Tuesday, 2023-07-11

opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/governance master: TC resolution: migrate to sqlalchemy2  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/88708313:01
JayFtc-members: I will not be at the meeting, but I have found time to revise my governance resolution. Please consider re-reviewing it. Thank you!13:02
slaweqHi. I'm in the PTO this week and will also not be at the meeting13:11
dansmithfungi: are you going to be on the tc call today?13:34
JayFCan I strongly suggest we keep discussion about the EM stuff in gerrit changes?13:37
JayFIt's significantly refreshing to talk about real concrete proposals instead of talking about ideas; it feels more action-oriented and it ensures those discussions will be preserved13:37
JayFI guess; saying no is easier than saying yes, and seeing concrete opposing proposals might be a more effective way to communicate what your alternatives are :) 13:40
dansmithseems to me like we're still in the brainstorming ideas phase13:41
fungidansmith: i can try to join the call, but have been experiencing trouble with my headset. also the calls are mostly useless for me because i feel like i can never get a word in edgewise. gerrit/ml/irc is much easier to have those sorts of discussions13:42
dansmithfungi: what about when I say "fungi, tell me why this is hard" ? :)13:43
fungisure, so long as i don't have to try to interrupt seven other people ;)13:44
JayFfungi: fwiw, you aren't the only one, we do a bad job of stepping on each other in the zoom calls... it makes it very difficult for me to understand at times13:57
JayF(part of why I'm not too upset that the zoom monthly meeting is the one I'm missing, frankly)13:57
dansmithI really don't understand why people prefer in-person communication or IRC but don't like zoom. For me, it's way harder to hear people in a echoy room with tons of people typing where everyone is sitting in various places and with differing volumes13:59
dansmiththe volume-leveling of a video conference makes it much easier for me to understand everyone in a conversation13:59
JayFdansmith: I prefer IRC, ML, and Gerrit to all forms of communication, including in-person.13:59
JayFdansmith: I sometimes read lips and that's very very difficult on zoom14:00
dansmithand I also feel like more side conversations happen in person, which completely destroys my ability to follow any one conversation14:00
JayFso it's just basically a phone conference in terms of being able to follow and understand14:00
JayFdansmith: If everyone hated IRL communication as much as we do; I'd be in my home country and TZ right now ;) 14:01
fungii can go back and re-read what people said in irc even if multiple people said different things at the same moment. i also am not all that keen on in-person discussions for these sorts of topics, if you were in the forum room for this particular topic you likely understand why14:01
JayFI blocked out the memory of that forum session -.-14:02
dansmithwell, not all of us are able to type and read accurately and quickly either, so I think it's probably reasonable that we cater to a number of communication mechanisms for the same reason you both don't like video calls14:03
fungiagreed. though i'm dyslexic and a horribly slow reader and typist, for the record. i'm just even worse at trying to have a simultaneous voice conversation (on a call or in person) with a similar number of participants14:04
spotz[m]The advantage of written is if you don't understand you can re-read and if talked over the messages are just out of order but still there14:05
JayFYeah, I've 100% realized I've misread/miswritten something but I never get to have that second look if I'm speaking14:05
JayF(or listening)14:06
fungii don't object to having voice discussions in addition to written ones, just want to make it clear why you don't hear much from me in the voice discussions and disproportionately more in the written ones14:06
fungipeople who prefer talking can come up with some ideas, people who prefer writing can come up with some other ideas, and people who are skilled at both can try to help bridge the gap and find consensus14:07
TheJuliafungi: for the record, I would have never guessed that since you do seem to "hold your own" in high bandwidth discussions. That being said, if you ever need me to slow/redirect discussions your engaged with which I'm moderating, please don't hesitate to prod me.14:45
