to fix nova bugs and wait two cycles to get my bug fixes merged ...11:26
* cdent is "enjoying" that pace these days11:26
cdentIt's _really_ weird11:26
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jd__128 new mails on my Gnocchi inbox… what did you do guys11:30
jd__I need a cycle to read those11:30
cdentthat sounds about right: the email reading cycle, the email responding cycle, the spec writing cycle, the spec reviewing cycle, the coding cycle, the code reviewing cycle, the bug triaging cycle, the bug fixing cycle, the stabilisation cycle, the release cycle...and repeat11:31
jd__gonna use the ragequit cycle pretty soon with that11:33
jd__I'm concerned Daniel Berrange used "stabalization" several times because I wonder if it's related to stabbing now11:35
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cdentstab stab11:35
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jd__though I like that he talks about shorter cycle :)11:36
cdentYeah, I read that mostly wondering what he was getting at  and then right at the end "yeah, let's do that"11:37
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openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/ceilometer-specs: Improve Nova Instance metering
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ceilometerclient: Remove argparse from requirements
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Add some resource types tests
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute int and float
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute bool
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute uuid
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Don't create Ceilometer resource types by default.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move legacy Ceilometer resource into indexer.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move resource type into their own sql table
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource type CRUD.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute string
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: homogenise resource type not found exceptions
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/aodh: tests: replace bash scripts with overtest
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Add some resource types tests
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute int and float
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute bool
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute uuid
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Don't create Ceilometer resource types by default.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move legacy Ceilometer resource into indexer.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move resource type into their own sql table
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource type CRUD.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute string
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: homogenise resource type not found exceptions
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/gnocchi: sqlalchemy: switch to new oslo.db facade
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Remove custom api-paste.ini for testing
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Renable lint for WebTest
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Bypass the auth when listing Gnocchi versions
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/gnocchi: Homogenise resource type not found exceptions
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-aodhclient: clean up docs
cdentjd__: I think if you want to make any headway you're going to need to throw out some theories on what the root causes are.13:24
jd__cdent: I'm not really part of those teams so it's hard to me to have much data to throw13:25
* cdent was thinking in terms of rousing rabble ;)13:25
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cdentin other words make shit up, piss people off, etc :)13:26
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jd__well now I'd like to have someone from these teams and wanting to have such a cycle states why13:26
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jd__I don't think anyone said that so far, except Flavio maybe13:26
jd__and he seems almost in line with what I said :)13:27
cdentI've heard it bounced around here and there in the past, but yeah, nothing concrete13:27
alejandritojd__, quick and importante question13:27
jd__I'm all hears alejandrito13:27
alejandritojd__, does the gnocchiclient support the use of an already gotten token from kesytone ? or do i have to allways pass it a user/pass and for every call to gnocchiclient and a new token is generated ?13:30
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jd__alejandrito: from the Python API or the CLI tool?13:32
alejandritojd__, sergio_nubeliu from the python api13:33
jd__that's a question for keystoneauth I guess, let me take a look13:33
alejandritojd__, if you can help us to know how to make use of the gnocchi client with a token would be great, because as we are doing now, we are passing user/pw to the python api, and gnocchi generates thousands of tokens, and since we have database persistence of the tokens, its a big bottleneck13:35
alejandritojd__, so, since nova, neutron, etc supports it ... though to ask you how to do it ^_^13:36
jd__alejandrito: hum that's likely because you create a new object each time; can you show some of your code?13:36
alejandritojd__, sure! sergio_nubeliu will give you some !13:37
