Friday, 2024-04-12

fricklertc-members: related to yesterday's "what is openstack" discussion and a current question in the release-team channel, we might want to reconsider the way unofficial projects are using the openstack-provided publishing jobs07:50
fricklere.g. from looking at the pypi page, this looks very much like an official deliverable to me
fricklernoting in particular the "Author: OpenStack" tag in combination with the "Maintainers:"07:53
fricklerthough the current situation is in fact documented in
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: CI: run build jobs on newer distro
fricklerelodilles: tonyb: FYI we will be discussing future actions regarding the unmaintained process in the PTG session at 16:00 UTC, in case you want to join or add comments before at
elodillesfrickler: ACK, I saw that09:08
fricklertc-members: Transition Freezer project to DPL is needing more votes before being approved, please have a look, this would help allowing people to clean things up11:56
fricklernoonedeadpunk: I think it would also be fine if you voted yourself on that review. also maybe can you get khyr0n to approve it?12:02
fricklerJayF: the last PTG topic on the etherpad ("Somewhat heated discussion around "Moderizing Python Stack"") doesn't have an owner, but also isn't referenced in the schedule, do you maybe want to still add that at the end?12:18
noonedeadpunkfrickler: I'm not sure if I can or should actually vote on smth I've proposed12:20
noonedeadpunkI wrote couple of emails to current PTL though didn't get any replies12:21
fricklernoonedeadpunk: "... we usually ask all TC members to cast a vote on all patches, even those they write."
noonedeadpunkfrickler: well... I mean... there's context around this wording12:36
noonedeadpunkand I'm not sure if this proposal is that complex :D12:36
noonedeadpunkAnd I obviously don't want this to look like project hijacking12:38
JayFnoonedeadpunk: I am not in favor of freezer going immediately to DPL, since that doesn't have a forcing function for check-ins. I've voted accordingly on the patch but wanted to ensure you saw this last part: a similar patch that appoints you (or another viable candidate) as PTL is something I'd be +1 to.14:24
noonedeadpunkJayF: I'm not read to take full responsibility as already quite over-subscribed. And other folks I've worked with do not know enough about the process to be ptl either14:26
noonedeadpunk*not ready14:26
fungithough we did discuss during the ptg that it might make sense to force people to re-volunteer for dpl liaison positions every cycle as a mitigation14:26
JayFI can completely understand that feeling; I don't think it changes my opinion that the DPL model (as currently implemented) is not a great idea for a project emerging from inactivity.14:26
fungibasically if a project can't renew sufficient dpl volunteers, it's treated the same as a ptl-governed project having no ptl candidate14:27
noonedeadpunkmoreover, I feel that DPL might be quite good choice right now when new folks are joining development, so enforce them to step-in as well as giving some responsibility14:27
noonedeadpunk+1 14:28
JayFIf that's the case, maybe we need to implement something like fungi's suggestion first14:28
fungiwe definitely have multiple dpl-governed projects listing liaisons who haven't been active in the community for years14:28
JayFTBH feeling a little burned from our recent experience with the security bug, and I am wary of heading down a similar path14:28
JayFfungi: exactly14:28
noonedeadpunkbasically my intention with freezer right now, bring project back on rails, gather interested parties together and see them collaborating, and step down leaving them in a good shape14:30
noonedeadpunkand PTL is opposite of that approach14:30
noonedeadpunkas then everyone feels kinda safe as there's a person who will take care regardless14:31
fungisimilarly, in the past we moved projects who couldn't consistently meet release deadlines to an independent release model, and probably now have a non-zero number of them who are just not releasing the software at all14:32
JayFfungi: When we address inactive policy later today, can you please mention both of those situations? I think it'd be valuable to get an action item down around auditing those projects14:33
JayFand limiting to dpl / independent release projects should help narrow it significantly14:33
fungiJayF: yeah, i think those concerns are buried in some of the notes from yesterday. i'll try to interject but it's hard to get a word in edgewise on tc calls ;)14:35
fungii'll try to remember to raise my hand when the time comes14:36
JayFyeah I try to make sure when I'm moderating a PTG session that all raised hands get addressed14:36
fricklerso can we just keep freezer leaderless for now and just add noonedeadpunk to the core group? would that need a resolution or could it be "just done"?14:52
fungieven add noonedeadpunk to the core group and encourage him to add any other interested reviewers at his discretion14:54
noonedeadpunkWell, I will propose ofc patch with volunteering as ptl, but I will just -1 it14:54
JayFI don't know if it needs a resolution, but I am in agreement that's an obvious action to take14:55
frickleryes, I implicitly was assuming managing the core group would be part of what was happening then14:55
noonedeadpunkas for me dpl feels as not wrong thing despite challanges it might bring14:55
noonedeadpunkand then we can vote14:55
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/governance master: Assign Dmitriy Rabotyagov as Freezer PTL