fungiTheJulia: much appreciated, but yes i've spent many decades finding effective optimizations and coping strategies, so i manage just fine for the most part though it does help increase my empathy for others who have more trouble than i do14:49
TheJuliaTalking does at least convey emotion/passion/pain, and allows a conversation to head in other areas based upon tone/intonation. Humans, at least in my experience, tend to over compensate with words, or hold that hold emotion as context which then creates barriers as the shared context is not entirely known or the same.  There is a time and place for each tool, but I also would strongly discourage bifurcating written word 14:50
TheJuliafungi: understood. I'm in a similar boat. Plus my hearing is getting worse. :(14:51
TheJulia\o/ for lip reading!14:51
TheJuliaPartially why I'm so quick to try and halt parallel discussions at the board meetings. The other discussion spikes the noise in the signal to noise ratio.14:55
TheJuliaHalt is the wrong word, redirect.14:56
fungimakes sense14:57
fungiand also much appreciated14:58
knikollaI strongly believe that the concrete proposal that I put forward was much better at gathering "brainstorming feedback and ideas" than an unstructured discussion may have had. It was successful at highlighting key opinions that prior discussions either between the TC, or in ML with the community have struggled to elicit. It was the primary reasons why almost everything is bullet point and written in the verbose way that it is. 15:10
knikollaI believe Gerrit is a better venue and allows people who wouldn't otherwise respond to a mailing list thread the ability to comment on individual lines, whether those be related to the motivation, goal, or implementation. 15:11
knikollaEspecially as it promotes various rounds of iteration and a feedback loop that is otherwise missing in IRC or ML discussions. 15:12
TheJuliaknikolla: Based upon my perception, I agree. I also believe etherpad is a good tool in a moment, but often information/data dies there as it is not memorialized nor really able to be discovered and easily destroyed. I think Gerrit is the right place given this is a continuation of a long running discussion.15:13
dansmithbrainstorming in an etherpad and converting proposals (or something headed towards consensus) into a gerrit review is a good workflow, IMHO15:21
dansmithjust commenting on a concrete proposal that's very far off the mark can be hard, in that it's hard to propose a large change in a small comment box15:22
dansmithetherpad makes it easier to co-locate several things near each other for easier referencing, but it of course needs to turn into something concrete15:23
dansmithand gerrit is definitely the place to fine-tune that and gather _documented_ consensus15:23
fungialternatively, if someone feels that an existing proposal is far off the mark, making a separate competing proposal can work too (as long as people can be diligent about keeping comments focused on the specific proposal they're posted to)15:33
dansmithfor sure, if there's a concrete alternative ready to be formalized15:34
TheJuliafungi: +115:35
knikollaThe concrete alternative that I heard from the feedback on my proposal is keeping branches open indefinitely in a separate namespace. 15:36
dansmithindefinitely isn't a critical aspect of that, but I also don't understand why we wouldn't, but the namespace thing is what needs discussion about feasibility15:37
dansmiththat's why I think it's not worth a competing proposal document yet15:37
dansmithI'll be glad to do that work if we think it's doable and likely to be acceptable by more than just myself15:37
TheJuliaWe shouldn't be making proposals only if they are likely to be acceptable. We should be making proposals and working to reach consensus... which means the goal really is for nobody to be happy because a mutual compromise has been reached.15:39
knikollaThen I propose to keep the discussion in the meeting today focused on two key items: 1) can we move branches to a separate namespace for EM from a technical perspective, and if yes, 2) how long can we reasonably keep them open there? If it's not indefinitely, what is the criteria for defining when to close it.15:39
dansmithTheJulia: I'm sure you can sympathize with a desire not to write up a formal document for a proposal that has already been mentioned before and concerns raised, right?15:41
dansmithit seems like we might be swirling back towards that as the solution that solves more of the problems,15:41
