Tuesday, 2022-10-25

*** dasm|off is now known as dasm|rover13:24
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Update CHAIR.rst for few updates  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/86263719:56
gmanntc-members: as discussed in PTG, I added the user survey questions to updates in this etherpad https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2023-user-survey-questions20:36
gmannplease review and feel free to rephrase those. 20:36
jungleboyjgmann ++20:37
gmannIn parallel, I will check with aprice if number of questions is ok or they are too many as there is some limit on number of questions per group.20:39
JayFProposed a question and a new answer 20:41
jungleboyjgmann: Good question.  Not sure if they have a limit or a target maximum number of questions.20:41
jungleboyjDon't want to have so much content that the users don't answer or participate.20:42
gmannyeah, checking with her in parallel. with those updates, we will have 8 questions from TC to ask20:43
gmannbased on the limit on number of questions, we can discuss and finalize those in Thursday weekly meeting20:45
gmanntc-members: created the poll for weekly meeting time, please respond. I am excluding Monday and Friday.  https://framadate.org/xR6HoeDpdXXfiueb21:50
gmannremember this week meeting will be on 15 UTC only21:51

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