Saturday, 2023-07-29

fricklertc-members: fyi more than 25% of the libraries openstack is using are now capped to outdated versions
fungithis doesn't surprise me12:27
gmannit should not take much time to update though but seeing how our unstable CI is it is difficult to get anything merged 16:56
gmannwe have merged a few of them and many are in race to merge, hoping to get it better by next week16:56
fricklerit takes a lot of time to filter out updates that actually cause CI failures, nag projects to fix their stuff, rinse and repeat every week, which is why I gave up on it some months ago. sadly noone else took over so far. also the real number may be higher, given we have some intrinsic caps like Sphinx<518:48
fungiyes, and now that pip has a real dep solver, you can't even lift all your version caps and expect to find out what has newer versions available19:18
fungisince transitive version caps are far more effective and basically invisible19:18
gmannyou might be trying to fix all. my point is per project and seeing how many test failing in their jobs. for example, for nova it is just 2 test class23:20

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