fricklerJayF: I think you aversion against DPL might be related to the TC not following the procedure documented at ? so this might be more something for the TC to fix than for the freezer team?15:09
JayFThat process, afaict, is not happening at all.15:10
JayFIf it did, it would ease my aversion to DPL, but I've found lots of evidence that in our community generally, not just in TC, without some kind of forcing function, expecting contributors to reliably perform recurring work is ... unwise.15:10
fricklerso how about we amend that resolution, reset projects to leaderless each cycle unless the DPL people submit a new patch for it?15:11
fricklerthat would kind of revert the load15:12
noonedeadpunkwell, I'd see that each out of DPL list should put +1 on the patch of renewing them15:12
JayFThat sounds like a great change IMO, I would be curious to see how the rest of the TC would like it.15:12
noonedeadpunkrather then submit a patch - as that could be 1 person talking for everyone15:12
fricklernoonedeadpunk: that's a good addition, yes. it also does affect your current dpl proposal, though ;)15:13
noonedeadpunkbut I can easily reach out and ask for that :)15:14
noonedeadpunkit was never needed15:14
TheJuliaJust chiming in here, at face value I like the idea of resetting projects each cycle. That being said, if the TC does it itself, I would also have concern over the it.15:15
fricklerwell I've asked for similar approvals on release team liaison changes before15:15
fricklerTheJulia: what exactly would be your concern? just who proposes that change?15:16
TheJuliafrickler: who proposed the change to say a project has a leader or continues as DPL. If the TC does so, then it just continues the status quo behavior, but if it is a non-tc member who makes the proposal, then we and the whole TC can have confidence in that there are folks doing the needful in a project without direct TC engagement15:17
JayFthat's what noonedeadpunk was getting at, I thought, about ensuring each DPL +1 such a change15:18
TheJuliaYeah, I just wanted to stress the need for that delineation15:19
fricklerTheJulia: the TC (or maybe some election official) in my idea would only propose a change to drop the old DPL liaisons. then the actually involved persons could either nack that to keep the status quo or propose a followup if changes are needed or they missed the deadline15:19
noonedeadpunkyup, was thinking exactly about that15:19
fricklerit might actually make sense to have the same deadline as for PTL candidacies for this I think15:19
noonedeadpunk(was confirming Jay's statement)15:20
TheJuliaI think the TC should just wipe it out each cycle and force re-registration/re-volunteering15:20
TheJuliabut there are fine details in that and it could work out in many different ways when looking at practical process15:20
TheJuliaif nobody acks/nacks, that is a sign of a problem15:21
TheJuliaand if that is stuck in a forever review, then what does that *really* provide feedback/insight of15:21
fricklerwell the removal would be reviewed by the TC with the usual timing, so the default action if no DPL reacts would be the project becoming leaderless once the deadline ends15:22
fricklerthat would then duplicate the event of no new PTL candidacy being submitted during the application period15:23
JayFelection nomination period starts => DPL renewal patch does up15:23
TheJuliausual timing might not work well for countries with 1+ week holidays15:23
JayFthat would give several weeks to reassert they want to remain DPL15:23
TheJuliaJust something to also think about15:23
TheJuliaJayF: that seems reasonable15:23
JayFnom period start to election period completion is 2wks+15:23
fricklerif you think 2 weeks isn't enough, the same objection would hold for PTL elections?15:24
JayFI think it's been raised around PTL elections in the past, too15:24
TheJuliait has, multiple times15:25
TheJulia"sorry I was on vacation" coupled with "I took a vacation along side some holidays in my country"15:25
TheJuliait happens15:25
fricklerok, but that's another discussion then, isn't it? applying the same timing rules from PTL candidacy to DPL refreshing sounds just fair to me, a change should apply to both15:26
TheJuliaWith the board, I've had a couple cases where a director chimes in after 1.5-2 weeks apologizing because of work trip plus vacation plus a holiday. Stuff stacks up and not everyone takes the same holidays. :)15:26
TheJuliaWell, if memory serves, it was originally a 1 week window15:27
TheJuliaand I think things got better15:27
TheJuliaThe key being: "just don't expect people to respond in under 1 week"15:28
fungialso if the schedule is announced and published far enough in advance, people have a chance to notice that the deadline is going to occur while they're out of pocket15:29
TheJuliabingo, and sometimes they do, but lists never get shorter when your getting ready for any immovable date.15:29
frickleralso the exact schedule for elections has been announced on pretty short notice recently15:31
fungiyes, we used to decide on election scheduling as soon as we knew upcoming release dates15:31
fricklerotoh, I think we only received two late candidacies this cycle, so not too large of an issue I guess15:36
TheJuliaI remember once when it was a week, we had like 7-ish15:36
TheJuliathat seemed... really bad.15:37
noonedeadpunkyeah, this time PTG has overlapped with school vacations, not elections...16:03
gmannwe can do it each cycle or or a year. I wrote in yesterday discussion in etherpad to propose something about it and we can review that. 16:03