dansmithbut since it was previously kinda NAKed (without much discussion) I think it's worth a brainstorming-level discussion before we go to the work of trying to formalize something like that15:41
TheJuliadansmith: I can absolutely sympathize, but if it helps move overall discussion to conclusion through a concrete proposal, then it may save time.15:42
fungias for specifics, the "build it and they will come" technical debt we're maintaining just in hopes someone will show up to use it is the fundamental failure we have for the current extended maintenance approach, so i have concerns about any proposal that involves similarly building or maintaining something just in case someone might show up to use it. better to build that thing when there15:44
fungiis someone who is actually going to use it (and can help shape and implement it)15:44
dansmiththat ^ :)15:45
TheJuliashifting gears, I do agree, but I've also found we resist when trying to do the needful to help address issues/items. There is a happy balance, someplace. (I surely hope!)15:46
TheJuliaAnd that resistance is more process/policy versus a team trying to be helpful. Granted, limited, but there is debt there as well. Is it worth it... is a value proposition.15:47
fungifor example, the ideas previously floated about creating new copies of all our git repositories we'll never be able to delete (gerrit doesn't support deleting projects), that we can't easily cherry-pick changes between, et cetera. if someone needs a new repository it can be created, but it's not clear to me that a fork of cinder marked as "unsupported" with old branches in it is going to15:48
fungibe any better for the cinder team than "unsupported" old branches in the original repo15:48
TheJuliaPersonally, I'm on the fence overall. I can totally see the operator POV, and I can see the developer POV. Honestly, conflicted is a easy word to use to describe how I feel. :)15:48
TheJuliaThat sounds painful :)15:49
dansmithfungi: right, that's the sort of thing I want to discuss before we start writing up things,15:49
dansmithalthough I will say I think the separate repo makes a huge difference :)15:50
dansmithI incorrectly referenced archive.ubuntu.org, but what I meant was this:15:51
TheJuliaWhat time is the meeting today, I want to join if I don't have a conflict15:51
fungiit definitely takes up lots of extra space on our gerrit server to have additional copies of those repos, and from a technical perspective there's nothing having multiple forks in gerrit will let you do that you can't already make happen with separate branches in one repo15:51
TheJuliaeven just to listen15:51
fungiTheJulia: 18:00 utc15:51
dansmithvery clearly a distinction of "don't use this crap, it's not supported, but if you're stuck and you need packages, you can point your apt here and get the latest thing we had"15:51
TheJulia\o/ four hours of meetings!15:51
TheJuliaactually, more like 5 :(15:52
fungiubuntu's old releases site isn't git repositories, they just moved some files into different directories. "moving" branches to a different git repository is a far different sort of thing implementation wise even if you can explain it as sort of looking similar15:52
knikollaTheJulia: there's a zoom link here as this week it's on zoom https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee15:52
TheJuliaknikolla: muchas gracias15:53
dansmithfungi: sure I understand, but from the consumer point of view, it's the same thing15:53
knikollacon mucho gusto15:53
fungithen from a consumer point of view we can do something to provide a consumer interface that presents things we way we want to present them without compromising the backend implementation15:54
gmanni agree on doing brainstrom first before jumping to any specific proposal on gerrit. use this etherpad to put out the ideas https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/openstack-exteneded-maintenance15:54
dansmithfungi: but then I as a nova developer, who subscribes to every change in nova/ will need to manually filter out all that other stuff15:55
dansmithif we're trying to reduce the load on the project teams, branches aren't much separation for the tooling that the projects use15:55
fungiby "other stuff" you mean all those em patches that nobody's been proposing, or something else?15:56
dansmithfungi: nobody's proposing?15:56
TheJuliagmann: but proposals have been made. Shifting discussion into an etherpad doesn't do those proposals justice unless it is to create an entirely separate proposal.15:56
