Wednesday, 2022-11-23

tonybI can't be at the TC meeting because it's at 3am, but I have added a follow-up item re:election to the Agenda.00:26
fungitonyb: the tc isn't meeting this week anyway00:26
fungicancelled due to likely lack of quorum00:27
tonybWell next week is soon enough :)00:27
fungibut yeah00:27
fungithere's also time to prod them between now and next week00:27
tonybThat's true.  The etherpad doesn't say exactly what we were going to chnage in the charter but I think it was basically extending the "election" by one week and also clarifying which part of the whole needs to happen in that timeframe00:29
tonybgmann: ^^00:29
gmanntonyb: yes, I will do it today. 00:31
gmanntonyb: btw we are tracking all those PTG things in this tracker, election things are one of it
tonybgmann: Okay00:33
gmanntonyb: added both of your patch in etherpad also for updates. let me push charter required change today00:35
tonybgmann: Thanks00:35
tonybgmann: I know I'm not on the TC but please poke me when it's up for review00:44
gmanntonyb: sure, do not worry, will add you in review. 00:45
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opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Update TC charter to extend election period
gmanntc-members: tonyb ^^ charter change for election nomination/voting period extension 03:38
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Update TC charter to extend election period
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Update TC charter to extend election period
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rosmaitagmann: around?16:03
gmannrosmaita: hi16:06
rosmaitagmann: just wondering if you had any comments on the latest version of the weblate proposal16:07
gmannrosmaita: I checked that, it looks good to me. no further comment from my side.16:08
rosmaitaok, i'd feel better if Ian or Seongsoo signed off on it16:09
rosmaitai guess i should just send them an email saying "please indicate approval" instead of asking for general comments16:10
gmannyeah, I hope they are reviewing it as you sent on email. 16:10
rosmaitaTheJulia: when do you need the final version of the weblate proposal?16:11
TheJuliarosmaita: early next week would be good16:12
TheJuliadrop dead will be around thursday16:12
gmannare we sending it to foundation in advance to board/board meeting ?16:12
rosmaitaTheJulia: that works, it should be ready by tuesday16:13
TheJuliawhich part of the foundation? I spoke with the staff, they are good with it being on the meeting16:13
gmannok, that is fine then to discuss it in meeting directly. 16:13
fungiyes, if you mean the foundation staff or foundation officers please be clear on that point16:14
gmannI was thinking if foundation staff wanted to have meeting with weblate in advance to board meeting to know more about contract cost/term etc16:14
gmannbut either if fine. just want to check they know about proposal 16:15
TheJuliafungi: officers16:15
fungijust making sure i know who to keep track of ;)16:16
TheJuliasorry for not being clear on that16:17
fungilots of people say "the foundation" and mean completely different groups of people when doing so16:17
fungiso it gets very confusing for me16:18
rosmaitai am guilty of that16:19
TheJuliaYeah, it is super easy since there is the staff, the board, the members classes16:20
TheJuliaand individual members16:20
fungiwell, individual members are one of the member classes (but so are platinum, gold, silver, associate...)16:23
fungiand all part of the foundation yes16:24
rosmaitaspeaking of member classes, the "Platinum Member Policy" mentions a "Platinum Member Agreement", but I can't find it ... where should I be looking?16:28
rosmaitaa google search for "openstack platinum member agreement" takes me back to
TheJuliarosmaita: That is the contract between the foundation and the platinum member16:29
TheJuliathe foundation as a legal entity16:30
rosmaitaoh, so it's specific to each member?16:30
TheJuliaI believe it can be, yes16:30
TheJuliait is not uncommon for additional items/controls to get added to contracts16:30
TheJuliaI'm just speaking generally, fwiw.16:31
TheJuliaOnly the staff officers would be aware and only details of such might come up in executive sessions if the board's oversight or agreement is required.16:32
fungiyeah, i'm asking them, but this is probably a bad week to expect prompt answers16:34
fungithe individual member agreement is published, but i agree i can't find a published generic/template platinum or gold agreement even though the platinum and gold policies refer to it16:34
rosmaitai was just curious, don't need a prompt answer16:34
gmannrosmaita: keystone service spec still not merged, need one more +2. I have been pinging keystone team/PTL on this in channel, meeting etc
gmannI will try it in next keystone meeting also16:48
rosmaitagmann: thanks!16:49
TheJuliafungi: afaik, they have never been posted, and I have gone on a similar hunt before as well :)16:53
fungii did get confirmation that there are templates which are not published, so sounds like they do vary somewhat by member based on what terms may be negotiated16:54
fungii can imagine there might be legal concerns with publishing the templates as that might incorrectly imply the members are bound to what's in the templates, but i'm no lawyer (nor do i wish to be)16:56
rosmaitai suspect that you are correct there (and IANAL also)16:56
fungii'll let you know what else i find out when one of the officers with some background on the reason (if there is one) gets back to me16:57
fungiokay, that was faster than anticipated. jonathan confirmed that's exactly why the templates are not published16:57
fungiand he *is* a lawyer (no idea if he wants to be though, the two can be distinct)16:58
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