jd__alejandrito: otherwise, you can use the "v2token" or "v3token" authentication plugin of keystoneauth113:37
jd__yeah with some code it'll be simpler :)13:38
sergio_nubeliujd__, alejandrito:
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jd__sergio_nubeliu: from keystoneauth1.identity.v2 import Password as pwd13:44
jd__sergio_nubeliu: use Token instead13:44
jd__sergio_nubeliu: but if you use one GnocchiEngine() in your entire code base I don't think it should create more than one token13:44
jd__or it'd be a problem with keystoneauth somehow13:45
alejandritojd__, sergio_nubeliu so ... if we pass token to the keystoneauth, we can instantiate as many gnocchiengine as we wish right ?13:46
jd__alejandrito: yup13:46
alejandritojd__, or ... we can create a singleton of gnocchiengine and ask for a token just once, right also !?13:48
alejandritojd__,because the thing is ... who controlls token renewal !?13:48
jd__keystoneauth1 does control that13:48
jd__having a singleton would be a good idea yes :)13:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gnocchi: Use overtest to setup InfluxDB
sergio_nubeliujd__: great, thanks!13:50
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Add some resource types tests
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute int and float
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute bool
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute uuid
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Don't create Ceilometer resource types by default.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move legacy Ceilometer resource into indexer.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move resource type into their own sql table
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource type CRUD.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute string
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openstackgerritRyota MIBU proposed openstack/ceilometer: tempest: add telemetry client manager
openstackgerritRyota MIBU proposed openstack/ceilometer: tempest: migrate from tempest tree
openstackgerritRyota MIBU proposed openstack/ceilometer: WIP: tempest: use ceilometer client manager instead of tempest one
openstackgerritRyota MIBU proposed openstack/ceilometer: tempest: add ceilometer tempest plugin
openstackgerritRyota MIBU proposed openstack/ceilometer: tempest: migrate base class for tests
openstackgerritRyota MIBU proposed openstack/ceilometer: tempest: copy telemetry client from tempest tree
openstackgerritRyota MIBU proposed openstack/ceilometer: tempest: migrate api/test_check_nova_notification
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack/ceilometer: cleanup devstack plugin for gnocchi
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r-mibujd__: ping14:28
jd__hey r-mibu14:28
openstackLaunchpad bug 1522014 in Gnocchi "keystonemiddleware 4.0.0 breaks gnocchi gate" [Critical,Fix committed]14:28
r-mibujd__: seems still vaild14:28
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jd__r-mibu: how so?14:28
r-mibui found gate-ceilometer-dsvm-integration failed with keystonemiddleware==4.0.014:29
r-mibu and14:29
r-mibu are failed with 4.0.014:30
r-mibubut, is passed with 3.0.014:30
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r-mibuI'm not sure why, but those happend in stable/liberty branch14:32
r-mibudo we have to backport some patch to stable/liberty in gnocchi?14:32
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gordcr-mibu: is keystonemiddleware breaking something?14:41
gordcr-mibu: i know i just fixed a stable/liberty issue because we changed the gate job to expect ceilometer to configure gnocchi14:42
r-mibugordc: np, gnocchi touches duplicated option that causes error14:44
gordcr-mibu: ah i see.14:45
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nicodemus_Hello, when using distributed gnocchi-metricd with a coordination_url, should I expect all metricd instances to be working at the same time on measures for the same resource?14:54
nicodemus_Or each metricd instance should pick a different resource to work on?14:55
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jd__r-mibu: gordc: this is weird indeed, I don't get why it's getting 4.0.0 where our requirements says <414:58
jd__nicodemus_: each metricd picks a different metric14:59
gordcjd__: you can't beat the requirements gate! it's futile.14:59
jd__true that14:59
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gordcjd__:  you should've kept core, then you could blow it up as inside man14:59
jd__now I think this time it's not its fault15:00
gordcoops meeting15:00
nicodemus_jd__: thanks, my doubt was because as per the logs all metricd instances state "processing measures for <UUID>" at the same time, and the UUID is the same15:02
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jd__nicodemus_: which coordination_url do you use?15:05
nicodemus_jd__: coordination_url = redis://
nicodemus_the same on all gnocchi-metricd instances, no sentinel15:05
jd__the ?metricd seems useless15:06
jd__but i'm scared that you see the same uuid in all the metricd15:06
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jd__gordc: why is ceilometer master picked when testing gnocchi stable/1.3 – and all other projects are using stable/liberty15:08
jd__did we change anything?15:08
nicodemus_jd__: on the redis server, a client list show all metricd instances connected, and a "monitor" show them all sending commands, so they're using it15:09
jd__gordc: ok your commit c2d063bc15ff1367e846813b6ef76e26318d7109 did that15:09
jd__but it's not the root cause, it's just a side effect on installation order15:10
