Sunday, 2023-01-01

fungireported in #openstack-infra, testing for zaqar relies on mongodb installation from ubuntu packages, which aren't available in jammy so is breaking testing for projects which depend on zaqar now21:15
fungistill has a pipeline-level named queue in the .zuul.yaml file of its master branch, which hasn't been valid for a while. i expect it can't be included in the next coordinated release21:54
fungino changes have merged for it in ~3.5 months21:54
fungithis is apparently impacting integration testing for senlin, which is only barely in better shape21:55
gmannok, let's check with zaqar team/PTL. senlin has been merging incoming review but yes not much functionality change there22:01
*** JasonF is now known as JayF22:33

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