Friday, 2024-03-01

opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: Update governance tag 0.16.0 to configuration
opendevreviewArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/governance master: Add OpenAPI related projects under the OpenStackSDK
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/project-team-guide master: Add NOTE about becoming Unmaintained core team member
elodillestonyb JayF rosmaita frickler: when you have time, please check ^^^17:13
rosmaitaelodilles: ack17:13
elodilles(i'll send the mail to ML after we agreed on the above patch and it gets merged)17:13
fricklerelodilles: seems I reviewed in parallel with your comment. I had the idea of creating a SIG while reading your note, but I'm not sure whether that would be too formal17:19
elodillesfrickler: it's maybe better than just clicking the 'add' button on the membership page :) maybe that formal approach is better17:24
rosmaitaelodilles: left some comments17:38
elodillesthanks o/17:51
gmannelodilles: left some comment, especially to cover the both group including how to be added in PROJECTNAME-unmaintained-core18:04
gmannon SIG creation, I think this will move unmaintained things towards upstream project member/team side. our main goal is to have a completely separate process/team/members to maintain it. 18:06
gmann'how to find unmaintained group members' can be clarify by linking the gerrit group link which has name and email id of group members.18:09
JayFIs that information available without  a login?18:43
JayF(the contents/membership of those groups)18:43
JayFor I should not say without a login; I mean without a *privledged* login e.g. alreayd int he group18:43
TheJuliaafaik you have to have an account to see the groups19:03
gmannand any member volunteering to be part of unmaintained group should have account right19:04
JayFJust making sure "any account" is good enough19:06
JayFno gerrit admin or membership to the core group needed19:06
JayFsounds like yes19:06
gmannyes, all gerrit member can see the group members19:07
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh19:08

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