Wednesday, 2023-05-17

opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: Attempt at fixing broken docs
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gmannrest all doc links are ok but it seems we need to redirect this also to
gmannmain doc page link to and 40415:29
gmanntosky: can you please add sahara PTL in the sahara repo core groups
toskyuh, do I have the permission to do so as a core?15:34
clarkbthe groups should be self managed and when that is the case any group member can add and remove other groups members15:34
fungiyes, the expectation is that the outgoing ptl will add their incoming successor to the necessary groups (not just in gerrit but also possibly other places like launchpad). people who are involved with that project are suitable stand-ins to make it happen if the old ptl has flown the coop already. as a last resort, the tc can ask me or someone else with admin access to those platforms to15:38
fungiact on their behalf but we'd rather avoid that escalation path due to already limited time and resources15:38
gmanntosky: I think so, I saw your name there15:38
gmanntosky: as Jerry being solo maintainer in sahara, if you can add him all sahara repo then they can take care of next maintainers cleanup/addition etc15:39
toskyright, but I'm not the outgoing PTL :)15:59
toskythat's why I asked16:00
gmanntosky: it is ok as outgoing PTL is not active. you can add and reply on ML16:04
gmannin such case where there is no active maintainers left, TC take decision to add new PTL/maintainers in core group. for example mistral16:04
gmannAs Jerry volunteering to maintain Sahara we should assign them permissions to maintain it16:06
toskyis the sahara-release group relevant? It's the only one which seems useful and doesn't include other groups that I can't modify16:07
gmannyou mean you are not able to add in sahara-core,members16:09
gmannohk sahara-release does not have you,members16:10
toskyI can add to sahara-core, but sahara-release doesn't include sahara-core; it only lists Telles16:10
gmannwe can see that later16:10
gmanntosky: may be you can add in this too,members16:27
toskygmann: that's just for releasing sahara-tests, and as the group includes sahara-release I think it makes more sense to find a way to add a person to sahara-release directly16:32
gmanntosky: ok16:36
gmannmay be fungi or clarkb can help here, adding in sahara-release group16:37
clarkbgmann: I can do it16:41
fungiis the group still used in any acls?16:41
clarkboh good question16:41
clarkbgit grep says no16:41
fungigerrit is littered with abandoned groups (particularly -release and -drivers groups) which were dropped from acls when we implemented automated release management16:42
fungicleaning those up is doable, but would involve scripted queries and some manual effort we lack time for16:43
clarkband impact is minimal as long as they have no permissions16:43
fungiback in the olden days, i used to remove all members, set them owned by adminsitrators, rename them with a prefix and flag as hidden16:43
fungisince there wasn't actually a "delete group" function in gerrit (no idea if one has been added since)16:44
gmannohk, I see. strange that delete group is not there17:00
gmannanyways thanks for chekcing17:00
fungiit may be there these days, but also it would be a manual step or someone would need to write a pruner to find and clean up unused groups (which may be included in other groups and not mentioned in acls, so it's nontrivial to spider the network of them)17:10

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