gordc? that's weird.15:10
gordcwhy would order matter?15:10
jd__because of how pip install things15:11
jd__but that's not what we need to fix15:11
jd__now Gnocchi 1.3 is installed with keystonemiddleware<4, so 3.0.0 is installed15:12
jd__then Ceilometer _master_ is installed, with keystonemiddleware>=415:13
jd__so keystonemiddleware is upgraded and Gnocchi fails to start15:13
jd__why is Ceilometer _master_ being installed in stable/1.3 ?15:13
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jd__i see a lot of branches being set at
jd__but no ceilometer15:14
gordcwill look after meeting (or you can look now)15:14
jd__I guess it's because they are not plugin, ok15:14
jd__yeah I keep looking and stating what I find here, you'll be free to help me after the meeting ;)15:15
jd__I found the issue…15:22
jd__  -c, --constraint <file>     Constrain versions using the given constraints file. This option can be used multiple times.15:22
jd__this implies --upgrade15:22
jd__what's the ascii thing to throw a table again15:22
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gordcjd__: copy/paste cdent's signature15:27
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jd__so yeah in the end this is due to this shitty repo15:30
* jd__ sighs15:30
cdentjd__: what's "this"?15:30
jd__cdent: Gnocchi gate for stable/1.3 is broken15:30
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jd__I'll try a fix15:31
jd__then a workaround lol15:31
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silehtjd__, you want to start a war ?15:51
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jd__sileht: I just want things to work15:52
jd__already got a +115:54
ryanpetrellocdent you around?15:55
cdentryanpetrello: yeah, hi15:55
ryanpetrello`$ tox -e py27-gabbi` for gnocchi is failing for me atm - looks like some test fixtures are using sqlalchemy, but it's not installed as a dep15:55
r-mibujd__: i'm on your side, i only have a bamboo spear though15:55
gordcr-mibu: you need diamond spear for openstack.15:56
gordcor what's stronger than diamond?15:56
cdentryanpetrello: I reckon that's jd__'s "fault". He tweaked how dependencies are managed. just a sec15:56
jd__ryanpetrello: you make me curious, why do you run that?15:56
ryanpetrelloI run it as a test in pecan15:56
jd__cdent: yeah don't other I can fix it ;)15:56
ryanpetrelloon pecan changes15:56
ryanpetrelloto make sure changes in pecan don't break gnocchi15:57
jd__ryanpetrello: oh ok15:57
jd__ryanpetrello: you're a nice guy, let me fix that for you15:57
* cdent defers to jd__ 15:57
cdentBeing a nice guy pays off in the long run.15:57
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cdentYou've seen it here today!15:58
gordcllu: i don't know why aodh is missing bug aodhclient is under
gordci'll ask around15:58
gordcthanks for letting us know15:58
ildikovI gave up on search on Launchpad, so I don't know whether I would've realized this ever15:59
jd__gordc: llu: fixed15:59
gordcjd__: who gave you special powers?15:59
jd__what else do you want me to fix today guys?15:59
jd__I AM MAGIC15:59
gordcyou can't be trusted15:59
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jd__I am fixman16:00
jd__with a big F on my chest16:00
gordc... that's not a good letter.16:00
ildikova new superhero has just born :)16:00
jd__gordc: haha16:01
ildikovgordc: I agree, we should find a better one :)16:01
jd__gordc: there's another dude with a S like sucker, you know16:01
gordctrue true.16:01
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/gnocchi: tox: fix py27-gabbi dependencies
ildikovjd__: lol :)16:02
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gordcjd__: is the workaround to backport patch to stable/1.3?16:09
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jd__gordc: no, it's probably to pip install gnocchi without that upper-constraint crap16:09
jd__which is wrong according to my understand as I wrote in the commit message ^^^16:10
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gordci see... or we can be really hacky and just reapply requirements in gnocchi devstack plugin16:12
openstackgerritRyota MIBU proposed openstack/aodh: tempest: migrate codes from tempest tree
openstackgerritRyota MIBU proposed openstack/aodh: WIP: tempest: copy api tests from tempest tree
openstackgerritRyota MIBU proposed openstack/aodh: tempest: add aodh tempest plugin
jd__gordc: how that?16:16
gordcjd__: does it install libs when process is started? if not, can't we just add some hacky pip commands to readjust reqs?16:18
jd__gordc: yeah that'd be my idea16:18
jd__I guess currently it does pip_install gnocchi16:18
jd__which uses the -c flag16:18
jd__we should just avoid that somehow (= workaround)16:19
jd__unless the upper-req is fixed (fingers crossed here)16:19
gordcjd__: lol you have a lot of faith16:19
openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack/ceilometer: cleanup devstack plugin for gnocchi
jd__I'm a believer16:20
jd__if we all weight in, we can fix this16:20
jd__c'mon #WhatOpenStackShouldBeTeam!16:20
* gordc is not cool enough for twitter16:21
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/ceilometer: Fix ceilometer floatingip pollster
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jd__gordc: you could be16:26
gordcno thanks. i like living in my bubble.16:27
gordcbiab. making coffee.16:27
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Add some resource types tests
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute int and float
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute bool
