Thursday, 2023-10-12

ianychoi[m]Thank you for mentioning me - I have been about to sync during upcoming PTG with seongsoocho and @rosmaita on translation platform progress02:42
ianychoi[m]And wonderful idea on supporting i18n for governance page - gmann: Technically governance page can be i18n-ed while some help might be needed on supporting docs with additional compiling (e.g., rendering projects.yaml to governance page) with existing I18n tools. Let me more think to move forward it with I18n SIG team02:44
gmannianychoi[m]: thanks, really appreciate. 03:27
gmannianychoi[m]: also, I am thinking if we can have election template emails translated at least subject so that election can be known easily  03:28
gmannthose are key thing which were missed during elections and we always have so many late candidacy 03:29
fungiwould the election officials send out multiple copies of those in different languages? or would we need 11:43
fungito send translations to the language-specific mailing lists?11:44
fricklerI had that question in my mind, too. also, checking the latest i18n stats, there don't seem to be any active translators for chinese, which would likely be the most useful target language (and yes, I know "chinese" isn't a single language, but we can look at those details once we have anything at all)13:22
gmannby seeing past 3-4 elections, most of late candidacy are from china only. Maybe we can have sub with Engligh + chinese 15:15
gmannor we may need to find some other way than ML to notify them if ML are not ready frequently for example, their wechat groups, local user groups etc15:16
gmannbut at least having subject of email in chinese can help at some extend 15:17
JayFEven if this particular suggestion isn't the right one; I think there is clearly a need for us to serve our contributors in China better in this way; our English-centric governance is putting them in an unfair squeeze15:25
JayFI don't know what kind of resources we have available for this kinda thing, but I almost wonder if some kind of announce list in the appropriate language would be a good idea -- I don't mean openstack-announce; but something for the release timeline and election updates15:26
JayFbut that'd both require the list, enough people to make the effort worth it, and someone willing to translate the emails15:27
fungialso occidental governance models in general... from what i understand, "voting" isn't something a lot of people in prc understand the concept of in the same ways that it's ingrained into western cultures15:27
gmannyeah not all email, I am thinking only elections one especially but release deadlines can also be good one15:27
clarkbJayF: you may get better traction with wechat. Problem is you get similar problems in reverse. It isn't straightforward for people in the west to use wechat (and honestly not sure I would recommend it)15:28
fungiand translating the deadlines into chinese dates/calendar and timezone15:28
JayFclarkb: when I say "announce list", I specifically am not saying email because I know that may not be the best protocol15:28
gmannwe have lot of communication going on in their wechat group and many of us not part of it. so it is kind of re-communicating the key thing there along with community normal communication channels15:29
JayFI'm just trying to recognize there's a cultural divide here that I'm not sure we're going to span just with a bit of translation; just like we have western cultural/language default venues, we may have to look into having a venue that meets the needs of other groups15:30
JayFThat's nice to hear, I always hope those kinds of things are happening even if I don't know about them; but it's clear based on the outcome it's not quite enough.15:31
gmannlanguage is key here and can solve most of the problem especially the election/release missing deadlines15:31
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The site will be offline over the next few hours for migration to a new server15:32
gmannIf it was other way around, i could miss/not-look at any non-engligh subject email but if they were in engligh sub, I could surly check them and do the needful.15:33
JayFYeah; I try to have a wide berth of understanding for people trying to communicate in a second (or more) language as someone who only speaks one.20:38
fungii honestly feel embarrassed at my monolingual-ness20:43
JayFWhen I travel I do, for sure. Especially when I went to Finland; almost anyone there I met under 30 spoke at least 5 languages at intermediate level or better20:49
clarkbas somone that grew up in another country with many spoken languages its definitely a big regret I don't know at least one other language better than I do (I have rough understanding and can speak like a toddler). That said I went to school taught in english my entire childhood so had that working against me20:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint James Page as PTL of Sunbeam
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add Monasca to list of the inactive projects

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