Wednesday, 2023-08-16

opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/election master: [2024.1] Add mnasiadka candidacy for Kolla
*** jroll8 is now known as jroll12:09
*** blarnath is now known as d34dh0r5313:31
opendevreviewhongbin proposed openstack/election master: Add Hongbin Lu Candidacy for Zun
opendevreviewLance Albertson proposed openstack/election master: Add Lance Albertson candidancy for Openstack Chef PTL
opendevreviewHao Wang proposed openstack/election master: Add Hao Wang candidancy for Zaqar PTL
opendevreviewHao Wang proposed openstack/election master: Add Hao Wang candidancy for Zaqar PTL
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: [www] Set Rocky series state as End of Life
fricklertc-members: given that the #openstack-doc has been silent for months and the TC has effectively taken over all the repos, how about we shut down that channel (and possibly redirect to here)? cc fungi19:25
fricklerinsert missing "channel" above19:26
fungithat seems reasonable to me. technically though it's a mix of the tc and oslo team, depending on what part of the docs tooling and content you're talking about19:28
fungiin particular, openstacktheme stuff is part of oslo now19:28
gmannwe still see some review from non tc-members there so I am not 100% sure if shutdown channel is needed even there is no discussion there now a days. we can go with the same approach like other TC group for example election. keep channel open but update gerritbot to send review notification in tc channel also?19:30
gmannor we already have that I think19:30
gmannyeah we have that
gmannbut seeing I am the only tc there and zero discussion in also 6 month (frickler redirecting review request to tc channel). I think we can shutdown and redirect that to tc channel, update channel msg etc19:34
gmannfrickler fungi: I think I am ok with the idea. 19:34

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