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute uuid
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Don't create Ceilometer resource types by default.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move legacy Ceilometer resource into indexer.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move resource type into their own sql table
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource type CRUD.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute string
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: homogenise resource type not found exceptions
silehtjd__, so you are ok to continue to have two tables by resource type even if we can create them ?16:39
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/gnocchi: storage: autoconfigure coordination_url
jd__sileht: why would I not be ok?16:40
silehtjd__, just to be sure I have not missed something :p16:40
jd__hehe, no16:40
jd__I don't see any better solution :)16:40
silehtFrom the performance point of view that rocks16:41
silehtjd__, the next question, is where to put the schema validation for resource type attributes
jd__sileht: I think has waited long enough so I am going to +2A it unless you want to approve it, same for you gordc :)16:41
silehtjd__, I have already review it, I was waiting for zeeek comments because you are still used private stuff of oslo.db16:42
silehtjd__, I'm ok to them later16:43
jd__oh right16:43
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/ceilometer: Fix ceilometer floatingip pollster
jd__I don't think zzzeek is watching16:44
jd__let's merge it and we'll fix it…16:44
jd__sileht: how do you serialize Voluptuous schema?16:44
jd__I should read the patch entirely I guess16:44
gordcjd__: quickly reviewing before it merges16:45
gordcsileht: what performance pov?16:45
jd__gordc: thanks16:46
silehtjd__, here you have the code that transform the attributes configuration into voluptous or sqlalchemy column:
gordcjd__: i still don't understand diff between independent_* and not independent... one locks everything?16:47
jd__gordc: independent_ starts a new session from what I understood16:47
jd__gordc: so we don't really need those AFAIU16:47
silehtgordc, the Gnocchi current sql resources schema is just performant comparing of Ceilometer metedata thing16:48
gordcsileht: ack16:48
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Add some resource types tests
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute int and float
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute bool
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute uuid
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Don't create Ceilometer resource types by default.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Move legacy Ceilometer resource into indexer.
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/gnocchi: Implements resource attribute string
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jd__sileht: so IIUC, you store the schema as a dict (same format than the REST API) in the resource_type table, and create table dynamically with the appropriate schema based on the schema provided in the API16:54
jd__that LGTM16:54
jd__that's what sheeprine wanted to do IIRC16:54
jd__I'm just wondering if we should not leverage JSON schema here – at least a non nested version16:54
gordcjd__: so independent is to avoid shared session?16:55
jd__gordc: from what I understand16:55
gordcjd__: i think that's what the code says too. *shrugs* looks good to me16:55
gordcwe can clean it up later16:55
jd__gordc: wanna look into ?16:56
jd__or I approve?16:56
jd__gordc: it'll be even more fast with that ;)16:57
jd__faster metricd!16:57
gordcfaster is better... in this case.16:57
gordcsileht: does gnocchi metric list == all metrics across all (accesible) resources?16:57
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silehtgordc, yes16:58
silehtjd__, I have thought that converting all capabilities of jsonschema to an sql model with sqlalchemy will be a nightmare16:59
gordcsileht: that request is timing out on me. (i have debugged yet)16:59
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jd__sileht: we can limit ourselve to a valid subset, no?17:00
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/python-aodhclient: Add gnocchi alarm rules
silehtjd__, returning error means we have to validate the submited jsonschema with a schema :p17:03
silehtjd__, we can just ignore additional stuffs, but peharps we will not create what the user really want17:03
* jd__ mind explodes17:03
jd__does it look complicated to validate jsonschema subset?17:04
silehtthat why I have just use voluptuous like that17:04
jd__I'm afraid we invent our own schema language17:04
silehtjd__, I will dig deeper on jsonschema tomorrow to see if we can avoid that17:05
jd__cool :)17:05
silehtjsonschema is really complicated17:06
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gordcjd__: what happens if POINTS_PER_SPLIT is changed?17:21
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jd__gordc: everything explodes17:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gnocchi: sqlalchemy: switch to new oslo.db facade
gordcjd__: kk. that's kinda what i guessed.17:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack/aodh: tox: change default target from MongoDB to MySQL
jd__it's not configurable, but it if would be, it should never be changed17:25
jd__I think the default value should be good enough17:26
jd__fingers crossed17:26
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gordcjd__: what size is that?17:26
jd__gordc: 1440017:26
