Friday, 2023-09-08

opendevreviewGuillaume Boutry proposed openstack/governance master: Add designate k8s charm
fungitc-members: i did a bit of cleanup on the membership of and added frickler as the latest volunteer to help with fallback ownership transitions for teams and projects on lp, but if there are others of you also interested in assisting with that please let me know15:10
gmannfungi: ++, that will be helpful. please add me also and I can also help whenever needed. 17:16
fricklergmann: what's your account name on LP? ~gmann doesn't seem to exist17:22
gmannfrickler: its
fungigmann: added, thanks!17:24
gmannfungi: thanks!17:25
fungithe two of you just replaced vishy and notmyname, but don't let it go to your heads ;)17:25
fungi(they were both still in the team until a couple of hours ago)17:26
gmannwe always welcome back them and that can be so awesome :)17:28
fungiyeah, i made sure to say pretty much exactly that in the deactivation comments17:28
fungiyeah, it's been a while. for vishy especially19:09

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