dansmiththere's a dearth of people stepping up to *maintain* and *review*, but those EM branches get plenty of backports15:56
fungithat was the argument i heard for dropping the em branches is that it's ended up being the developer teams on the projects doing all the backports to em branches, so no different than just calling those branches "maintained"15:57
dansmithTheJulia: we're literally discussing another proposal that was made in that etherpad15:57
gmannTheJulia: no, it never meant to be that way. in previous TC meeting we wanted to brainstrom first on ML/call etc and then in gerrit15:57
TheJuliathen don't try to funnel all discussion to it.15:57
TheJuliaexplciitly say "we're working on another proposal/"15:57
gmannTheJulia: did you check etherpad, it has many other proposal also15:57
dansmithTheJulia: you might've missed it, but the original call was for some brainstorming, as I recall15:58
gmannthat is what i mentioned in email last week15:58
gmanndansmith: yes15:58
TheJuliaI glanced at it, and saw the discussion here, at which point I chimed in.15:58
dansmithi.e. to continue discussion of potential options since nothing super lear was materializing15:58
gmannI sent in email also about brainstorming more ideas in etherpad or even new idea if anyone from community has15:58
fungianyway, gerrit is not a fork-oriented review platform, so i'm concerned about proposals that create extra work for someone who isn't the proposer15:59
dansmithand for those of us that couldn't participate in this discussion in person to continue the brainstorming,15:59
dansmithinstead of just assuming the brainstorming had happened in an exclusive location and roll forward from that without further ideas16:00
dansmithme being one of those people of course16:00
gmannif we are close/almost agree to the proposal in advance/brainstrom then it make sense to me to push on gerrit and see how it goes16:00
dansmithfungi: ack, I understand, which is why I've been arguing *against* pushing this as a concrete proposal until we can have a handle on the technical challenges16:00
dansmithI specifically said that in my review on the current proposal, when I was asked if just flipping to "new namespace" would make me drop my objection16:01
gmannyes, that is what i raise concern last week before it was pushed in gerrit as a concrete proposal. 16:01
fungidansmith: to be clear, there was pretty much zero brainstorming that happened in the forum session. it was the usual airing of grievances and people explaining why having branches kept open would be good for them but not actually willing to commit to addressing the problems around making it a reality16:01
TheJuliafungi: there was background context that was expressed which did come off as grievances16:02
gmanni think we planned the next step after forum sessions which was continue discussion/ideas on ML, meeting and then see what proposal solving the issues and more closure to agreement 16:02
knikollagmann: Thank you for starting the etherpad. One point of feedback is that your etherpad narrowly poses the problem as "people expect us to be doing the maintenance under EM, how can we fix these communication issues", rather than as "Extended maintenance doesn't currently work as it currently exists. How can we provide value moving forward in a way that minimizes overhead."16:02
dansmithfungi: well even better to continue (or start) the brainstorming phase then :)16:03
gmannknikolla: sure, feel free to add problems you think it has in etherpad and we can brainstrom on "what are the problem we want to solve"16:03
dansmithknikolla: the beauty of an etherpad is that it's not owned by gmann so you can change it up16:04
gmannknikolla: I feel EM still value for users/operators but we need to change the communication and maintenance scope16:04
dansmithknikolla: I can do that to your gerrit proposal too, but it's not quite as nice of a thing to do :)16:04
fungiyes, we're at the starting brainstorming phase in my opinion. i don't think that having people propose straw man approaches is a bad way to brainstorm, regardless of whether it's in gerrit for easier reference16:04
TheJuliaI would encourage decomposing the problem further, to be entirely honest. There is a capability and a perception issue which is intertwined that the TC previously struggled with quite a bit back in the 2018 timeframe16:04
dansmithfungi: nope, totally fine, but I also don't think we should be shutting down the etherpad of brainstorming ideas either :)16:04