jd__which is ~256 Kb IIRC17:27
jd__which is 4 hours for a 1s resolution17:27
gordcok. that's roughly what i got17:27
jd__or 10 days for 1h resolution17:27
jd__it's a good number17:27
gordcso this works fine if someone already has non-split data?17:28
jd__gordc: yes, gnocchi-upgrade splits it17:30
jd__tchouk tchouk tchouk17:30
gordc... is that some french sound effect?17:30
jd__the migration will be from TimeSerieArchive (the big one) to these small splits in the end17:31
jd__gordc: yeah!17:31
jd__tchak tchak tchack maybe? :P17:31
gordci'm not sure why i laughed reading that.17:31
gordci appreciate it.17:31
gordcjd__: start hacking
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ryanpetrellothanks for jd__18:03
ryanpetrellolooks like it should work for me18:03
ryanpetrello(when it merges)18:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gnocchi: carbonara: allow to create TimeSerie from existing ts
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* cdent hits gordc with a bus18:20
gordccdent: did i tell you about the bus trip i organised? it's only for telemetry devs. route will be published online for all to see.18:21
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openstackgerritIlya Tyaptin proposed openstack/ceilometer: [WIP] [PoC] Caching metadata of compute pollster
pradkgordc, you know Zi's irc nick?18:45
ityaptinliusheng: I updated the PoC with new changes from your spec
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/gnocchi: tox: fix py27-gabbi dependencies
openstackgerritMerged openstack/gnocchi: carbonara: allow to split AggregatedTimeSerie
mnaserIs the "gnocchi benchmark" tool broken by any chance?18:53
mnaserI'm seeing this: "PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'thread.lock'>: attribute lookup thread.lock failed" -- no data seems to be sent afterwards and the process is completetly stuck (needs to be killed, ctrl+C doesnt do anything)18:54
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gordcpradk: Zi Lian Ji?19:09
gordcmnaser: using master?19:09
mnasergordc: pip install gnocchiclient19:09
pradkgordc, yea19:09
gordcpradk: liamji ?19:10
pradkgordc, ah thx19:10
gordcpradk: i'm guessing /disclaimer19:11
gordcmnaser: let me see if i can test it19:11
pradkliamji, hi, just checking to see how the tests are coming along
gordcmnaser: yeah i get that too19:13
openstackgerritGeorge Peristerakis proposed openstack/ceilometer: Load a directory of YAML event config files
gordcpradk: i'm pretty sure they are in china.19:15
mnasergordc: well im glad its not the new installation that was not properly done here i guess19:16
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pradkgordc, ah ok, i'll catch him in the evening then, thx19:16
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gordcmnaser: hmm.. apparently my gnocchi is down... regardless it's probably related to client.19:21
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mnaseris there any docs at all on how to make ceilometer use gnocchi?19:29
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mnaseroh cool, let me get started.  thanks gordc19:30
gordcor look at all the gnocchi parts in devstack plugin:
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mnasergordc: if you're familiar with this, would filter_service_activity be required to be set to True if using Ceph as backend store?19:51
mnaserit would seem that it's there to filter out service activity when its storing data on swift19:51
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gordcmnaser: short story, you don't need it set for ceph.19:53
mnasersounds good, looks like it's up and running so far but logs got a ton of "2016-01-21 19:53:30.351 17714 WARNING ceilometer.dispatcher.gnocchi [-] metric image.size is not handled by gnocchi" and for other metris19:54
mnaserso looks like i have some other stuff to set to let it be "handled"19:54
gordcmnaser: longstory, ceilometer has a middleware that sits in swift wsgi pipeline. so basically if you dispatcher to swift, those dispatches will get metered and you have endless loop of swift metrics19:54
mnaseryeah the blog post you first mentioned explained it well :) -- awesome, im excited19:54
gordcmnaser: do you have /etc/ceilometer/gnocchi_resources.yaml19:55
mnaseri do not gordc, should i write this file myself or is there a vendor shipped one19:56
gordcmnaser: it should be packaged:
gordcyou'll need to set if you want to customise location19:57
mnaserliberty ceilometer on trusty (ubuntu cloud archive) -- not there :x19:57
gordchm... it might be in gnocchi if it's liberty20:00
gordcactually it's there in liberty so i'm guessing someone screwed up package.20:01
gordci think debian/fedora might be better packaged when it comes to telemetry related projects (not to be biased)20:01
mnasergordc: had to build my own packages for gnocchi last night from the debian packages20:02
gordcmnaser: yeah. there should be a bug opened for gnocchi in ubuntu20:03
mnaserhopefully for the next release packages will be out20:05
gordci hope so20:05
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mnaserbummer.  it seems all requests ceilometer is doing to gnocchi are resulting in 400's20:18
mnaserand when i disable the apache + wsgi stuff and go with gnocchi-api, it looks as if  the process is respawning every request20:19
gordcwhat's the error you see in gnocchi logs?20:25
gordcdid you run upgrade (or dbsync) when starting gnocchi?20:25
mnaseryes gordc, upon further debugging.. "Archive policy low does not exist'20:33
mnaserlooks like i'll have to create this policy20:34
gordcoh. yeah. you need to create that.
