Monday, 2023-09-25

opendevreviewGuillaume Boutry proposed openstack/governance master: Add bind k8s charm
opendevreviewGuillaume Boutry proposed openstack/governance master: Add bind k8s charm
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: [glossary] Add 2024.1 Caracal
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: [www] Setup 2024.1 Caracal and add project data to Bobcat
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: [www] Set 2023.2 Bobcat as released
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: [www] Remove deprecated projects from project data template
JayFIn the absense of other candidates; I intend on putting forward my name for chair by the end of the day today. As I said last week; my preference would be to shadow as a vice chair for another six months but as the outgoing vice-chair I feel it falls to me to pick up the mantle in lieu of other volunteers.15:08
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: [www] Remove deprecated projects from project data template
fricklerI've already been wondering what will happen if nobody volunteers, drawing straws, reelection, ...?16:10
fungi"The current TC chair is in charge of the next TC chair election, and stays in charge of TC chair duties until the next TC chair is elected."
fungiso knikolla gets stuck with it ;)16:18
fricklerfungi: ah, thx. that sounded different in last week's discussion about nomination timeframes.16:23
fungiin theory the foundation board of directors also has the ability to reject a choice of chair, though in practice i do not believe they have ever done so16:24
fungiit doesn't appear they have authority to step in and appoint one, though that might change with the upcoming bylaws rewrites16:25
fricklerrelated, I was surprised to see 6 people in the tech-committee-chair gerrit group, is that intentional? some of them are no longer active in openstack afaik,members16:26
gmannwe have not had situation with no Chair till now but board does not force anyone to be chair its TC needs to choose one among them16:50
gmanntc-members: just in case today is deadline to raise nomination for chair16:51
gmannJayF: thanks. +116:51
gmannfrickler: I think we discussed tech-committee-chair gerrit group last month also16:51
gmannbasically we just kept all old chair in the group, there is no specific reason to keep or give power to them but when transition happened previous chairs did not remove the old one so I also did not do when I was chair.16:53
gmannwe can cleanup it as no big deal and we can keep history somewhere if needed16:54
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Ref the vice-chair appointment process in tc-guide
fungii expect the openstack/governance git history counts as history of tc chairs, in a pinch16:58
fricklergmann: gerrit does keep an Audit Log if you want to track when changes were made, but it is visible only to members and admins16:58
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: [www] Setup 2024.1 Caracal and add project data to Bobcat
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: [www] Set 2023.2 Bobcat as released
knikollaThanks for stepping up JayF! 18:37
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/governance master: JayF for TC Chair
knikollaJayF: please propose your candidacy as a file under reference/tc-chair-candidates/2024.1 as described here
JayF> In case of single nomination, no election is needed and candidate can propose a patch to the member list to add “chair” status next to their name and use election-results as gerrit topic name.22:19
JayFI honestly skippped the first step under the assumption we had no other candidates22:19
JayFI will follow those steps anyway if you like :D22:19
knikollaWe still need to follow that step :)22:20
fungiyeah, because whichever change "wins" is the one that gets merged to update the chair designation on the governance site22:22
JayFyeah I'm leaving my original change up22:23
JayFsince that may still be valid22:23
fungioh, missing the earlier platform step, got it22:23
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/governance master: JayF nomination for TC Chair
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: JayF nomination for TC Chair
knikollaIn my interpretation of three business days from election closing, the nomination period for chair closes at 00.00 UTC, so in a little over 1 hour.  22:46

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