dansmithTheJulia: yeah, there have been multiple suggestions in the review on the current approach around breaking the problem into pieces16:05
gmannso first step, let's agree to the problem we want to solve. that is what we are lacking here. 16:05
dansmithI'm sure you're on top of that, I'm just saying16:05
fungithere are multiple problems different people want solved16:05
TheJuliafungi: ++16:06
fungiand those problems are entangled (some justifiably, some on accident)16:06
gmannfungi: yeah that is what I am saying let's list and agree to those. if those are different problem we might have multiple soltuion16:06
dansmithentangled may be an understatement :)16:06
gmannanyways, feel free to add problems you want to solve and the possible ideas to solve them and we can brainstrom those16:07
knikollaAgree on the necessity of reaching consensus for the problems that we're trying to solve.16:07
TheJuliawe don't necessarilly need to agree on a solution in the same agreement16:20
TheJulia"recognize the problem" is the first step16:20
* TheJulia goes back to meeting16:20
fungialso we shouldn't assume there will be "a" (as in only one) solution, since there are multiple problems we may need to implement multiple solutions to address those different problems16:21
TheJuliaOr potentially agree not to.16:23
fungiwhat's the url for the conference room?18:02
spotz[m]I'm looking for it18:02
funginever mind, found it18:02
knikolla#startmeeting tc18:03
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Jul 11 18:03:15 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is knikolla. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.18:03
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:03
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'18:03
knikolla#link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87108541765?pwd=emlXVXg4QUxrUTlLNDZ2TTllWUM3Zz09#success18:03
knikollaHi all, this is the week where the meeting happens on Zoom18:03
knikolla#topic Roll call18:03
knikolla#topic Extended Maintenance18:05
knikolla#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/openstack-exteneded-maintenance18:05
fungifwiw, adding groups to a gerrit acl is fairly straightforward. it can be done on a per-repo/acl basis or inherited by multiple repos/acls from a centralized parent acl18:22
fungii still wouldn't want to go to the trouble of setting that up unless there are people who want to be added18:22
fungialso these are all basically things we already tried to encode in uc policy from the beginning (separate maintainers, removing ci jobs, et cetera), i guess we just failed to say that we really meant it?18:24
fungifor clarity, branches don't really get "renamed" they get created and deleted18:32
fungiwe would branch unsupported/rocky from stable/rocky and then delete the stable/rocky head18:33
fungialso existing changes for stable/rocky would need to be abandoned (and then recreated if desired)18:34
fungihaving the flexibility to adjust our processes based on changes in legislation is good, but i don't think we can base decisions on anything which hasn't become law18:39
dansmithyeah that's okay18:39
fungieffort is better spent on helping lobby for reasonable legislation18:39
fungithere's no reason we can't tag the last commit on stable/train as train-eol and then branch unsupported/train from the train-eol tag once someone decides they need to port a patch to that branch (it's still past the end of its life)18:44
fungii appreciated closing on a jonathan swift reference19:04
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Jul 11 19:05:35 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:05
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2023/tc.2023-07-11-18.03.html19:05
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2023/tc.2023-07-11-18.03.txt19:05
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2023/tc.2023-07-11-18.03.log.html19:05
knikollaI noticed that RC-1 is not sticky in the governance repo patches, does anyone have a quick pointer to where that is defined in Gerrit config so we can switch it to be sticky?19:09
gmannknikolla: did not get, what exactly you mean but definition is here https://github.com/openstack/project-config/blob/39d0b03ce6cbc0f4ee188b339322bd0b893e028e/gerrit/acls/openstack/governance.config#L2819:13
knikollaAnd for reference, as I failed to start recording on the meeting (apologies for that), the agreement at the end of the call was that I'll update the proposal to 1) rename extended maintenance to something else, like legacy or unsupported 2) mention development of branches being moved to a new prefix, instead of stable/train, either legacy/train or unsupported/train 3) clarify that +2/+A for these branches is going to be a separate Gerrit19:14
