Friday, 2023-03-24

tobias-urdini missed the discussion yesterday, but above got me a lot of insight i didn't think about, yay :) it's actually a lot harder than one might think07:18
tobias-urdinmnaser: yeah, i just want to make it perfectly clear that none of my statements was criticism towards any one effort and i actually encourage the diversity in efforts but was sad by the non existant collaboration on some really key future directions (my opinon)07:20
tobias-urdinwas you might know i've been a strong proponent for most of your ideas surrounding that area for, well, a long time now :)07:21
ralonsohgmann, hello! About the PyPi cleanup. I've sent several mails to the existing admins of the Neutron related repos. Some of them have replied and removed themselves. How should I report you the current status (apart from the etherpad)12:27
ralonsohshould I send you an email? I didn't receive any reply from some of the,12:27
mnasertobias-urdin: oh yeah, no worries, i know you're on the k8s side :D13:59
tobias-urdinmnaser: hehe :)14:13
gmannralonsoh: thanks for that. status in etherpad is enough. and any additional maintainers left and not responding, we will be discussing in PTG. as first round, try is to send them email and let them ack and remove themself. 16:51
gmannralonsoh: please add note in etherpad about repo/maintainers with no response. 16:51
ralonsohgmann, I'll do it16:53
gmannralonsoh: thanks again16:54
gmannTripleO leaderless things is also solved. James volunteer for that and moving it to DPL model so that we do not need to work on PTL process in every cycle. 17:55
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Migrate election tooling to release versions
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Update setup_election_config as per new TC charter
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Update package metadata and tox4 setup

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