mnaseri think i might have to use the "medium" policy as i'd like to have data for over a month20:36
gordcmnaser: makes sense you can define your own policies and granualarities... you do need to think about it before hand so it's a little different from before20:38
mnasergordc: i'll go with the medium one for now to get it running and go from there should i need to make adjustments, i think20:39
mnaserbut I can se the 202s, 200s flying in now :)20:39
mnaserand the ceph cluster starting to do work20:39
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mnasergordc: hopefully this will be the last thing, but it seems like the data is being stored in gnocchi (gnocchi resource list / gnocchi meter list) but using ceilometer commands don't show them (ex: ceilometer resource-list / ceilometer meter-list)20:47
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mnaseram I missing a config somewhere that it's reading the mysql db possibly?20:48
gordcmnaser: that's correct. you can consider gnocchi a replacement/alternative to ceilometer's old db20:48
gordcmnaser: basically ceilometer data is now stored in gnocchi (with it's new model)20:49
mnaserso the ceilometer API calls will not return the data from gnocchi?  I'm just wondering how this will affect something like a billing system that relies on ceilometer's API endpoints20:49
mnaserI was thinking the backend changes to gnocchi but Ceilometer's APIs remain unaffected, they just read the data from the Gnocchi backend20:50
gordcmnaser: no, it won't return the data from gnocchi. the models/concepts (ie archive policy) are very very different so it doesn't actually map well.20:50
mnaserok i see, so for a software like CloudKitty which relies on Ceilometer, it would have to be implemented to use Gnocchi20:51
gordcie. ceilometer sample-list will make no sense as gnocchi doesn't necessarily store all data (it aggregates data to improve data size and query time)20:51
gordcmnaser: correct. we've been working with Cloudkitty already to get to working with gnocchi api20:51
mnaseroh cool, i'll probably get on it if it helps delivering it20:51
gordcceilometer resource-list and ceilometer statistics may be translatable but we don't really have resources to spare on that to be honest.20:52
gordcmnaser: sounds good20:52
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pradkgordc, hey22:19
gordcpradk: whatup?22:19
pradkgordc, you have a example of reno entry somewhere ?22:19
pradkgordc, is this a new thing?22:19
gordcpradk: sorta? i've been doing it to save everyone hassle22:20
gordci decided to stop being nice22:20
pradkgordc, ah ok, so what do i need to do?22:20
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gordcrun tox -e venv -- reno new slug-goes-here22:21
gordcit will give you a template.22:21
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gordcedit that template as complete as you can... and commit it with rest of patch22:22
gordcsomething like
gordcyou probably just need fixes part22:22
pradkunderstood, so other parts i leave blank or remove them22:23
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/ceilometer: Fix ceilometer floatingip pollster
gordcpradk: yeah. remove them22:29
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pradkgordc, ^^ hopefully i did it right22:29
pradkaddressed your other comments as well gordc22:30
gordcyou spelled stuff wrong.lol22:30
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gordcpradk: i commented22:34
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/ceilometer: Fix ceilometer floatingip pollster
pradkgordc, done22:38
openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack/gnocchi: plugin cleanup
pradkty sir22:41
openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack/python-aodhclient: add alarm-history interface
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mnaserstarted a new gnocchi cluster, it seemed to be fine at the time but now the api is not responding at all and i have 24 processes of gnocci-metricd that are leaving only 40% of 24 cores idle23:16
mnaser~700 VMs in this cluster, only running ceilometer-collector for now23:17
mnaseri can throw more power at this.. but at 700 VMs.. it seems to be not an ideal way of scaling23:19
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