knikollagroup, example nova-legacy-maint. Which may or may not be same as core or stable groups. 4) remove wording that says that the project team is responsible19:14
knikolladansmith: did I forget something?19:14
knikollagmann: you had a concern that new patchsets to a governance patch removed your RC-1, right? or did I misunderstand?19:15
fungiyou mean a roll-call -1 vote is not persisting across new revisions of the change?19:16
JayFknikolla: a request, idk if this came up in the zoom, but can we only create the unsupported/ branches on demand?19:16
dansmithknikolla: that's the bulk of the obvious agreement I think19:16
gmannknikolla: no I mean if changing existing one mixup the things with old and this proposal things. but I am ok if you want to change in existing commit and we can see how it looks like19:16
dansmithgmann: I think knikolla is talking about the vote-wiping on the other change about sqla19:17
gmannknikolla: dansmith oh on sqla one? 19:17
JayFYeah, you had a comment that seemed to be unhappy that it dropped the RC-1 on revision19:17
gmannknikolla: dansmith 'legacy' convey meaning of 'unsupported' right? if not then may be we can name 'unsupported-legacy'19:17
knikollaah, I may have misunderstood a comment from gmann on that patch as I see no vote wiping. 19:18
knikollaNevermind :) 19:18
JayFI would prefer it be 100% clear it's not supported, unsupported does that better than any other possible method imo19:18
JayFlegacy can be a positive thing in some contexts19:18
knikolla++ on unsupported. 19:18
gmannknikolla: yeah, it is update to change to voting wiping was valid action of gerrit19:18
JayFlike I could see a corp calling their LTS product "legacy"19:18
gmannwe are discussing two things and I myself got mixed up :)19:19
gmannknikolla: JayF dansmith on EM: yeah I feel we should choose name carefully this time and can be part of resolution19:19
dansmithI think unsupported/train should be short enough to be unoffensive to most, yet completely clear to anyone that it is... unsupported :)19:20
JayFIs the idea that all branches will get unsupported/ or will we only create them on request? and was there any talk of CI (I assume whoever picked it up would just nuke any changes they want?)19:20
dansmithif we were apple, we'd call it vintage/train and then people would collect them and make youtube videos about it19:20
gmanndansmith: branch prefix seems ok to me but gerrit group name 'nova-unsupported-core'  seems odd, maybe 'nova-unsupported-branch-core'19:21
dansmithJayF: I think we're probably expecting automatic unsupported/ initially, and then renewal or some timeout after that, but we didn't come to any agreement there yet, nor for CI19:21
JayFdansmith: yeah, as an old computer collector I'm over here like "nooo, legacy sounds like something awesome I'd collect" ;)19:21
knikollaJayF: we sort of agreed on opt-in for unsupported/, but we didn't quite agree on what to do with the branches regarding when and how to EOL. 19:21
JayFYeah, the only piece I don't love about this is that unless you're using curated URLs/limiting review views by branch19:22
fungii think that still needs to be decided, but the transition would look like 1. tag last stable/foo branch point release, 2. abandon any open changes on stable/foo, 3. create unsupported/foo branch from last foo point release, 4. delete stable/foo branch19:22
JayFunsupported/* patches will show up in review queue19:22
dansmithknikolla: one other thing we kinda mentioned that I'd appreciate you including is "a checklist of things we do when that happens, like rename, and delete the periodic jobs" but we don't necessarily need to actually enumerate those things in that doc, just that we should have a checklist19:22
JayFI'm asking if, using fungi's diagram, we can have a 2.5 that says 'human requests unsupported brnach be created'19:22
knikolladansmith: ++19:22
dansmithJayF: yeah me too, which is why I'd prefer another namespace but I think fungi will kill us all if we decide that, so.. compromise19:22
gmannfungi: yeah, that sounds the way19:22
dansmithfungi: ++19:23
fungiJayF: in theory you could swap 3 and 4 around and then have a request step between them19:23
JayFyeah, that's sorta what I was asking19:23
fungihowever that means devstack and similar integration testing needs three transitions (branch->tag->branch) instead of two (branch->branch)19:23