bauzasfwiw, every other release election is a challenge for me, as I'm usually taking August off :)17:01
bauzasbut I got used to prepare my ballot :) 17:01
frickleris it possible to submit the candidacy review beforehand?17:04
fungithe only gotcha is that the directory structure may not be created yet, but you can predict it17:06
fungiideally the election officials would create it far ahead of time, but that gets back to the advance scheduling point17:07
funginote that it can't be merged prior to the start of the nominations period, but it can be proposed and then no further action on the part of the candidate should be required17:07
clarkbside note on interns feeling that "this isn't python" my experience has been you'll run into that with almost every job and ever language. Development norms build in pockets around their developers and learning to adapt to the what is going on around you is one of the valuable pieces of having internships (at least it was when I was doing them, suddenly a wild expect and perl18:04
clarkbappear manage those switches or damn we're using a C compiler for arm that is almost as old as I am because the FAA says so18:04
JayFclarkb: yeah, with my MLH fellow this cycle (CID, who has been excellent), I told him most of this pain is stuff you feel starting in any job/codebase with established norms18:04
JayFclarkb: it just reflects the reality18:05
clarkbthat isn't to say we can't do better, but I don't think "needing to adapt to local dev norms" is a reason18:05
JayF**it just reflects the painful reality of onboarding to a new codebase18:05
clarkbyup exactly18:05
JayFI view it less of a binary and more of a venn diagram18:05
JayFand right now I think we've diverged more than is healthy, but that's just like, my opinion, man ;) 18:05
JayFeventlet migration will help that 1000000x more than any style changes imo18:05
fungii think we've diverged as much as we needed to (or rather, the divergence wasn't entirely of our making), but we can still all find common ground to try to come back together18:06
JayFHonestly part of my frustration (and this can be seen in the topics I've focused on in governance) is that this feels too much like the giant megacorps I worked for18:06
clarkba lot of the same issues arise for the exact same reasons18:07
JayFwhere making the project turn takes so long that unless you're visioning out 3,5,10 years, you're never going to get pointed in the right direction18:07
JayFand that also means I don't neccesarily know right now how effective some of the changes we have made/are making are, and may not know for a long time18:07
fungilike i said in the session, we proposed a lot of solutions to the broader python community for the growing pains we faced, and were told that those weren't problems anyone else had. turns out they should have added "yet" but also they completely forgot (or didn't like to admit) that we'd already brought up solutions when it eventually happened18:08
fungithere are some places we actually got traction, like pip's -c option, but even then the current maintainers are trying to disappear a lot of that history and rewrite it in their own image18:09
clarkbwe still have issues like that too. It wasn't that long ago that I think we finally convinced pypi to stop the broken fallback behavior when there were backend errors18:09
JayFOh, I share those frustrations, but they don't lead to anything actionable :( 18:09
JayFI try really, really hard to keep oriented forward because understanding history is useful for preventing the repeating of it, but often the feelings associated are not as helpful and in fact are fuel to burnout18:10
JayFWe're where we are now, all we can control at this point is what we do from this position18:10
fungiindeed they don't. i just want to point out that it's not as if we haven't tried to find common ground, and it's hard to expect one established community to completely abandon its norms in order to adopt those of another community that previously seemed contemptuous of the desire to even establish norms for such things18:11
fungi"oh you're right we did need that after all, but we're going to do it completely differently, sorry!"18:12
JayFI agree-ish in the short/medium term. In the long term (assuming resources to do it; which is where this if statement fails for us), it's better for both OpenStack and the overall OSS/python community if we are the "bigger person" so to speak and try to move in the direction the community is going ... even if the reason we have to move is because of something someone else did18:13
fungii don't actually hold any resentment, simply acknowledging basic inertia18:14
clarkbI wonder how often projects like linux run into similar discussion (I know they recently started adding rust module binding stuff for example so it does happen there). But they for example are gpl v2. Not v2 or v3 or v3. Just v2. There are reasons and community norms behind that. They write most everything in C not C++ (or C+ etc). That C has a very specific style. Some of that18:15
clarkbgets insulated from external norms due to being the kernel so you're the layer under syscalls and libc everyone else is using18:15
JayFfungi: fwiw, I don't think you do. I know I do, a little though :D18:16
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/governance master: Add gouthamr's nomintion to TC Chair for 2024.2
* gouthamr gah19:59
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/governance master: Add gouthamr's nomination to TC Chair for 2024.2

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