Thursday, 2023-12-07

songwenpinghi, fungi, not exactly, the default status filter is NEW, and MERGED status is no results.03:09
songwenping!n,disabled:!f,index:gerrit,key:author_name,negate:!f,params:(query:'alex%20song'),type:phrase),query:(match_phrase:(author_name:'alex%20song')))),fullScreenMode:!f,options:(darkTheme:!f,useMargins:!t),query:(language:lucene,query:'*'),timeRestore:!f,title:'Gerrit%20Backlog',viewMode:view) and why my organization is Developer, not my company?03:10
opendevmeetsongwenping: Error: "n,disabled:!f,index:gerrit,key:author_name,negate:!f,params:(query:'alex%20song'),type:phrase),query:(match_phrase:(author_name:'alex%20song')))),fullScreenMode:!f,options:(darkTheme:!f,useMargins:!t),query:(language:lucene,query:'*'),timeRestore:!f,title:'Gerrit%20Backlog',viewMode:view)" is not a valid command.03:10
songwenpingand why my organization is Developer, not my company? my author_name is 'alex song'.03:11
fricklerwithout looking at the actual board, the title "Gerrit-Backlog" sounds like a list of reviews that are still waiting to be merged, so it is not surprising to me that that list does not contain any merged patches05:43
songwenpinghow to change the organization?06:00
fricklersongwenping: I'm not sure, but maybe specifying it on your OIF profile could help
fricklertc-members: testing fungi's affiliation patch 876738 I see that 4 members do no specify an affiliation in their profile, maybe everyone can check and fix that?06:13
fricklerthe rate isn't much better for PTLs, but I'm not sure if we want to or can enforce anything there06:14
fricklerand then there's the problem of data normalization, if every tc member specifies a different incorporation of Red Hat as affiliation, are they to be treated as a single organization or not?06:15
songwenpingfrickler: i have updated my profile but the site doesnot change, maybe need check or wait.06:24
fricklersongwenping: yes, the data is cached for sure, likely it would take at least a day to update06:25
songwenpingthanks a lot.06:26
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opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/governance master: [goal] Propose migration from WSGI scripts to Python module paths
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/governance master: [goal] Propose migration from WSGI scripts to Python module paths
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fungifrickler: yes, the data quality (both in terms of accuracy, normalization and coverage) for affiliation in foundation profiles is rather poor across the entire contributor base for that matter. a slightly higher percentage of elected and appointed leadership set and keep it updated13:41
* frickler wonders how much of that might be intentional versus just not knowing about it14:30
* tonyb points rosmaita at and then runs back into the shadows16:28
* rosmaita shakes fist16:28
rosmaitatonyb: i put a note in #openstack-i18n for seongsoocho to make sure he sees it ... i don't think the translations team is completely finished with zanata yet, but he'll know the details16:33
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: 2023.2: Add front page links to both charm guides

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