gmannfor CI, I will say let's keep existing policy same as it is written19:23
JayFIDK if that's be more load for infra, or if people wouldn't love the added friction19:23
fungii don't think it's extra work for infra since the release team already has all the permissions to do that delegated in acls19:24
JayFI should've s/infra/shared teams/19:24
fungiyes. it may be more work for the release managers, or whoever else that activity gets delegated to19:24
fungikeep in mind that the people jumping up and down (ages ago but also recently) about being "broken" because we deleted a branch are going to experience that regardless of whether or not we create a new branch, since it won't be a seamless transition no matter how we go about it19:25
JayFfungi: I see that as more of a side effect of the previous EM branches having such a long lifetime that people drew incorrect assumptions from that19:26
JayF(fwiw I am punting any love I had for the 'create on demand' idea if that is more work for shared teams)19:26
JayFfungi: at least with the proposal as summarized; those users would have to go stable/ -> unsupported/ after 18 months, it'd be a clear signal to them they are crossing an insecure barrier19:27
fungiwhat i like about create on demand is that we don't create things on the assumption they'll be of use to someone, and then end up with them hanging around even though nobody ever actually uses them19:27
dansmithyeah I sympathize with them wanting the branch name to never change, but recognize that there's a reason19:27
JayFso I sorta see that branch move as a feature? we were talking about it being hard to communicate to users if something was supported; having to type the string "unsupported/" really hammers it home lol19:28
dansmithlike when you have to change your apt sources.list to point at old-releases19:28
gmannand it is benefit to long term and transition overahead of one time19:28
dansmiththis ^ is the signal that you're in trouble :)19:28
JayFdansmith: which I think has value in a similar manner :) sometimes you have to have a little friction to make people listen19:28
dansmithyeah, I hate friction, but it's useful I know19:28
JayFI don't want to make it easy for people to do dangerous things; like running outdated software. (I have applied this to arguments around defaults in cleaning in Ironic, too -- make people make the choice to be insecure) 19:29
knikollaSo we still need to iron out 1) creation process (opt-in vs manual), 2) sunsetting process (when do we delete unsupported branches) 3) what testing will they have. 19:29
dansmithI want it to be easy, but not invisible :)19:29
fungiwe might be able to make a generic checkout fallback workflow for integration testing if we switch the order of eol tagging so that it's 1. tag stable/foo branch as eol-foo, 2. abandon open changes and delete stable/foo branch, 3. create unsupported/foo branch when someone asks for it19:30
knikollaBut I'm really glad we all seem to be in consensus with regards to unsupported/*.19:30
gmannfor 3) I will say keep same policy of no complete testing requirement which also means anyone can maintain any level of testing19:30
fungibasically when testing for stable/foo or unsupported/foo changes, first check if the dependency has a stable/foo branch, then check if it has an unsupported/foo branch, then checkout the foo-eol tag if there is neither19:31
JayFknikolla: I like that it more clearly reflects the reality. I'm worried creating branches up front will be mostly-performative; but that's not a large concern for me since people will clearly know they are doing something scary :)19:31
gmann1) opt-in vs manual did not we agree on manual ?19:32
knikollagmann: I'm sorry, I meant opt-in vs automatic.19:32
gmannor my mind is already in sleep mode19:32
fungiknikolla: just for you, devil's advocate... the term "unsupported" could be vague since we technically disclaim support for all our software. "unmaintained" could be clearer?19:33
JayFthis is a shallow feeling, but unmaintained is a hard word to spell if you have to type it a lot19:33
fungihaving an "unsupported" branch reopens the "what do we mean by support?" discussion, since it implies there is a supported branch19:33
gmannknikolla: yeah I was in impressions that automatic transition after branch pass the 'maiontained'  state19:33
knikollafungi: I like the paradox in having a nova-unmaintained-main in Gerrit. 19:33
JayFdont-use-me-please-upgrade/antelope has a nice ring to it19:34
