Friday, 2023-01-06

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fungitc-members: reminder... the release team wanted to know this week whether adjutant and mistral (probably also zaqar per the discussion in here on sunday) will be sufficiently maintained through the 2023.1 release, or if they should be removed from the release14:41
fungicame up again in the release meeting just now14:42
gmannyeah, in discussion with elod. Adjutant is all good to make release soon and Mistral too hopefully but that need more discussion with release team on required things to consider mistral for release.  18:02
JayFfungi: gmann: I think part of fungi's question (or am I reading into it?) is about the ability for those projects to be maintained over the life of 2023.119:05
JayFhopefully someone has talked to the those folks about it being an 18 month committment?19:05
fungiwell, not really, but that's a good thing to consider as well19:05
JayFAck :) I wasn't sure exactly what was meant by "through the 2023.1 release" 19:06
fungiat the moment i'm mainly concerned with whether those projects will be able to produce a release in a few months19:06
JayFI guess you meant process, I was thinking "lifetime of the release" 19:06
gmannI am in discussion with both projects maintainer and they are working to make it active19:06
gmannbut we cannot take commitment for future right? not even for existing active projects we never know what all be active in next release or so 19:07
fungibecause we had an almost failure to release in zed with a project that needed release team members to step in and fix stuff which could have caused the release to be either incomplete or late otherwise19:07
gmannwe need to keep monitor it cycle by cy;le19:07
gmannMistral and Adjutant both gate are fixed and PTL/core are ready to make release19:07
JayFgmann: I am just thinking about maintained phase of release...
fungibasically what we don't want is for the release team to be on the hook to fix projects in order to prevent the release from happening19:08
JayFwhich implies at least to me that letting something in the integrated release is an implicit committment to take bugfixes for those 18 months19:08
JayFbut I don't mean to distract from the more immediate issue at hand of the mechanics of the initial release19:08
fungier, in order to prevent the release from not happening i mean19:08
gmannyeah if they are maintaining/following stable branch things19:08
gmannand it seems none of those are in following stable branch things, at least not in this list
JayFgmann: awesome; I was hunting for that. Thank you!19:09
gmannfor Zaqar, core team know about the issue but yes it is not fixed yet  they tried switching to different backend
gmannanyways I am in discussion with release team PTL to figure out the Mistral and Adjutant state before deadline.19:14
gmannhopefully both will be able to make release as per current progress but let's see19:15
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