knikollaMy initial suggestion once was vendor-sandbox/19:34
JayFwe call our unofficial ironic unsupported driver repo 'ironic-staging-drivers'19:34
JayFnot the best name but I think we steered away from vendor because they weren't all vendors19:35
gmannstable/archive-train 19:35
dansmithyeah, don't use vendor19:35
dansmithand don't use anything with "stable" in the name, unless prefixed with "un" :)19:35
knikollasandbox though sends a signal of absolutely no testing, all goes. 19:35
* JayF == dansmith19:35
JayFI really like unsupported or (lesser) unmaintained19:35
JayFsomething that clearly has strong negative connotations19:35
JayFsandbox just doesn't sound like what this is at all19:35
dansmithsame, unmaintained feels harder to say and type to me19:36
knikollai'm fine with unsupported, since we call the stage before it as supported. 19:36
knikollaor do we not? 19:36
fungiwe do not19:36
dansmithfungi: stop it or I'm going to suggest fungis-cell-number/train :)19:36
fungiknikolla: https://releases.openstack.org/19:36
JayFjust sell the naming rights 19:36
knikollaah, it's maintained. 19:36
gmannyeah right 'Maintained' is the term we use19:37
fungiknikolla: hence why i suggested "unmaintained" but i agree that's harder to type19:37
JayFdead is probably too strong19:37
knikollafungi: the problem is we already have a meaning for unmaintained == EOL. 19:37
dansmithit's also not dead19:37
knikollaas the next phase after EM currently. 19:37
gmannbut it is clear to understand difference between our another terminology 'maintained'19:37
dansmithwhich is confusing, since it's next unmaintained, but actually EOL19:38
JayFIs there value in a world with unsupported/* branches, especially if they are opt-in-to-create, in having EOL?19:38
JayFbecause if not ... eol/train has a great ring to it19:38
JayFbut reusing that term is probably a nogo19:38
fungii wouldn't consider eol/train as a branch name to be off the table19:40
fungiit's also easy to type19:40
JayFhonestly it would have a nice symmetry19:41
JayFyou go master->stable/x->eol/x->x-eol tag19:41
dansmiththat seems very confusing to me19:41
dansmithI'd much prefer maintained->unmaintained->eol19:41
JayFyou konw what's interesting19:41
JayFwe have to make it automatic19:41
gmannbut branch is not *EOL* yet so eol/train is confusing19:41
JayFor we have to be able to zombie a branch19:41
dansmithgmann: right19:41
JayFwe either have to be willing to create a net-new unmaintained/ branch out of a -eol tag19:42
JayFor create them automatically19:42
JayFthat's a little gross19:42
fungistable/train -> eom/train -> train-eol19:42
JayFI guess it depends on what we'd mean by opt-in? Like project-level opt-in (but that seems counter to the goal)... any-human-who-wants-it opt-in would have to have a timebox19:42
gmann 'unmaintained' is easy to understand the state of branch consider our other term we use to support is 'maintained'19:42
JayFyeah, I think that's right19:43
JayFand hopefully I won't be typing it a lot 19:43
fungimaybe making it hard to type is a bonus ;)19:43
JayFI will say, we might wanna ask someone marketing-oriented from the foundation for naming ideas19:43
JayFthey might have ideas we wouldn't think of19:44
JayFI just dare anyone to say unmaintained/ussuri 10 times fast19:45
knikollawe could sell the naming rights, like a stadium. 19:45
knikollawin win19:45
JayFknikolla: you're just gunning for the massopencloud/train, I see it ;)19:46
knikollaugh, yeah, cause our github org is CCI-MOC which I hate typing. 19:46
knikollaI like how everything in open source eventually turns into a naming brainstorm19:49
JayFknikolla: made the observation today that both computing and childbearing both are rife with naming and off-by-one errors (oh no, twins?!)19:49
JayFknikolla: while discussing what folks had named their kids :D19:50
gmann"naming brainstorm in open source == headache" which I already started having :) 19:50
JayFI'm mostly just making jokes at this point, I think unmaintained has my vote of all the things presented19:51
gmannremembering the release naming days19:51
knikollait's good to unwind and have some fun every once in a while :) 19:51
gmannI am just saying. its good name suggestions though 19:52
knikollaoh oh oh, i got it. you have to play a game of wordle to find out the branch prefix. 19:52
fungii had sworn off participating in bikeshedding discussions, but i've clearly fallen off the wagon19:52
knikollait changes every day. 19:52

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